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Realistic or Modern Turning Up the Heat

JD sighed heavily and gave a small nod "They're doing transfers....might move me two hours away." he explains not wanting to be that far away from her.

Max walked out with him afterwards and smiled softly "That was such a cute movie." she said throwing her trash away biting her lip before she leant up and kissed his cheek gently "Thank you for taking me out, I haven't been on a proper date since I got pregnant." she said giving a small laugh
She frowned some and rubbed at her face. “Oh... okay... uh... well talk when you get here Okay? Are they moving Jeff?” She asked him quietly over the phone still. “Scratch that. Talk when you get here Okay?” She murmured gently. “I’ll see you in a bit Okay?”

Clayton smiled some. “Well I was hoping that maybe I could change that... I’d like to see you again max.” He told her seriously. “I know you’re gonna be busy with this baby... that doesn’t bother me. If dates end up being that I come over to yours and we just hang out while we watch him then I’m okay with that.... I like you a lot.” He smiled at her.
JD nodded and gave a small smile "Yeah babe I'm on my way." he said happily before he hung up and made his way to her place. He knew Jeff would be staying there he only hoped he would be there as well.

Max smiled softly giving a small nod "I would like that a lot, I like you too Clayton." she said quietly taking his hand in hers "I just want to thank you for understanding about the baby."
She opened the door when he got there and threw her arms around him. “I don’t want you to go that far away.” She whimpered a little and buried her face into his shoulders. “I love you.” She told him.

Clayton smiled and opened her car door for her then got in on his side and started driving back to her place but taking his time.
JD held her close and gave a heavy sigh "I don't either babe, I'm going to try and stay I promise." he whispered kissing her cheek gently "I love you too." he murmured swaying with her a bit.

Max smiled softly and got in with him sighing happily "So um...I don't mean to be nosey and you don't have the answer but how is a guy like you single? You're so kind, and very easy on the eyes." she said softly biting her bottom lip
He frowned a little and sighed. “I was married. Straight outta high school, I lost her and our daughter in childbirth, she’d fallen down the stairs and I wasn’t at home.” He mumbled not about to lie to her. “But I don’t think you wanna hear anything else about it. That was a couple years ago now and I can’t bring them back.” He muttered.

Carmen sighed heavily and looked up at him, holding onto him tightly. “You hungry?” She asked him quietly. “Cause I could really use a Taco Bell right now and the dogs need walking anyway.” She mumbled going to get their leashes on and reached for his hand.
Max frowned and gave his hand a squeeze "Oh gosh....I'm so sorry Clayton, I didn't mean to pry." she said softly looking down a bit at her bump giving a soft sigh

JD chuckled and nodded happily "Mmm Taco Bell does sound good indeed." he murmured kissing her cheek grabbing the leash and taking one of her dogs.
She smiled a little and held his hand tightly while they walked, “where would they be sending you?” She asked him worriedly.

He took a deep breath and shook his head. “It’s okay. I can’t spend my life stuck in the past. I will always miss her of course but she’s gone and besides there’s another beautiful woman out there who I think might just need me as much as I need her.” He smiled at her some as he drove down her street “oh look there’s J and Carmen.” He pointed out to her.
Max blushed bright red and laughed softly "You are a charmer huh?" She said giving him a wide natural smile one she hadn't shown in a good long while.

JD frowned some "Small town called Rhinebeck, its about two hours away." He said softly rubbing her back gently "Im gonna do everything I can to to stay here."
She just frowned and slipped an arm around his waist while she walked. “Could you do long distance?” She asked him. That was what she was most scared of. That he wouldn’t want to do long distance and would just quit on the relationship.

Angel winked at her and smiled wide. “You got me.” He chuckled, parking at her place. “You hungry?” He asked hearing his tummy growling.
Max nodded softly "Yeah I guess popcorn didn't fill me up." She said with a small laugh looking over at him smiling happily

JD nodded and kissed her lovingly "For you, I'd do anything." He whispered cupping her cheek gently
She frowned and nodded. “The last thing I want is long distance but I’d rather that than lose you.” She murmured and rest her head against his shoulder as they started heading back.

He smiled and nodded. “What you hungry for?” He asked heading into her kitchen.
Max gave a small shrug laughing softly "Anything but chinese, he hates it." She said rubbing her bump and smiling as he kicked her gently "Looks like he is awake."

JD nodded softly and kissed her forehead "Then if we have to do it then we have to do it." He murmured
She just nodded and frowned. “You know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me except for Josh.” She murmured smiling up at him.

He nodded then raised an eyebrow. “Ooh So he likes Mexican food now or that’s srill off the table?” He asked her getting her to sit down
JD smiled softly and pushed some hair from her face placing it behind her ear "And you my dear are the best thing to ever happen to me." He whispered

Max gave a small laugh and shrugged "Not sure, he comes and goes. We can try it though." She said happily
She smiled and tilted her head pecking his cheek and held onto him still until they got back and she let the dogs off going to the kitchen to find the other two were back. “Hey! How’re you doing?” She asked going over to max and smiled rubbing her bump. “Hows my coolest nephew doing huh?” She smiled feeling the baby was kicking.

Clayton smiled some and shook his head whike
He got to cooking, glancing over at JD. “Hey dude, they confirm the move with you today or not?” He asked him.
Max smiled softly "Hey there, we're doing good, went and saw that pokemon movie." She murmured softly rubbing her bump in large soothing circles

JD shook his head leaning on the door frame in the kitchen "Nah, theyre still bouncing around names. Mine got thrown out for Rhinebeck though, not looking forward to it if it happens."
He frowned and made a bit of a face at him for it. “That’s a couple hours away.” He muttered. “How’d carmen take it?” He asked him and glanced over at max, smiling some at her.

Carmen nodded and sat down with a glass of wine. “The station is thinking about moving JD to Rhinebeck.” She mumbled frowning some.
JD sighed heavily "She isn't thrilled at all, didn't seem to possibly want to join me either. She wants long distance." He murmured giving a small sigh "I guess we aren't at the move in stage yet."

Max frowned softly "Oh no, thats a good little drive away. Beautiful town though, very peaceful." She murmured biting her lip gently "I remember Jeff and I went there for a weekend away." She explained quietly "Its a small town, lots of farmland."
Clayton shrugged a little. “Have you asked her to go with you?” He pointed out. “You know you’re my best friend J but... sometimes I wonder how you are a firefighter with how thick you are.” He chuckled and carried on making max some dinner.

Carmen shrugged a bit. “It’s just... it’s far away.” She mumbled tiredly and shrugged, finishing off her wine, going to sit with the dogs, feeling arms go around her as JD sat behind her, leaning back against him. @heh there handsome.” She murmured smiling
JD shook his head giving a small laugh "Yeah maybe I should ask." He murmured smiling some before he went to sit with Carmen kissing the side of her head

Max smiled softly at him and took the food "Oooooh thank you so much, it smells amazing." She said happily
She smiled a little and rest her head back against his shoulder, "You ready to face my parents again tonight?" She asked him quietly, "Then I promise you don't have to see them again their whole trip." She murmured, placing her hands over his.
JD gave a small nod "Yeah I'll be fine." He said happily kissing her gently "If I go....come with me, I want you to stay with me." He whispered
She smiled a little at him, sitting up again and turning to face him. "I... I love the sentiment baby I really really do but.... I couldn't leave this town. My whole life is here.... Josh is buried here, I couldn't leave him behind."

Clayton chucked everything in the oven and then went to sit with Max, pulling her feet up to rest on his lap, gently rubbing them, "What are you thinking about over here?" He asked her. It was strange, he felt like he'd known her all his life, being this comfortable around her. It was great to have that connection with someone.
JD gave a soft frown but nodded some "Oh...um okay." He said softly giving a soft sigh before he held her close and kissed her gently "I love you." He murmured

Max gave a soft smile feeling this overwhelming sense of comfort around him "Just thinking about him is all, nervous he will be here in such a short time." She said giving a small laugh "Im excited though as well."

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