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Realistic or Modern Turning Up the Heat

Carmen smiled and oressrd her face into his neck. “I love you.” She’s murmured gently, he wasn’t moving to rhinebeck now. At least not until the next move around.

Jeff was at the station when the call came through but the medics were already out on another call, he recognises the address and quickly got out to the second ambulance.
Max whimpered and tried her best to get to the door but soon she collapsed on the ground phone still at hand when she heard yelling come through when someone got through her door.

JD smiled softly and held her close to him "Mmm I love you too babe." He murmured kissing the top of her head gently. He was so happy to not be moving he really didnt want to leave her.
She smiled and rolled over to straddle his waist, holding his hands. “Remind me, what time do I have to get out of your T-shirt for your parents to get here?” She asked him biting on her lip. All she was wearing was his T-shirt and a thong. “I could always take it off now.”

Jeff got through and quickly radioed it in that he would be taking her straight to the county general, stabilising her as much as he could before getting her on a stretcher and taking her. He still loved her terribly and he still missed her like crazy, he never wanted kids but it didn’t mean that he wanted to lose her because of it.
Max came to and saw Jeff whimpering quietly "I'm not supposed to have him yet....he's early." She said quietly not knowimg JD hadn't told him she would be having a son. She thought he basically told Jeff everything.

JD groaned and gripped her hips licking his lips "Mmm around noon, but I am not objecting to you taking this off." He said running his hands up the shirt cupping her chest in his hands
Carmen frowned a little feeling his hands over where they’d given her a pacemaker just sighing heavily and shaking her head, rolling off of him, pecking his cheek and getting up. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” She mumbled. She was still embarrassed about it and she just wanted her life to be back to normal.

Jeff frowned some. “You’re gonna be okay.... it’s a boy?” He asked her quietly. “It’s gonna be okay max just stay calm for me okay?” He coaxed gently and drove her there, taking her inside and letting the doctors take over but choosing to stick around.
JD sighed softly and nodded a bit "Alroght babe." He murmured watching her leave. He had told her so many times he still thought she was gorgeous and the pacemaker didn't mean anything to him bit he knew she still didn't believe it.

Max whimpered as she sat in her room rubbing her now flattened stomach. She had gone into labor and they had to do an emergency c-section. She looked up as Jeffrey came into the room and took a deep breath before she burst into tears shaking her head some not understanding why he had stayed behimd but it was hurting her to see him and know he wasn't staying.
He frowned and went over to her hugging her tightly until she shoved him off. “I came in to keep you company. He’s doong okay, they think with a little luck he’s gonna be just fi-“ He was cut off when Clayton arrived and rushed in.

“Hey, hey I got here soon as I could, my phone died babe I’m so sorry, are you alright? Is he alright?” He asked her quickly and sat on the edge of the bed holding her close to him protectively and glaring over at Jeff.

She came back out and got dressed in his room once she was dried, deciding against makeup for the day just heading downstairs to see the dogs were still asleep in the kitchen, wandering over and stood behind JD, rubbing his shoulders. “You think they’ll be okay with me?” She mumbled
Max frowned and pushed Jeff away not wanting his comfort with everything he had done. She held onto Clayton though as he came in shaking her head some "I dont know..Jeff was saying they have hopes...oh god Clayton." She said before sobbing again scared to death about her son.

JD smiled some at her but it was very small "My mother will adore you, however I think you need to go to the hospital. Clayton just texted me and Max went into labor. Emergency C-Section." He explained
He frowned and just held her close carefully, kissing her head "Shh... Shh it's gonna be okay, you want me to go find out if he's okay?" He asked her quietly, rubbing her back and doing his best to soothe her.

Carmen tensed up a little and shook her head, "I can't.... I can't be there for that." She mumbled frowning. "If Clayton is there she has who she needs." She mumbled and moved to get some tea
Max nodded and looked directly at him "Yes please....please find out." She whimpered looking at him with begging eyes

JD gave a nod and kissed the top of her head "It'll be alright, I'm sure he is healthy." He murmured smiling a bit "So my mom will love you by the way, she'll try to feed you everything under the sun but she will love you."
"And your Dad?" She asked quietly, moving to sit on his lap, setting her mug of tea next to his coffee mug and rest back against him. "I don't mind being stuffed to the limit, then you can carry me everywhere." She giggled, teasing him.

He nodded and kissed her head, glaring at Jeff as he left, not knowing why the guy was still there, heading to the nurse's station and frowned, "Hey, I need to know what's going on about Max's son.... She had the emergency c-section late last night." He mumbled, frowning.

Jeff sighed a little and waited until Clayton left. "I'm sorry... For all of it. I still love you though Max, I just wish you hadn't kept the kid, I don't want kids but I never stopped wanting you." He tol dher quietly and left.
Max glared at him as he spoke shaking her head "Fuck you Jeffrey!" She screamed beforw she started to sob again curling up the best she could just wanting to know what was going on with her son

JD chuckled softly and kissed her cheek "He'll think you're great, I know he will love you too. He might be a little quiet at first but he will like you." He explained
She just nodded and slipped her arms around him gently, "I love you." She murmured, getting up to finish up her breakfast then got the leashes out, hearing the dogs come running to the door and she clipped them on, "I'll be back in a bit!" She called out to him, leaving his apartment and heading out for a walk with them.

Clayton came back and gently gathered her into his arm again, rocking her gently, "They won't tell me anything because I'm not technically family but she assured me that they're gonna come speak to you in a minute and as long as you're okay to go in a wheelchair, you can go see him." He murmured, kissing her head, "It's gonna be okay, I'm right here babe, I'm not going anywhere." He murmured
Max nodded softly and took deep breaths shaking her head softly "I dont want that guy in here again.....he's Jaxon's father." She softly having not told him who her son's father was before

JD smiled softly and said goodbye to her before he started to clean up and get ready for his parents to come
He just nodded and kissed her head, "It's okay, I'll make sure he doesn't come back okay? Hey look at me babe... It's gonna be okay, I'm sure of it, he's gonna be just fine." He murmured gently to her and kissed her head again, wiping her tears away.

Carmen got back a little later than planned, having stopped off by her house to check on how all the work was going, glad it would be finished real soon. But she was back now and she let the dogs off once they got inside, going to find JD in the kitchen, slipping her arms around him from behind and kissing his shoulder, "Hey... You need help with anything?" She asked seeing he was making lunch
Max nodded softly trying to keep herself together "I just want to hold him." She whispered looking at the nurse as she came in "Can you take me to see him? Please?" She asked

JD gave a soft smile as he felt her arms go around him "Hey beautiful everything good? You were gone for quite some time." He murmured softly
She nodded, yawning some. “Yeah I stopped by my house to see how it’s all going, they think they’ll be finished by next week.” She murmured and swayed with him s little. “You need help with any of this?” She asked him, going to sit on the kitchen counter.

“Ma’am we have to make sure that you are stable enough, your son is doing just fine but we can’t take any risks.” She explained
Max nodded softly taking a deep breath "He is okay though? Stable?" She asked wanting to know everything about her son and why he had been born so early.

JD nodded some smiling "Thats great to hear babe, yeah could you get the fruit out? My mom is a nut for fruit bowls." He said giving a laugh
She smiled and nodded going to sort it all out then sat back on top of the kitchen counter just wantching him. “Ugh look at you being hubby material right there.” She teased.

Clayton rubbed her back as the nurse sssure her that her son was doing okay and there was likely no reason for why he was born so early but from what had happened so far it seemed he would be just fine.
JD chuckled and stuck out his ass to her giving a small shake before he made his way to the trash can to throw his things away "I told you when we met I'm a great catch."

Max nodded and thanked her calming down imensely when she heard those words. She looked at Clayton and cuddled him close giving a soft sigh "As long as he is okay." She whispered
She laughed a bit and got down off the counter, going to freshen up a little so that she would be ready to meet his parents.

He smiled at her and kissed her head once the nurse jotted a couple things onto her chart. ‘Someone will be in to take you to see him in just a few minutes.” She assured her.
Max took a deep breath biting her lip gently "Where are his papers?" She asked Clayton frowning softly "I want to sign the birth certificate to give his name."

JD heard the door bell and gave a giant smile as he went over to let his parents in. He smiled widely and hugged them both before leading them into the kitchen smiling as he saw Carmen standing there "Mom, Dad, this is Carmen, Carmen these are my parents."
Clayton smiled and kissed her head. “Sweetheart calm down, the more worked up you get the longer it’s gonna take for them to take you to see him. They will sort your paperwork out once you’re not hopped up on painkillers.” He murmured holding her to him. “Just take it easy.” He murmured.

Carmen smiled and greeted them both then stood near JD again and went to get the dogs settle down into the utility room again before coming out and helping to set the table.
Max sat in thr NICU about an hour later holding her son's hand through the incubator letting a few tears fall "He is so small, I just want to hold him." She whispered

JD waved his parents goodbye as they made their way out and quickly moved to Carmen pulling her body into his "Mm now that they're gone I can have you all to myself." He murmured before he started placing kisses down her neck
Carmen frowned some and pulled away a little, "And when... were you planning to tell me that you're not moving to Rhinebeck... No you've filled out all the papers and you're going to Panorama City?" She muttered. Whilst him and his father had been doing dishes, she'd talked to his mom at length about what her plans were for her future when the topic came up.

Clayton frowned and kissed her head, "I know baby I know but you gotta be patient, he's gonna be just fine as long as you're patient." He promised her, holding her close gently.

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