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Realistic or Modern Turning Up the Heat

Max nodded softly giving a small smile "His name is Jaxon." She whispered watching her son closely

JD sighed heavily and rubbed the back of his neck as he pulled away from her a bit "I was going to tonight....its where they want me at and I can't loose my job babe."
She frowned more and grit her teeth, "Bullshit, it's miles outside of your station's jurisdiction. That's like going to Tampa from Orlando." She spat, "You didn't even talk to me about this. This is a lot more than a couple hours away." She muttered frowning.

Clayton nodded and kissed her head gently, trying desperately to stay awake and alert so he could stay there with her but he'd been up now for well over 18 hours and he was starting to lose his fight with sleep.
Max saq him and gave a soft smile "Come on, help me back to the room and we can get some sleep." She whispered kissong his cheek gently

JD sighed heavily and gave a small nod "I was hoping you'd come with me.." he murmured biting his lip hard.
He nodded and ran a hand through his hair getting up and pushing her back to her room helping her into bed and sat down in the chair again, leaning forward and resting his torso across her legs.

Carmen frowned and grit her teeth. “I can’t believe you JD.” She muttered. “Right now, I can’t answrr that. I’m going home.” She muttered taking the dogs to her car and driving them back to Max’s place without another word.
Max gave a soft smile and moved over so he had space "Lay with me." She whispered cuddling into him as he got into the bed with her

JD frowned and sighed heavily sittimg on the couch letting her leave knowing there was mo point in fighting
Carmen called him to meet her for some lunch the next day, sitting at the outdoor seating section for the restaurant waiting quietly for him and stressing.

Clayton woke up early in the morning heading over to her place and getting her bag of stuff for her then headed back to the hospital
Max woke up with a big yawn smiling as she saw Clayton come back into the room "Hey, where did you go?" She asked softly kissing him gently

JD met up with her and gave a small sigh as he sat down "Hey beautiful.." he murmured
He smiled tiredly and lifted the bag of stuff for her to see. “I got work in a few hours but I thought I’d come sit with you for now.” He mumbled. “You need painkillers or anything?”

She frowned a little and nodded. “Hey... I don’t have an answer for you. I don’t know if I will ever have an answer for you.” She muttered. “I’ve told you before my son is buried here, my friends are here my job is here.... and I love you JD I really do honey but I just don’t know wright now.” She mumbled.
Max smiled softly giving a nod "Alright, thank you so much." She said happily kissing him gently as he came over to her "I'm perfectly fine for right now."

JD frowned more and took a deep breath nodding some "Oh....right...well um, we can make this work. I'll come in on weekends, we can make it work." He said taking her hand in his hoping this wasnt the end for the two of them.
She bit down on her lip and just nodded. “I guess we will have to make it work for now until we can work something else out.” She mumbled.

Clayton nodded and smiled at her. “You know how beautiful you are?” He murmured to her, smiling
JD gave a small nod and sighed heavily "This won't be permanent, I promise." He murmured softly to her as he held her hand

Max blushed and gave him a smile "Oh hush you, you flatter me too much." She said softly
He smiled some and kissed her forehead. “Course I do. Gotta remind my woman how amazing she is every day.” He winked at her. “I love you.” He murmured
Max blushed deep red smiling happily at him "I love you too Clayton." She murmured before kissing him again. She chatted with him until he had to leave happier than the day before but her mood soon turned sour when she saw Jeff walk into the room in his regular clothes.
Carmen ate lunch with him quietly, still a little stressed out about him being so far away now but she would at least enjoy the time with him now as much as possible.

Jeff frowned seeing the expression on her face. “Oh I know that look... I just came to see how you were doing.” He mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets
Max frowned and glared at him still crossing her arms over her chest "Oh now you care so much about my well being? Where were you to care about it 7 months ago huh?!" She spat

JD held her hand in his feeling a little more relaxed knowing he wouldnt loose her but he still worried about how this distance would work out
He sighed heavily and frowned at her. “I cared about you. I always have. I made it clear from the start that I didn’t want kids and you expected me to jump for joy when you announced you were pregnant.” He muttered.

Once they finished up she went for a walk with him, staying quiet most of the way and just enjoying his company.
Max frowned more shaking her head some "Well I sure as hell thought you wouldnt tell me to go fucking get rid of him!" She spat taking in a deep breath "Get out Jeffrey...go away get out of my life, I am finally happy with a man who loves me and would never do something as low as you did, so leave because I no longer care anymore." She spat in a stern tone wanting him to know just how serious she was.
He just grit his teeth but nodded, not about to cause a scene in her room and left quietly.

-3 years-
Clayton got home after a 12 hour shift at the restaurant at 9pm, shuffling into the living room and tripping over a couple of Jaxons toys before falling onto the couch exhausted. It wasn’t long though before he heard Max and Jaxon coming downstairs and he immediately put his tiredness aside and stretched his arms out for the little boy, “hey buddy! You have a good bath with mommy?” He asked him cuddling him close and kissing his head. “Hey Mami, you have a good day too?” He asked, winking at her.

Carmen had been stuck in traffic on her way to see JD for 4 hours and so by the time she got to his place she was worn out and a little grumpy but it all disappeared when she got out the car and walked up to his door seeing him waiting on the porch with a beer in his hand for her. “Ugh. You have no idea how good this looks.” She smiled and reached out to him.
Max smiled softly watching as her son gave a small unemotional nod and pulled away moving to grab his toy train and play silently with it. She had found out about a year ago that Jaxon had autism and would most likely have some issues with attachments towards people and speaking. He knew a few words but for most of the time he was quiet and pointed at what he wanted. She was trying her best to help him though. She looked at Clayton with tired eyes having dealt with a giant tantrum from Jaxon earlier "Hey handsome, yeah...he had a bad tantrum earlier. The fire truck went by with the sirens and scared him." She said softly

JD shot his head up at the sound of her voice giving a wide smile not expecting her to be there "Hey beautiful!" He said happily getting up and pulling her close kissing her lovingly "What are you doing here?" He asked runnimg his hand through her hair. The distance had really been getting to him as of late, he missed her dearly and really wished that she would just move there with him or they'd move him back.
He nodded and pulled her into his arms as he stood up, kissing her head. “Well how about I get this one to bed and you go get yourself in our room and I’ll be right in there to help with whatever you need.” He murmured to her, swaying with her. He loved her more than anything and he loved Jaxon even when Jaxon wouldn’t even look at him. “I’m working another 12 hour tomorrow but then I got two full days with you both.” He smiled some at her and kissed her again then went over to Jaxon and started getting him settled so he could take him up to bed. Clayton had been stressed like no tomorrow as of late but he knew how much more difficult it was when it felt like she was the only one looking after Jax.

Carmen smiled and wrapped her arms around him tightly while the dogs lay down on the porch. “I thought I’d come surprise you but I was meant to be here by the time you got back from work. Traffic was really bad.” She smiled and kissed him gently. “I’ve missed you this week. So so so much.” She murmured swaying with him a little and stared up at him. “I’ve got a week off work so I’m here til then baby.” She murmured happily.
Max gave a small nod and made her way to their room getting dressed in his favorite set while she layed on the bed waiting for him. She gave a small smirk as he came in "Come here handsome." She murmured beckoning him over before kissing him lovingly and get him on the bed starting to massage his shoulders getting the knots out.

JD kissed her lovingly and smiled some "Mmmm god I've missed you too. Its been such a rough week." He said softly pressing her body to his letting his hands roam all over her body wanting her in his bed right now.
He grunted happily and smiled relaxing under her touch then rolled over and pulled her in close. “Can we put a rain check on this for tomorrow night? My shift starts at 6am tomorrow.” He mumbled to her and kissed her softly. “I do want to and I really don’t want to have to be an adult but we do need to be responsible.” He mumbled barely able to keep his eyes open, apologising to her over and over as he fell asleep next to her.

She smiled and kissed him back. “I love you.” She whispered swaying with him. “You wanna head inside?” She asked him quietly and tugged him up towards his bedroom giggling the whole way until she groaned in frustration as his phone went off.
Max gave a soft smile and nodded gently "No worries babe." She murmured kissing him lovingly before she moved to get dressed in pajamas and went to lay with him starting to fall asleep with him cuddling close.

JD chuckled and followed her inside groaning as his phone went off. He hoped it was only a small situation that he could miss but he frowned and quickly went to get his things when he heard them give the code for the worst type of fire.
Clayton was starting to make weird noises in his sleep before she got into bed and then they died down but then they started up again later on and around 2:30am he started seizing in his sleep.

Carmen sighed heavily and kissed his cheek on his way past. “Be sage for me okay?” She murmured then let him go quickly while she went to unpack her stuff into his room, heading downstairs and finding some snacks.
Max woke up hearing him yelling and quickly got up moving so he was in the okay position and let it pass through giving a heavy sigh. He had started having these a few months back and it worried her since they were becoming more frequent since his new hours.

JD sighed heavily and made his way to the firehouse going to get this fire taken care of so he could make it home to Carmen.

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