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Dice Trial By Fire - OOC

Psychie Psychie
Good point. I mean, I haven't felt too inclined towards social actions, given that I'm the Dawn, but looking at my character sheet again, I do see that Kuaidao has above average Charisma and Presence, as well as a Presence Excellency. So while he's no Bard, he's not entirely useless socially.
I don't know if it will work better to approach them as a united front, or just try a one-on-one with them.
I reckon we should send Bard in alone first, if the presence of multiple Anathema is more likely to unnerve the two. Then he can call in additional people as he sees fit.
Heya Sherwood Sherwood . You waiting for anything else from us, or have you just been preoccupied with other games/stuff?
Maja doesn't have anything significant to contribute to the persuasion attempt, so I'm just waiting for the next scene.
D. Rex D. Rex Psychie Psychie Random Word Random Word Sherwood Sherwood
With regard to the imps, I say we remove the binding, and see if Bard can convince them all to stick with us

Also everyone, I don't know if you all remember, but back in this post I proposed doing an Introduce Fact to give us an abandoned Realm fortress in the region where we could all stay. D. Rex did bring up the concern of not knowing where our enemy was going to come from, which I respect, but right now my instinct is to get us all a place to stay. We can find out more information later.
Spider is very much against the idea of keeping the imps bound against their will, and would either want to see them banished back to Malfias or serve willingly. That is my two cents worth.
Should we destroy the keystone now? Or should we give Bard an opportunity to talk to the imps beforehand?
I just went ahead and dropped 3 of my banked points into learning one dot of War. Soon, I will be invincible! Mwuhaha!
I had a brief glance through the posts from ages ago, and I think that Bard already made some kind of deal with the imps.
Sherwood Sherwood
Heya. Just letting you know I'm still following this - no way I'm going to simply ghost one of your games - but I might need a reminder; how many days have we spent/are we expected to spend on the ship? Was thinking that Kuaidao could use the time to try and build up some camaraderie towards the Celestials in Milo and Mahina - or at the very least remove some of the more negative Intimacies they have towards them - in order to put them more at ease and keep them on our side. Assuming of course that Melinda isn't going to do the same.

Another thing, seeing as you're also playing a Dawn General in Brave New World, and seem to have more experience with Exalted than I do, could you perhaps please give me some advice on Charms I could pick up for Kuaidao? I've currently got 45 exp and 12 Solar exp burning a hole in my metaphorical pocket.
Just remember that when you are spending your points, the Solar xp cannot be used on Charms, but can be spent on anything else you wish.
Sherwood Sherwood
Heya. Just letting you know I'm still following this - no way I'm going to simply ghost one of your games - but I might need a reminder; how many days have we spent/are we expected to spend on the ship? Was thinking that Kuaidao could use the time to try and build up some camaraderie towards the Celestials in Milo and Mahina - or at the very least remove some of the more negative Intimacies they have towards them - in order to put them more at ease and keep them on our side. Assuming of course that Melinda isn't going to do the same.

Another thing, seeing as you're also playing a Dawn General in Brave New World, and seem to have more experience with Exalted than I do, could you perhaps please give me some advice on Charms I could pick up for Kuaidao? I've currently got 45 exp and 12 Solar exp burning a hole in my metaphorical pocket.
Sorry I haven't posted to this earlier, but I've had family in town and with a couple of birthdays that were being celebrated on Monday, things have been busy.

The 'sailing' trip to your current position is three days, giving you some time to work on figuring out the inner workings of the minds of the two Dynasts.

As far as Charms go, what focus do you want to go with? A charismatic general with Presence and War Charms, or something else? IIRC you are all at Essence 2, so that opens up a bunch of new Charms to you.
No worries.

As for Charms, I'm largely thinking in terms of Melee and War ones (War being my Supernal), but I'll consider those in other abilities if you think they'll be useful. I think my goal from the start of this Chronicle was always to make Kuaidao the supreme commander of our military forces. I can always look through the player handbook, but was just wondering if there were any Charms you'd be confident about recommending to me.
Also, just to let everyone know, D. Rex sent me a PM that he's got a lot of crazy going on in Real Life for him right now, so while he's not dropping out, he is going to be fading back a bit until things do settle down for him.

I'm going to give everyone a little more time to post IC before moving on.
Also, just to let everyone know, D. Rex sent me a PM that he's got a lot of crazy going on in Real Life for him right now, so while he's not dropping out, he is going to be fading back a bit until things do settle down for him.

Dang. Best wishes D. Rex D. Rex , and I hope everything calms down enough for you soon.
As for Charms, I'm largely thinking in terms of Melee and War ones (War being my Supernal), but I'll consider those in other abilities if you think they'll be useful.

So with War it really comes down to a single question: Are you dipping your toe into War but ultimately relying on your personal combat ability to win the day, leading from the front with sword in hand, or are you leaning hard into War and expecting to roll Order actions every turn rather than personal Melee attacks (Asuna preferred to roll Order over Martial Arts, for example)?

If it's the former, pick up Tiger Warrior Training and General of the All-Seeing Sun and call it a day. You're done with War Charms. Change your Supernal to Melee. You really can't go wrong with Solar Melee Charms. They're almost all terrifying. If on the other hand you're here for the Order action and being an officer first and a soldier second, then you're just going straight for One with Five Forces, which is basically the entire point of Supernal War, and then Transcendent Warlord's Genius (Together they amount to: Hi, yes, I'd like to enact the stratagem list. Which one? No, you misunderstand me. The entire list. Just all of them at once. Actually, I think that list is too short. We'll have to invent some new ones.). March of the Returner is incredibly powerful if you're actually up against an opponent so strong they can win a battle against you despite everything else you're packing (It basically just says, "Hi, I see you defeated my entire army but oh would you look at that they're all back again and in good order."), but that's going to be exceedingly rare. Battle-Visionaries Foresight is almost entirely useless at face value (You're almost never going to lose the strategic manoeuvre roll by this point), but the final line is the entire point of the Charm as it's basically a giant "Fuck off" to every Chosen of Battles. Buy only if you expect to fight some seriously hax War magic.
Yeah, this nonsense is why we were panicking so much about Kandara. War heavy Solars are really scary. Supernal War is a bit disappointing simply because there are so few high Essence War Charms. There's only one E4 Charm in the supplement, none in the core book, and no E5. DBs and Lunars get E4 & 5 War Charms, so Supernal War basically guarantees you're going to want to write some custom Charms. Still, even with only the one E4 and the E3s it's very powerful.

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