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Fantasy Amaris's Academy for Magical Misfits- OOC

1. Silent brought to my attention that using Discord for ooc might be a little more efficient. I'm not going to make it a requirement, but I wanted to put it out there that it is an option if u want!
2. I need to know your guys hopes, expectations, and boundaries. I want to make sure every character gets a moment to shine, so if there's anything specific you want to happen you're welcome to post it (or message me if you want to surprise everyone else with it)! I also need to check everyone's boundaries within the story, and see if there's any sort of triggering topics I should avoid. For example, one of my hard boundaries with anyone I rp with is no explicit sexual content and that's final. I also don't do excessive violence and gore, and I don't do stories with themes of suicide. I just want to give a heads up that while I don't plan to be SUPER dark, some darker themes might come up and I am the type of writer that likes to traumatize characters for the sake of the plot, so if there's any kind of trauma that's off the table, let me know. Your well-being is very important to me.
3. I have MANY events planned, and I was wondering if you guys would like a list of some of the school's special events so you know what to get excited for, or should I let them come naturally? Things like dances, festivals, big sports games etc.
I unfortunately don't have discord, and usually stick to on site oocs

Tbh everything you listed, like no sexual content & suicidal themes are things that are a no-no for me, so I'm pretty much free to everything else on that end.

I think things coming naturally would be better, so we can find out as the characters do. Maybe it's mentioned during a morning announcement(assuming the school does those) telling students if a big event will be coming up, or something like flyers or posters put up around the school. Either way, I am looking forward to big events, always exciting!
We should be close to starting soon! Just waiting on Silent to post his characters (absolutely no pressure bro, take as much time as you need to make and develop your characters well ^^) and get some last connections figured out, and we should be good to go!

I'm so excited to do this with you guys and show off the story I've prepped and see where you guys take your characters and plot. But before we start I do want to ask just a few things!

1. Silent brought to my attention that using Discord for ooc might be a little more efficient. I'm not going to make it a requirement, but I wanted to put it out there that it is an option if u want!
2. I need to know your guys hopes, expectations, and boundaries. I want to make sure every character gets a moment to shine, so if there's anything specific you want to happen you're welcome to post it (or message me if you want to surprise everyone else with it)! I also need to check everyone's boundaries within the story, and see if there's any sort of triggering topics I should avoid. For example, one of my hard boundaries with anyone I rp with is no explicit sexual content and that's final. I also don't do excessive violence and gore, and I don't do stories with themes of suicide. I just want to give a heads up that while I don't plan to be SUPER dark, some darker themes might come up and I am the type of writer that likes to traumatize characters for the sake of the plot, so if there's any kind of trauma that's off the table, let me know. Your well-being is very important to me.
3. I have MANY events planned, and I was wondering if you guys would like a list of some of the school's special events so you know what to get excited for, or should I let them come naturally? Things like dances, festivals, big sports games etc.
i think events should come naturally. more as a suprise. also i LOVE making my characters sad and depressed so anything dark is welcomed by me with huge open arms. lol i have zero "happy"/normal ocs
forgot to say but I agree to the discord server being for occ. it helps with organization
1. I would love discord for ooc
2. Everything you listed basically, LMAO. But Im fine with a simple kiss on the lips, forehead or cheek and not more than that.
3. They should deffinately come naturally so it will be like a surprise.

Just To Notice: I start school on Jan 12th so my replies will be slow so yeah, :D
Ack I didn't see a whole page of replies to this thread... I should really get back into the action of checking it ever so often, but all that sounds good to me. Those are definitely appropriate limits, and as for the discord, I'm cool with whatever lol.
Well there you guys go! Those are my two characters. I'm up to any sort of interactions/relationships anyone's considering!
I think all of my ocs have their connections officially in order! Can't wait to see how everyone gets all linked up, just let me know when everyone is ready to go!
im basically ready owo I'd have to discuss character relationships during rp, makes it easier to see how things would play out and helps with the new kid perspective ;p
Im also basically ready too! (Btw, Im so sorry if my replies won't be frequent starting from 12th January. I'll start school and school is so stressful that in the night, I'll just fall on my bed and sleep.)
I'm also ready! Most relationships will be easier to find after seeing how some other interactions play out, so that'll be something I can wait for.
Awesome! Sorry for the late responses, went back up to college today.

I'm not really sure if I have a "set" order in mind, I think I'm just going to post a long intro thing to get the ball rolling, let you guys respond when you're around, and that'll be the order we rotate through. I say that if a full 24 hours go by without a response, then we skip them for the time being and move on for the sake of keeping the roleplay alive and let them jump back in if they come back. I'm not looking for super fast responses, it's ok if it's slow burn, just make sure you give your partners SOMETHING to work with.

I've never really done a roleplay on this site before, I like to use I think what's called literate/literature style?? But I'm also used to roleplaying on discord where we use tupperbox to make things a little clearer, idk. When I post my thing I'll do it in the style I'm used to, but you guys can respond with whatever format is most comfortable for you and maybe I can learn and adapt ^^

If you guys are all good to go, I think I'll get to work on that first post now! Thank you for being here, and thank you for helping this story come to life <3
I got my random inspiration for what to write at 5:44 am, lol. The best ones always hit late at night- so yeah, my first post is now out for y'all, I can't help but feel proud of this one compared to first posts I've done before XD
Now we just need Minteafresh Minteafresh , and we'll have our first cycle! That'll be the usual order, unless the next person takes over 24 hours, it'll just skip to the next person for the time being. Wonderful introductions everyone!
So sorry guys, I've been a lil out of it with irl things! But I'll def have my peeps up as quickly as possible (also I loved reading everyone's starters, you all write so good omg-)

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