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Dice Trial by Fire - Exalted 2e OOC

Also, it sounds like the time jump and town building idea is a 'go'. I will make up some info on your town and give you all some xp soon.
I think Lunars are awesome, too. Alchemichals are also high on my list of cool Exalt types. Never was able to wrap my head around the Fae or the Infernals (no offense, Thief of Words). But if you are planning a Lunar-based game, I would be interested.
Lol. I'll keep you in mind for that, too, Psy. Don't worry.

The town of Gwynnin
With a population of 4,500, it is also the home of two Outcaste Dragon-Blooded Exalts, a Wood Aspect named Apple, and a Fire Aspect named Ram. It is built in the southeast in the crook of two small rivers; the Raerwen and the Toraegil. This provides Gwynnin with access to the Grey River which connects out to the Yellow River that feeds out to the ocean. It is a walled city, with a small armed garrison of 250 standard troops and a militia of another 250 green troops. Its location is not that far from the city of Thorns (about 1,600 miles) and is about 500 miles due south of Denandsor, but the town is small enough that it is not a 'juicy' enough target for the Mask of Winters to attack, along with the fact that there are several targets between Gwynnin and Thorns.
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As far as posts of a more intimate nature, I also prefer the 'fade to black' method, just to make sure that there is no one getting offended by something in the game.

Raksi is literally designed to be up there with Lillun, Ma-Ha-Suchi, and the Underworld book in terms of squick factor and unpleasantness.
Raksi is literally designed to be up there with Lillun, Ma-Ha-Suchi, and the Underworld book in terms of squick factor and unpleasantness.
At this point, your group is far too low powered to be able to stand your ground either in mass combat or one-on-one. She will not be introduced unless someone seeks her out deliberately.
I liked Lunars for a time, but the more of 2E that dripped into my soul, the more they started to feel intended for squick for the sake of it.

Nah. 2E Lunars were an attempt to move beyond 1st ed "Might Morphin Furry Rangers , Ancient World Edition," organized in part by the person who set up the idea of Oversight for Sids and the Skullstone portion of the West in 2nd ed.
At this point, your group is far too low powered to be able to stand your ground either in mass combat or one-on-one. She will not be introduced unless someone seeks her out deliberately.
Fair. But you literally cannot run things with multiple Solars in her turf and not have her involved somehow.
Sure. But, at this point, everyone is keeping a somewhat low profile, and by the time that the Circle is ready to make some waves, you'll be higher in power and ability to be able to deal with her on a more equal basis instead of just being stomped on.
Nah. 2E Lunars were an attempt to move beyond 1st ed "Might Morphin Furry Rangers , Ancient World Edition," organized in part by the person who set up the idea of Oversight for Sids and the Skullstone portion of the West in 2nd ed.
I guess I can see that. It's just that the shift toward the Elder Lunars mostly running (in)breeding programs that knocked them off the favorite pedestal, though when your sample consists of Raksi and Maha-Suchi as the most prominent it kind of poisons the well. Due to our local group having worn themselves out of ever wanting to play them again before I joined, I essentially gave up hope of ever getting to play one in a meaningful capacity.

Edit: I'd be interested in playing a lunar in a majority lunar group for once though. If you decide to run it Sherwood Sherwood
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Sherwood Sherwood At the year-forward point in time we're jumping to, have we been in Gwynnin for a while or are we just reaching it now? Also, are the locations/info displayed on the city map actually existent or should we only treat the map as a base city outline and the inside of the city will be revealed as we progress/see it?

Also-also, I had some free time this morning and decided to play around with the map of Creation on Paint (don't care if its outdated, its the only editing software for me!). Is this roughly where you envision Gwynnin sitting, based on the miles you gave relative to Thorns and Denandsor?

Exalted Creation Southeast Gwynnin.png

* And in case I didn't make my stance clear (I never actually said it), if you do decide to move forward with you Lunar Fury game and have the space available, I'd be more than happy to fill a role there too! *
MasterDAF MasterDAF I understand. I still use software from 1999-2000s, Paint Shop Pro 7, as my choice kit. Though I also use regular paint and PowerPoint for specific purposes.

Speaking of, I need to do my own drawing for the character at this point. Sorey wasn't a good model for a wealthy desert going southerner, and Alibaba didn't fit quite as well either for my designs.
I use it for software documentation and occasionally mess with the shapes to generate heraldry symbols. My crowning achievement was a full character sheet form for Ex3, but I have a word doc for that now. Sadly it requires a specific font installed to use the word version as editable instead of printing a pdf version.
lol I just posted my interest check for Lunar Fury, so MasterDAF MasterDAF , consider yourself tagged in that. The placement of Gwynnin is exactly where I had wanted. Perfect. Considering that the Exalted year is longer than ours, you will have had about half a year in the town to establish yourselves and have Darian work her memory-changing Charm to tweak the thoughts of the locals to be more accepting of you.
I'll work on drawings and the character tonight, do you need any more information from us to setup this upcoming adventure?
Just a heads up, I will be making at least one more post at the tombs before jumping forward at all. Should have had it posted an hour ago, but I'm having fun fleshing out what Viktor is seeing/experiencing and can't stop typing. I apologize in advance for its length. ;)
Just uploaded my IC post, sorry again about the length!!

I don't usually have as much free time as I did today, and I kind of went wild with it...I'll try to avoid "novelizing" my posts in the future.
If that's how you wanna play it, go for it. It's good stuff. I usually don't get the urge as often due to certain boundaries I try and play within. In a game like this, I assume I can only really control the character's response to what has been presented, declaring action and intent over trying to assert facts, trying to avoid the risk of conflicting with GM/ST intent and assumptions... So, I hamstring myself probably more often than I should just to avoid nurturing rambly tendencies like I'm doing now. >_>

I probably should break out of the less is more box a bit for creative writing after having to condense so much of what I write to tailor it to coworkers in emails and technical writing for documentation. Anyhow, all that to say don't feel the need to apologize for getting excited about having fun in the game.

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