Trennace High: School for the Gifted

His chestplates grew back seconds after as he roared, "WHO ARE YOU?" His voice was deep in this form, his body still glowing. "TELL ME!" He roared again, clawing the dragon's face.
Goto stood a little farther away, like before black flames surround ed him as he called upon crow. Crow began to grow insize now mathing the dogs height. GGoto smiled toward Kanin as Kanin crossed her arms smirking."Mine is still stonger."
She saw that this one was immortal. "Impossible..!" Her voice sounded like a stone cold killer, but in a female version. All she did was flapping her wings, and flew into the forest.
He followed her, flapping his giant black, glowing bat wings. He caught up to her and pinned her to the dirt, showing off his white fangs. He growled low, "Tell me!" He repeated.
Winter stared at the two dragons battling, then turned her head to the twins with the giant dog and the crow who had somehow grown as bid as the dog... What was going on?! Was she the only one who didn't have some transforming animal?! All she could do was fly and make it cold.. Winter sighed. This school was so crazy.
Taylor has never been pinned by a male dragon before, and has never been treated this way. The symbols on the dragon's body were tinted with purple. "Leave me alone!" She screamed. She pushed the dragon off forcefully, him, slamming against a tree. "Most importantly, who are you?!"
Goto looked over toward winter, with a glare. HHis teeth showing a little. HHe closed his eyes as he reopend them moiton for her to come over. He needed to apologize , but that was only it, probably.
He felt no pain, so he took out his claw and bared it against her throat, backing her to a tree. "Timid! Now tell me who you are!" He roared greatly, his fangs bright.
'TIMID?' She became extyremely infuriated. She blew her shadowy breath, and threw him back. "Taylor..." She flew away, going back to her dorm room. She climbed through the window, and began to draw.
Winter was just watching the strange events unfold when Goto suddenly turned in her direction and glared at her, the slight gleam of teeth showing. She paled, flinching. Apparently he was still upset she told him off earlier... How did he even see her here?? She was about to fly off when he frowned and closed his eyes, then opened them and motioned her over. She hesitated. What did he want? Could it be to hurt her with the scary animals?! No... She had earned his sisters' respect, so she wouldn't let Goto hurt her... Right? Making up her mind, Winter descended from the tree before landing softly and folding in her wings. She walked over to where they were standing "Y-yes?" She muttered, looking down.
"Taylor?" His body glowed, taking him to his human form. He saw her fly off, so he followed, flying swiftly. He climbed into the window, seeing her drawing. "What the heck were you doing?!?!"
"Sleeping, until you showed up..." She muttered, but good thing she let it out tonight. Or, shell go on a very bad rage the next day. (MORNING TIME :D ) Taylor woke with frustration, and walked down the hall to her locker to find certain things she needed.
He hessitated a bit. The put his feet together and gave her a bow. " My apologies for my actions earlier." Kanin smiled as she gave winter a thumbs up, telling her everything was ok. goto wouldn't raise his head untill she had accepted his apology.
There was an extra 30min. today. "Nooooooooooooooooooo! I forgot we have that stupid 'Power Testing'. I'm screwed." She muttered, using the rest of her 30min. to draw herself in her human form.
Winter was confused again, why was he apologizing to her? He kept his head down, and Kanin gave her a thumbs up. What... Goto's head was still down. She realized that he was waiting for her to respond. "O-oh!" She stammered. "It's fine, though I'm not quite sure what it is that you're apologizing for... And I'm sorry for watching you and your..... Animals.... It was rude of me. If you want I'll just l-leave you to your business, then..." She finished, ducking her head. This situation is kinda awkward...
Taylor was kinda angry at Timid, for what he did last night wasn't a good idea. She continued to draw herself in a human form, and continuously thought of Timid. 'I hate you....' She muttered kinda sarcastically bu not so much.
He woke up, realizing that he had 15 minutes until classes. He put on decent clothes and went out into the hallway, taking his guitar with him. He played some songs, waiting for the 15 minutes to be done.
Taylor got dressed, went out into the hallway, and she gave Timid parylizing stare because of last night. She went back to her locker, and shuffled things around in tere.
Timid put his guitar back in the dorm, heading to his locker and getting out his spray paints. He ran outside, and for the time he had left, he sprayed the side of the school.
The bell rang loudly, and some kids rushed in other directions. She headed for the classroom, and it was filled with mostly weirder people than Taylor. Taylor sat in a seat at the back of the class, opened her book to an assigned page, and began to read.
He heard the bell ring from outside, so he walked into his classroom and saw Taylor in the back. He sat beside her, not knowing anyone else. He got out "Hunger Games" and started reading while waiting.
He lifted his head looking away as the crow messed with the dog." your fine.." He rubbed the back oh his head not knowing what to do. Kanin chuckeld as she smiled." He's goto and as you know im kanin."
"Seriously...?" She questioned. "The assigned pagesare on the board..." She pointed to the writing.

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