Trennace High: School for the Gifted

He looked at the writing, putting the book away. He did his work silently, not looking over at Taylor once. He was still pretty suprised.
Winter smiled a little awkwardly. "It's nice to know your names, I'm Winter." She said, bowing. "I'm sorry if we got off to a... Bad start.. But if you need a friend I'll be there." She paused. "But you two are twins and since you're probably so close you might not need friends..." She shook her head. "I'm sorry, that was rude. But if you need a friend. I'll be one." Winter looked away, blushing a little. You're so awkward with your words, of course they don't want to be friends! Don't be so weird...
"That's nice..." Taylor hated when her friends ditched her, and did something else with out her. Only if she had friends...
Kanin chuckeld as she shook her head. " being twins means nothing, sure were close to each other, but we need people other than ourselves." Goto nodded his head to kanin's remark as he pet crow on the bback. ( lol ill reply more tomorrow)))))
She felt much better hearing that. Scince now she's not the weirdest thing in the school. Though knowing that Timid could understand her, feels like she was never asfraid... But what is afraid, is she's afraid of herself.
Winter nodded. "Yes of course, I'm sorry saying that was rude..." She looked at the crow. When had it become small enough to fit on Goto's shoulder? Hmm... Strange how it could change shapes like that, but it was cool. She smiled politely at them. "Well I think I should go.. It's getting a bit late, and I should probably be getting some sleep, we has class tomorrow..." She trailed off. She bowed and turned to leave.

(Haha alright)
"Yeah." The bell rang for the Physics class. She walked out, and then walked into the classroom nextdoor. She sat back in the class, and pulled out her book.
He followed, having again the same classes. He sat in the front, beggining to draw on his arm in pen for no reason.
He drew a graffiti of his name on his arm, boredly. He sighed, wanting to get out of this school even though he just started.
The bell rang twice, for now it was for 'Power Testing'. "They're not gonna like me....." I mummbled, walking out to the gym room. Very few people showed up, only like 11 or 10. We all lined up, and there was a raised part of the gym, where you would stand to do your performance. I was at the end of the line. Some person was asked to go up, and he was some sort of pyromancer.
He walked to the gym, feeling ok. He didnt know what was coming. He sighed, standing in the middle of the line and waiting for his name to be called.
He heard his name and chills went down his spine suddenly. He walked up on the stage and immediently grew his wings. He decided to show off and his body sarted glowing. Immediently, he turned into a small dinosaur. Everyone gasped, then he turned back into a human.. He flew up and did twirls in the air.
( Twirls are for gay ppl!)

"Interesting..." She murmured quietly. Did seem a little graceful, until after a while, She was the last to be called. "Oh boy...." She said, walking up. Since everyone was staring, she couldn't help she but to think,'Control it....' She looked around, and slowly began to push it out of Her. Seconds later, she was a circling the the raised part, but then sat like a dog, wraping her tail around herself. She growled deeply, and kept her eyeon Timid, making sure he did not lunge after me.
Im not gay, im fabulous.))

He wished that Taylor was going to do a good job. When he saw her in that line, he could see in her eyes that she was nervous.
It was the end of the day, and Taylor retreated into her dorm. She put on some pajamas, and started to play her own music, and edit it. "Finally you're done!" She exclaimed, now uploading her new song. (Savant - Ba- Da Bing! [HQ]

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