Trennace High: School for the Gifted

'Every daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy?????' She became more happier by the second."Well.... Thank you...." She put on her headphones, and started to work on a new mix. She was almost done with it, all she had to do was name it. "How about.... Siren!" ( Dubstep - Savant Feat. NinUr - Siren)
"Hey, just uploaded a new one." She called. "It's named: Dubstep - Savant feat. NinUr - Siren. Check it."
"You know, legend has it, if the Demon Dragon does good deeds, it will become the Angel Dragon. Angel dragons are almost like birds. They have a tint of black at each end of her feathers. And on both wings, they have 5 long feathers, that are tinted with blue at the end. I'm hoping to become the Angel Dragon... Also known as the Light Dragon."
"I'd be in the sky by now, I'd be glowing with light...." All she wanted was the Light dragon, but it wouldn't come.
Winter decided not to wait for a response, and walked off to her dorm. It was a bit rude, but she was really tired after her first day... And she felt awkward keeping them from whatever it was that she interrupted.
Child's Name: Becky V. Waywide

Child's Age: 17(forever)

Child's Gender:female

Child's Abilities:shape shifter, when she is in another form she can use their abilities (ex. if she is a bird she is able to fly)

Child's Appearance:

Notes:She was cursed by a witch, after she was cursed her hair became red.The witch cursed her to be the same age forever and to be a shape shifter.She has no parents anymore and thinks she is a freak.
The next day Winter yawned, waking from her peaceful slumber. She groggily got out of bed and brushed her hair and teeth before changing into her uniform. She wondered if the teacher would be here today as she packed her bag, exiting her dorm to go to school.
(so whats been happening?)

As Becky got up from her uncomfortable tiny little bed wishing she could go do whatever she wanted , but she instead brushed her long red hair and her teeth. Got on her uniform and rushed out the door caring for nothing at all.
(omg i got finished reading all the freaken pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(soooooo soooooooooooo long ,but really cool and awesome)

Becky walked out and had no idea how she got there.So thought to go to the main office, but were was it?She needed help.But who would help a freak in the place were freaks go!!!Shes a totally freak.
Becky saw Winter go by not knowing anything about her asked"Hey ummm do you know where the main office is?"

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