Trennace High: School for the Gifted

He opened the room to his dorm, seeing Taylor already in. He got in his bed and puleld the covers over his head, sleeping.
Taylor climbed into her bed, and her video had already gotten 381 views. She slept happily, not that angry.
He awoke in the middle of the night, seeing Taylor was still sleeping. He carefully exited from the open window as the cold breeze touched his skin. He got in his chipped red Ford and drove on the highway. He just wanted to escape from these thoughts in his head.
He sighed, looking at the trees as he passed by. The next thing he knew, his forehead was slammed on the wheel and his car was burning. He heard screaming and gasps and cries as he started to black out. Everything was unseen.
She woke to a sudden burst of shadows. She felt as if something was wrong, and she got some quick clothes on, and dashed to the front of the school. "Where?" She yelled, until she saw smoke comming from beind trees, down the highway. "No..." She flew all the way over, and stopping at a highway. A burning car was there. She sniffed it, and it was Timid! She clawed the car's roof apart, and pulled him out. Taylor flew back to her dorm, and carried him through the window. She looked normal. "Timid!" She mummbled. Taylor got a wet paper towel, and cleaned the blood off of his head. "Why are you not healing?!" She yelled quietly, worried.
"Wake up!" She yelled louder, still wiping the blood off of his face. "Please....." She lay him down on the bed, and curled up in the corner of the room.
He was half awake, but didnt know what this feeling was. He felt like.. something stung and burned. Pain. He has never felt it in his life, and didnt know why he was feeling it now. What was going on?
She heard heavy breathing. "Timid?!" She scoffed, standing up, and seeing him breath. "Timid! I tought you... Died. What happened?"
"Oh thank the heavens!" She looked at him. "That's your blood.... You're bleeding. Everyone bleeds...." She took the cloth and scrubbed it off of his shirt. "There you go..."
"Hmmph." Now knowing that the moment of worry was over, she realized that she cared for him greatly. Instead, she got on her computer, and checked how many views she had. "OMG, 30,800 already?!" She exclaimed, slamming the desk. "Maan this is awesome!"
"Wait until tomarrow, it'll go 10x more...." She taunted. "So, what's up with your friend?" She asked, trying to start up a conversation.

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