Trennace High: School for the Gifted

He laughed, looking at her dancing. Timid had just finished his part of a mix today. He looked at his pillow, and decided to pick it up and throw it at Taylor. He chuckled, "Whats so good that you have to dance to it?"
She stopped the music. "You crazy?!" She scoffed, the reptile inside her growling lightly. "You wanna go?" She asked, a tiny bit mad and curious.
Winter frowned, the music had stopped and they looked like they were about to fight... But if she got up from where she was maybe they'd hear her if one had super-hearing and get mad. What to do? ​Well, at least no one knows I'm here yet... I think.
"Sure." He said, getting up and chuckling. "Whats so bad about what I said?" He cracked his back, running his fingers through his hair and putting his bangs in place.
"Pfff....." She started to give out a quick laugh. "Dude, bad idea. Besides, I don't want to wreck this place up. But if you reeeeeeeeeeaaaallllyyy think it's a good idea, then go fight someone else..." She muttered, sitting back dow, and grabbing her sketchbook.
His wings popped out of his back as he swayed them back and fourth. "Im immortal, I feel no pain, Taylor." He smirked, sitting back down. "I do want to hear that song you were listening to, thoough." He looked up at her, waiting for a reply.
Winter felt relief. They weren't going to fight... But would he leave? She slowly stood up, not making any noise. Phew, now she wouldn't get in trouble for eavesdropping...
"Because you were singing it, and it sounded cool." He cocked his head, looking at her ipod, then back at her. He chuckled, looking back at his laptop and making new mixes. (Virtual Riot)
"Fine..." She set up the Song "Boss Wave" And put it on the speakers, taking out her headphones.
He listened to the song. It put him in a weird 'gaming mode' as he called it. Timid got up and started dancing humerously, trying to make her laugh. He could dance well, but he loved to make people laugh.
"Tssh...." She chuckled, then realized it was 12:00. "I gotta go..." She grabbed a jacket, and opened the window. No one was outside. "Hmm..."
Winter was peeping out her dorm peephole as Taylor looked into the hall suspiciously. Whew, looks like she was just in time... With her dragon abilities she didn't want to piss her off!!
He sat back down and called Xev. "Hey." "Sup Timid." "Can you come to my dorm?" "Yea, what room?" "305." "I live right across." "Ok, come over then!" "FIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEE! Im bringing Mary." "No. No shes annoying. She is Justin Beaver Mayonaise." "Fine... im coming."
"Whoah....Hold up! Who's comming over?" She had no time, the symbols on her started to become little misty. "Listen, I have no time, just make sure whoever is comming over doesn't look in that drawer.." She pointed to one that was below her desk. "My drawings are in there..." She hopped out the window, and ran accross the field.
"OK, ill make sure he does look through it. BAIII!" He yelled, hearing Xev's footsteps coming over as he walked in.
As she neared the middle of the field, she began to transform into her reptillian self, and rored furiously. But this is the only way for her to sleep, and live her life.
Walking out into the field heading for the dorm she spots goto laying on the ground. She walked over patting his head as she chuckled. Goto opend his eyes and looked up at her, his smile faded as he gave her a smirk.
"Hey." Xev said, walking to the two beds. "I just need to pick upa few of my books here, I cant stay long. My girlfriend needs me." "Oh." "Yeah," Xev picked up his stuff, "Bye." "Bye." Timid waved as he walked out the door. He hopped out the window, seeing a dragon roaring. He ran out to the field, getting a closer look. THe dragon was giant, black, and looked like it was dangerous. He immediently got out his wings, covering them over his whole body and bending down to pretend like he was a big white boulder, nothing special.
Winter sighed, it was boring in here. She walked out of her dorm into a field. It was huge and although she saw a dragon somewhere and some other people spread in it, maybe they wouldn't notice her. She wanted to fly..
Taylor huffed, and huffed as she calmed herself when she layed. Her tail slapped the ground several times, but she closed her slit eyes to try and sleep.
Kanin sstood by her brother her hands out side by side. A circle of blue flames surrounded her as a roar could be heard from behind her. "I release thee from its cloack, reavle yourself to me, oh sacred god. Koro." Wind paast them, the blue flames disappearing as a the head of the sacred dog began to appear. Jusst takeing up half the field, its head was huge. The body soo ncame after now towering over the tow siblings, and half of the school. Now sitting up right it yawned as it laid its tail beside kanin.
His body glowed, transforming into another dragon with rainbow slit eyes (so manly xD ). He roared at the other dragon in his path, not knowing who it was. He spread his wings way out, his body glowing because he was immortal.
Winter gasped, nearly falling out of the air. A giant dog surrounded by blue flames was in the field!! How did that even happen. She flew into a tree, hiding from it. What did it want? Who brought it here?! It was terrifying...
Without thinking Taylor bursted awake with the Shadows surrounding her body, after they cleared, she found another dragon. She had growled deeply, and swung her claws at it, chipping the chesplates of the imposter.

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