Trennace High: School for the Gifted

I was drawn to the Shadowy radiance that Goto was possesing. I snapped back to reality. "Now's not the time... You guys just go back to class..... While I go into my dorm and be Freeeeeeeeeee!" I said sarcastically, backing up from the Shadows since I was drawn to them.
You should stop talking girl..just a word of adivce. Goto began to walk toward them smilng. Kanin sighed as she stood infront of the girl. "Koro." With a thump GGoto was in mid air. NOthing there he looked like he was flying. Swiftly he was taken away outside of the class. Kanin looked toward the girl and gave her aa smile. "your the first ive seen to stand up to Goto. You have my rrrrespect, the names kanin and you are"
Winter looked up. It was the dragon girl. "Oh, you really just go back to class too.. Please, all of you! This isn't alright.."

Winter was confused. So she yelled at Kanin's brother... And she earned Kanin's respect? "Um... T-than you I... Think?" I stammered. My courage was just about gone.
"Sorry, can't. Too much Shadowy radiation. Unless you want me to 'Unleash the Beast'!" I taunted. I loved my power, but sometimes it's very annoying.
"goto wil come bvack shortly. Koro is handiling him at the moment." She smiled at her , showing her sweet side. SSitting back down in her previous seat she waited for about five minutes. HHer legs crossed as she waited for koro to return goto((lol sorry my keyboard is weir, so when i type a certain letter it multiplies it.)
"Oh, well alright then..." Winter muttered, unsure. She didn't know if it was alright for the dragon girl to leave class, but if she couldn't go... And she didn't know who Koro was either, but she assumed it was the crow. Winter sighed and sat back down, hoping the teacher would return soon.

(See you later [MENTION=4678]TechnoDragon[/MENTION])
(Hi again!)

Winter sighed and opened her book once again. This was an odd day... She couldn't believe that she stood up to someone as scary as Goto. It made her heart freeze when she thought about how he glared at her. It was terrifying... How did she stand up to ​that?
Taylor finally got out of her dorm room, and walked back to class. She still felt the prescence of Shadows, but kept herself calm, instead of sucking the power out of each Darkling here.
Sukai looked up as someone entered the room again. Could it be Goto? No.. It was Taylor! But she had said that she wasn't able to come... Did she find a way to manage it? Apparently so... Sukai smiled at her as she entered.
"Hey..." She gave Her a quick glance then sat. She was ever-so miserable today, firstly raging on the field and burning the grass!
Winter glanced at the clock. Wow, this class was almost over... Yet the teacher still wasn't here. What a strange school... I sighed, returning to my book.
He let out a breath, making his way down the stale hallway with unoriginal red carpets. "Room 305... room 305.." He kept mummbling. He played with the small key in his hands a lady gave him. He looked to his right, seeing 304. "Ah!" He looked the other way. 305. He unlocked the door, opening it to see a small room with some items already in it. "Someone must've been here already," He figured, sitting on a wooden chair next to the table. He started to set up his stuff. Computers, clothes, supplies, and pillows. He got out his headphones, listening to dubstep as he looked around, seeing nobody. His pure, white, giant wings grew as he smirked. Its been a long time since he was alone, and especially since he put on his wings.
The bell had rang, time for sleeeeep..... "See ya..." She mumbled to herself and the rest of the class. She grabbed my bag, and walked to my dorm. She opened it up, and found a guy with giant Angel wings. "Dude, are you in the wrong place, or my roommate?" She asked
He immediently took the wings back in, pretending like he had never had him. He looked up to see a girl, yep. A girl. Ah great, He thought, im sharing a room with a girl. "Room 305." He said, jingling his small keys that had 305 peirced into them.
([MENTION=4701]RawrLulz[/MENTION]... You do realize you're bunking with a girl, right? I guess this school is co-Ed... Sounds like trouble xD )

Winter continued reading, wondering when the teacher would get here... Why was this school so strange? Hmm.. Maybe the other classes were like this as well? Hopefully not, it was strange...
"Nice..." She said sarcastically, then moving to her desk with two moniters on it. She put on her headphones, then listened to music
(Wow, my post was late -_- ")

Winter grabbed her key from her bag and walked towards her dorm. As she passed it, she saw a boy and the dragon girl arguing about something. Well then.. What could be happening?
He raised one of his eyebrows, "Sarcastic, eh?" He laughed, turning on his ipod and busting it all the way up so it can be heard from anyone around. Timid laid on his bed, getting comfy. He looked at the girl, "Im Timid. Isnt it kinda weird sharing a dorm with a guy?" He asked, cocking his head a bit.
"Mmmhm..... I hate how they make you bunk with guys. Stupidity...." She muttered. "I... Am Taylor." She was pausing alot since she was working on a certain mix. (BOSS WAVE) She stuck on her headphones, and began to listen to another song.
"Is that an insult?" He chuckled, getting up as his phone viberated. (Red: Timid/ Blue: Xev)

Heyo mayo

So now im mayonaise?

Yerp! xD

Lol, anyway, you need somethin?

Double date. You, me.

WTF im not gay man

EW NO! You with Izzy and I can be w/ Mary

Im making mixes tonite, too late


tomorrow, if im not busy. I have a whole bunch of classes...

He put down his ipod, getting out his laptop to make mixes. Timid started to mix his own song (Send me your love). He focused on it, not taking his eyes off it for a second. He got finished with a section of it, putting on the volume.
Although, she couldn't help it to just dance a little. She moved her arms to the beat, while listening to Boss Wave. This got her in a gaming mood. But her music album was Savant, she still made a song just for herself. "Bawss wave..." She sang.
Winter heard music from another room and opened her door. Where was it coming from? She loved techno music... Oh, room 305! As she swayed to the beat, Winter couldn't help but put her ear to the door and listen. Hopefully they wouldn't notice. That would be super awkward...

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