[Tremors] What it says on the tin

JayTee said:
Are we using the Firearms stuff from Shards? I've been having this urge to play a Solar Cowboy. :D
Negative, but... >.> <.< There is a solar crafter who looks to be aiming down that road. So, a more reasonable answer might be, not yet. (and as such the skill won't be seperate from archery)
I've no problem with that. IMO Archery and Firearms should have been the same skill anyway.

Also, what was the final verdict on my characters rewrite?
Incendius's Mamen had some shiny craftings too.

Huhh. Kunto has zero dots in Dodge but a Dodge DV of 7? I'm gonna check my sheet in Anathaema.
That's not too impossible let see if following scenario:

-Dexterity 5+Essence 5+Heartstone Bracer(3) = 13/2 = 6.5 = 7 (dodge dv is rounded up for exalts).
Scratch what I said before. Should he go with Archer...then more likely Pearl will end up being his own personal slice of Malfeas. So much ambition, so much pride, looks so much like a douchebag. How can she resist?
I've never played with Abyssals/Infernals, so Kunto's similarly in the dark. This is gonna be interesting to watch.
Indeed god-blooded but well, might as well ante-up a notch with exalted, Man Immortal Blade triumphant...is ridiculous. I had to pick it up.
Well, I genuinely hope I don't leave you prejudiced too horribly against them in the future. I kind of did end up with the sort of character least conducive to playing well with others in Pearl.
JayTee said:
Technically, Gilgamesh was a God-Blooded who wished he was a Solar.
No, he was a god-blooded who Exalted as a Solar. Able to crack the planet with a single attack should he so feel like it? Most powerful because he's the oldest surviving one? Air of entitlement and general assholery? Textbook high-essence Solar.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Well, I genuinely hope I don't leave you prejudiced too horribly against them in the future. I kind of did end up with the sort of character least conducive to playing well with others in Pearl.

No worries. Already got to see one side of her in Malfeas. Hopefully more facets get revealed as the game resumes.
Eh, I could never take Gilgamesh seriously as a character. His whole presence in the series was basically him running around saying "Look how much of a dick I am! Do you see me being a dick? Because I'm a dick! By the way, did I mention that I'm a massive dick?" So, he didn't have so much of a limit break as he did a regular ego complex.

Plus, we never really see him do anything without his artifacts. Which is why I'd peg him as a God-Blooded, or at best a Half-Caste, who happened upon a cache of First-Age weaponry.

But that's just me, so, meh.
Well the idea really, Gilgamesh is bored. So he actually always fight with a handicap because if he went all out, this isn't going to be a fun for him. Like as far as I remember the only time, he actually drew his blade to fight was against Rider(Alexander the Great) from Fate/Zero and even when he did...the fight was basically over after one hit.
I second the Solar thing, orichalcum artifacts all over, ego up the wazoo, complete detachment of humanity and incredibly powerful. Definitely a high essence solar in my book.
Well, I'm clearly in the minority of opinions regarding Gilgamesh, so I'll refrain from saying anything further as I'm not likely to change any minds. :P

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