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Fantasy Travelers of Eucla

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As their conversation continued, Ayola chuckled lightly. They interact and bicker like an old couple, it appears, the young Alchemist thought to herself, watching as Feevi apologized to Mira in quite an unapologetic manner. However the Sylph hybrid startled her when her next words were aimed at the cloaked redhead. "...What about you red head? You got a story you want to share?" Ayola hadn't been prepared to talk again, and her cheeks reddened slightly at the sudden attention. "U-um..." Ayola stammered and was about to answer Feevi when a rather boisterous gentleman came upon their small gathering.

"Why hello fellow Travelers! Have you all gathered the necessary supplies needed to begin our journey? Are you ready to soak your blades in the blood of adventure!? AHA!" The man spouted in excitement, his eyes glittering with joy and eagerness. It was positively amusing, especially with how he struck a pose afterwards and began...flexing? How funny...and he said fellow, so I assume he's traveling with Feevi and Mira, Ayola deduced, and was proven to be correct when Feevi sighed loudly and spoke to him. "Yes Gregor we're all ready to go. We've have a new partner by the way, you want to introduce yourself? I don't know how long we'll be traveling together so don't get too attached." Her behavior irked Ayola, but instead she remained silent and nodded when Feevi mentioned her. She turned to Gregor with her cheeks a rosy shade and almost jumped out of her skin when the man introduced himself.

"I am Gregor Hartway, Paladin of Zynjala, bringer of justice and thunder, at your service. If you have any need for both monster slaying and tasteful word play I am your man!" As he told Ayola who he was, she let out a small giggle, amused by his sense of humor. "And you are..." The brown-haired paladin trailed off to allow Ayola to introduce herself as well. Another had joined their ranks, a white-haired male who smiled warmly at all of them and waved, whom Ayola waved back to before shaking Gregor's extended hand gently and avoiding the sunlight.

"My name is Ayola Eutemia, and I am an Alchemist who works - er, worked - in the Great Bazaar here in Invarion. As for your question, Miss Feevi, my um...my parents have lived here their entire lives. My mother is a priestess of Lady Amalthia, while my father is one of the paladins of the city." Ayola decided to keep her history short and concise, since she didn't want to take up anyone's time. She didn't know how many people were in the group of Travelers nor how much of a hurry they were in, but she didn't want to risk holding them back nonetheless. However, to be more polite, Ayola pulled her hood down and ran a hand through her red hair, brushing through the knots with her fingers, before smiling at everyone present. "It's really wonderful to meet you all, and to be able to travel with you. The Travelers are a group under Lady Amalthia's command, yes? Is there any sort of initiation I must undergo?" Ayola asked the four of them, concern now displayed on the Alchemist's pale, freckled, face.


@Throne Trinity @Ensig @Void Elemental Character's Mood: Cheerful/Worried User's Mood: Irritated :U Location: Easter Gate Inventory: SAME

Lan's eyes widened, immediately sensing him tensing up after her prying question. Her mouth widened in an embarrassed grimace.

"I'm sorry, was that too much? I got a little carried away there." She looked up apologetically. "Tell me if I ever go over the line, Aram always told me my curiosity would kill me someday" She let out a chuckle, turning her attention towards her feet momentarily and clasping her fidgeting hands together in an attempt to make them stop...doing whatever they were doing.

She then noticed a little too late that he was standing there patiently for her, glancing over at the stall, she let out an awkward stammer.

"O-oh, were you waiting for me? I think I'm good on the bedrolls, I sleep on the ground anyways. Where were you planning on going next?"

Eldrich Morrow

- None

Bag of Holding (Large)
- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

- Bedroll (x3)

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

- Packs of Lumber (x9)


* = New

"Hoho." Chuckling softly, Eldrich turns his visor to face Lan before speaking up, his metallic voice resonating clearly despite the amount of noise coming from the crowd within the Bazaar.

"It's fine, Miss Lan. The question wasn't prying enough to warrant any worry on your end." With warmth in his words that would make one doubt that he was simply a cold set of armor, Eldrich patted Lan's shoulder lightly to reassure her before continuing, this time with a kind tone.

"My situation is... Odd, to say the least. Once we leave town, where there are less people, I'll explain properly, I assure you! Until then..." Eldrich turned his visor back to the stall with rations placed atop the counter -- mainly dried meats, vegetables, and other such long-lasting goods. "Shall we purchase some rations? Of course, non-preserved foods should be fine as well, so long as you plan on eating them within the day."

Eldrich motioned his helmet to a stall near the before-mentioned preserved-ration-stall; one with baked meats, kebabs, and what appeared to be some sort of fruit resting on top of several grills. Eldrich couldn't eat anything himself, but he had no doubt that it would smell delectable once they approached that stall, so he wouldn't mind making his way over there.

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Gregor's Inventory


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer Pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- 11X Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

Feevi Inventory


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- x3 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her father’s wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Feevi Hadish
Hearing Ayola say that her mother is a priestess and her father a Paladin, Feevi chuckles lightly to herself. She could sense the air of holy blood around the girl earlier but it was feint. This had confirmed her suspicion. She wouldn't have thought anything of it but if she were to be honest with herself, Feevi didn't really care much for organized religion and those who partook.

Her father had been a knight for the Lady Amalthia, almost a paladin at one point, so she was able to see what religion could do to people first hand. Although it had it's perks, the Sylph had witnessed it do more harm than good and because of this she had found herself silently resenting those who had set themselves down the holy path. Choosing a religious life style, from what Feevi had observed, tended to make people become high and mighty and made them think they were better then most. People like that really got on the rogues nerves.

Then again, not every religious person was bad. Like Gregor and her father. Feevi rather enjoyed their energy and genuine niceness, it was easy to see they were just kind souls. Their only motives seemed to be to help others, and Feevi respected both of them for that. Only time would tell if Ayola was the same way or one of the high and mighty preachy types.


Gregor Hartway
While shaking Ayola's hand Gregor seemed to absolutely burst with happiness. Because of this he didn't pick up on the woman's avoidance of the sunlight, and instead stared deep into her eyes. With an ever present smile, Gregor nodded and listened as the alchemist gave a brief explanation on her past. "Your dad is a paladin!? I'm a paladin! AHA! An honorable trade, being a paladin. Maybe one day I could meet him!" He says this more as a statement than a question.

"It's really wonderful to meet you all, and to be able to travel with you. The Travelers are a group under Lady Amalthia's command, yes? Is there any sort of initiation I must undergo?" The question was a simple one. Anyone could have answered it, but of course Gregor had to be the first to respond. "OHO! No initiation necessary my dear! All you've got to do is sign our contract! It's super magical, you'll love it. Any who, seeing as I like the cut of your gib..." The paladins hand darts into the bag at his side and withdraws the contract with blinding speed. He proceeds to kneel and bow his head, splaying the contract for the third time today. Whispering quietly to Ayola, Gregor informs her to the contracts magic. "Just speak your name and title and the contracts signs for you. It's super magical!" Gregor wait patiently for Ayola to react.

@Void Elemental




As Gil reached the gate, he smiled compassionately at his soon to be comrades, it appears that they all ready have learned quite much about one , the old priest thought, watching as the woman known as Feevi apologized to the mysterious looking Mira in a defiant like glare. Gil purposely interrupted the group with

"Bonjour fellow adventuring folk! I hear you all went and shopped for supplies without me woe is me who was left all alone and bitter yes it is such a tragic time of grief and sorrow such a thing should be repeated and sung throughout the lands in pity for me but I hope you all needn't wait for to long to begin our magnificent journey? Are you ready to grab life by the neck and strangle the adventure out of it,".

How funny he must look to the onlookers that stopped and started staring at the seen that was unfolding before their very eyes, His speech and behavior seemed to bewilder the paladin Gregor who he assumed had already made similar banter, but instead he remained cheery and bright eyed and sighed when no-one acknowledged him. He turned to Gregor and the others with his mouth a grin and almost stretched his face apart as he formally introduced himself to some newcomers he hadn't seen before.

I am Alcide Ermengildo De Gasperi, The worlds deadliest priest, at your service. If you have any need for confession or slaying any blasphemous bastards just speak and I'll help" As he told them who he saw a redheaded girl moving quickly he appeared next to her and spoke "And you are..." The White-haired cleric finished to allow to allow the young girl to introduce herself to him personally.


-Stock of blessed/holy items (vials, a single rosary string, herbs, a copy of the Bible, small candles), matches, a rather selective first aid kit, a short knife-saw and a small pack of dried food.

Bag of Holding (Large):

- Katana

- Wakizashi

GP: 2,000
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Ominous Night

The clanking of chains could be heard faintly when the black hooded anonymous figure inched his way sluggishly towards a moving carriage and stepped right in front of it, blocking its path.

With a sudden tug, the horses neighed in panic and stopped, the carriage was forced to came to a sudden halt by the anonymous man blocking the path. An angry looking old man soon rushed down the carriage along with a man with his spouse busily exchanging silent whispers as they scanned the black hooded figure up and down while their little young son trailing behind them. The family was presumably on their way travelling to the nearby village, following the small and narrow path through the wood leading to their destination. The area is usually quite deserted except for the occasional passing of travelers from far.

It was in the middle of the night, the surrounding was in a death silent as night descended. The sky was inky and gloomy, with only the faint silver moonlight seeped its way through the thick layer of canopy and painted a silvery film over the black figure which occasionally faded away along with the gentle movement of the thick foliage swaying in the chilly breeze of the ominous night. The faint rustling of tree leaves amid in the silent of the night like the sorrowful whispers of lost souls.

The long and black hood covering up the anonymous person completely, with his face covered up under the shade of the black hood as well. He stood there, with his legs rooted, his black hood swayed in unison with the gentle breeze.

The old coachman advanced, with his hunched back, he limped his way to the black hooded man, ready to show the man a piece of is mind.

"Hey you! What's all that for?! Are you out of your mind?!" The old man shouted at the man as he walked near the man, seething in anger.

The man stood there, petrified, there was no reaction from the man, except for the steady heavy breathing that slowly turned more audible and chaotic as the old man walked closer.

"What is your deal! You don't have anything better to do?! Stop wasting our time here! You better get out of my sight before you get your face flattened by my fist!"

The man shoulder was visibly heaving up and down from the heavy breathing, not giving a reply.

"Speak or leave! Or I am going to make you! "

The old man went for the black hood and pulled it down forcibly, revealing the crimson hair under the black hood and the reptilian-like amber eyes.

Startled, the black hooded man pushed the old man away and turned his head away swiftly, trying to shun away from the old man's gaze while letting out a furious roar of anger.

"U-Ucigas!!!" The old man's face instantly distorted in fear and desperately tried to crawl his way away from the monster standing in front of him even with a sprained leg from the forceful push and fainted not long after.

The family screamed frantically while the kid whined in panic for the unexpected turn of event, the family started to run off to the town.

The Ucigas turned to the escaping family, with a single leap, he launched his body into the mid-air, despite the shackles around his legs and hands, he was able to maneuver skillfully at ease, just like a skilled predator. He hoped on the father of the family and pinned his prey tightly against the ground, ready to slaughter his prey.

"Zal!!!" The call instantly pulled the Ucigas's attention away, he knows the voice very well, as expected, he turned his head and saw the Kirin standing behind him.

"No!!! Stop!!! Stop this nonsense right now!!! Zal... listen to me!" The Kirin took a step closer.

Zal retracted his shackled hand and moved away from the helpless man laying on the ground.

"P-please run...Run! Fast!!!" The Ucigas shouted at the man suddenly.

The man then dashed away and vanished along with his family in the darkness of the night as they made their escape.

Zal again turned his head to look at the Kirin before he ran off into the deep wood.

"Zal! Stop! Don't you dare running away from me this time!!!" The Kirin tried to catch up, but the attempt was futile.

"Zal......" The Kirin could do nothing but to watch him disappeared from his sight again just like that.
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Ayola glanced over at Feevi after sharing her short story and her eyebrows furrowed together slightly with worry. Did I say something wrong? Ayola thought to herself, but quickly turned her attention back to the cheerful paladin in front of her. He appeared to be bursting with joy and kept his gaze on hers, making it hard for her to look away. It both startled her and made her feel a bit flustered. She didn't normally pull her hood down, this being part of the reason. However, the paladin didn't leave much time for her to think after remarking on her father's position. "Your dad is a paladin!? I'm a paladin! AHA! An honorable trade, being a paladin. Maybe one day I could meet him!" Ayola broke eye contact with the paladin then, not sure how her father would feel about that. "Perhaps..." Ayola spoke softly before being interrupted by the talkative male.

"OHO! No initiation necessary my dear! All you've got to do is sign our contract! It's super magical, you'll love it. Any who, seeing as I like the cut of your gib..." The...what? The young alchemist's eyebrows furrowed together once more in slight confusion, but she remained startled when Gregor went down on one knee and brought forth a contract of sorts. "Just speak your name and title and the contracts signs for you. It's super magical!" Gregor exclaimed, in a whisper, looking as excited as he did friendly. With a chuckle, Ayola nodded and opened her mouth to speak.

"Ayola Eutemia. Alchemist." Ayola finished speaking and glanced at the others with a small grin, then jumped slightly when another person appeared and began addressing them. "I am Alcide Ermengildo De Gasperi, The worlds deadliest priest, at your service. If you have any need for confession or slaying any blasphemous bastards just speak and I'll help. And you are...?" The white-haired male directed the last phrase towards Ayola as he closed the distance between the two of them and looked at her expectantly. His closeness made her flinch, but she didn't move any more than that. "My name is Ayola. I'm going to be traveling with the group you're a part of. The Travelers. And I think we're stopping by a thieves' den of sorts." Ayola gave the man a sheepish smile before looking at the others. She agreed with Mira's opinion on what to do, but she had stated that before so saying anything more would be unnecessary. Instead, she stood beside the cleric and waited patiently, avoiding the sunlight.


@Throne Trinity @Ensig @Kenji Jensai Character's Mood: Surprised/Cheerful/Nervous User's Mood: Tired Location: Eastern Gate Inventory: Same

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Gregor's Inventory


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer Pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- 11X Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

Feevi Inventory


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- x3 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her father’s wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Feevi Hadish-Gregor Hartway
After everyone had finally gathered by the east gate, a small debate ensued as the Travelers discussed their next course of action. It was after some time that the group was able to convince a begrudging Feevi, to return as much of the supplies to the people of Invarion, to be redistributed to their rightful owners. Upon making this decision, the motley crew stepped outside of the city and waited expectantly for there carriage.

It was only a few moments before the sky was suddenly alight in a glorious blaze of holy fire. Like a meteor descending from the heavens, an object rocketed down towards the group. Before impact could be made though, the object stopped abruptly in front of the group. The flames had vanished, now revealing a spectacular two story carriage, made from steel and mythril. The positively giant fortress of a transport hummed with holy magic, creating a soothing sensation to those near it. At the front were a large number of mechanical horses, whose eyes blazed with a golden fire, and at the reins of these metal constructs was a dark skinned angle, with a well shined bald head. His toned and perfect body sat there lazily, with a humored grin blatantly showing. In an over the top flamboyant tone, Kern welcomes you, exchanges a few sassy remarks with Feevi and dishes out a few flirtatious words to Erin whom he calls "ears".

After most of the people clambered on to their holy transport, Gregor stayed behind (probably with the help of another) to talk to Kern momentarily to tell the angle their plan. With a chuckle and a wink, Kern promised to get you all to your destination.

With everyone on board and ready to go, the carriage took off, blazing across the ground with the guards trying to keep up but ultimately failing. During the trip, Gregor wrote in his notebook, practicing his letters and penmanship, while Feevi found a secluded room and aggressively (maybe a little to aggressively) sharpened her bow blade.

After several hours of travel, the carriage finds it's way to the spot the merchants had marked off on the map for you. Disembarking the vessel, Feevi stays quiet, but then smiles as she points out the smoke in the distance. Sure enough there is a column of black smoke rising to the heavens, about half a mile away and into the surrounding woodlands. Feevi assures you all it has to be campfire, seeing as the air is to humid and the trees to damp for burning. Plus most of the smoke seems to concentrated to be any sort of spreading threat.

"Alright, what now?" Feevi says this addressing the group. "We bring them Justice!" Gregor shouts as he rips the glaive from his back, positioning himself into an aggressive stance.​

@Ensig @Void Elemental @Anaxileah @Tunioga @Kenji Jensai

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After a long, and emotionally grueling trip, they've finally made it to where they believe the bandit camp to be located. Erin quickly hopped out of the caravan, happy to get away from Kern who had been calling him 'Ears' and making him embarrassed the whole trip, making him hide his ears in his hood, in hopes that it would stop the teasing and pet name.. it did not. Once Erin had dropped down, he stretched out his limbs that felt stiffened from sitting and reading for all but the entirety of the trip, it made him wish he had thought to bring a pack of cards.. note for the future.

Erin found his way to the side of Gregor, who he pretty much saw as the 'party leader' although he hadn't been officially voted as such (Erin would vote for him). He also found him to be the one he knew the most, and the one who had talked to him the most on the way over here.. except Kern.. who seemed to make it his goal to make him blush as many times as he could, which as it happened was a lot.
Eldrich Morrow

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

Bag of Holding (Large)
- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

- Bedroll (x3)

- Grilled Peaches (x1)*

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

- Pack of Lumber (x9)

- Rations (x10)*


* = New

After exploring the Marketplace for a while longer, Eldrich arrived at the Eastern Gate with Lan in tow after purchasing some spare Rations (and a set of grilled Peaches), a large Tarp, and a hand-full of Ember Stones. Once they arrived, a discussion about a nearby Bandit Group ensued, which Eldrich insisted they quash while they were along the way. While Eldrich didn't have any debts to repay to the people of Invarion, he and the rest of the Travelers were tasked with 'slaying the shadows' -- or in other words 'fend off evil'.

With Gregor and Mira being of similar opinions, his mood brightened when the rest of the group conceded on returning the goods to their rightful places using the Guards. While remaining in such a mood, the group left the town and saw what could only be called 'a star falling from the heavens'. Eldrich let out an audible "Ohhh..." at the spectacle, recognizing the energies released by the object as similar to Lady Amalthia herself. When the carriage 'landed', Eldrich chuckled a bit at some of the others' more... Unique reactions before staying behind with Gregor to explain the group's plan of action to Kern.

Once the plan was settled, he stepped within the first carriage he had rode in years, and sat within the main room of the first floor, taking his large Bag of Holding out of his large metal frame and taking a quick inventory of its contents while no one was around.

Once the group arrived (much sooner than he expected, heavenly carriage or not), Eldrich kept his Lance and Tower Shield out with him as he returned to Eucla's surface.

After noticing the smoke rising to the heavens from a short distance away, the wispish woman who had brought the choice of taking the Bandits' goods for themselves addressed the group as they readied themselves. In response...

"We bring them Justice!"

"Patience, Sir Hartway. We should send out scouts first, as to rescue any hostages they might have. After that... Was our plan not to persuade them to surrender?" Eldrich spoke, metallic in tone as always as he pointed at the Paladin's glaive and stance. If he had an expression to read, surely he would have a wry smile at the man's enthusiasm.

@Tunioga, @Throne Trinity

Mira Fanghearth

- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief

- Crescent Moon Necklace

- Leather Wrappings

- Bladed Piercing Knuckles (x2)

- Throwing Knives (x10)

- Smoke Bombs (x3)

- Tattered Thieves Coat

- Ring of Bargaining

- Tattered Leather Shorts

- Arcane Chains of Binding (x5)

- Flash Bombs (x2)

Bag of Holding
- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various)

- Bandage Strips (x10)

- Water Skin (Filled : Water) (x2)

- Bed Roll

- Ember Stones (x10)

- Deconstructing Knife (x3)

- Trap Disarming Tools (Various)

- Basic Quill Pen

- Flash Bombs (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

- Map of the Cave of Light (F1, F2, B1, B2)

- Rations (x5)

- Average Healing Potions (High Quality) (x2)

- Rope (60m)

- Purifier Stones (Water) (x10)

- Simple Parchment (x10)

- Ink Bottle (Filled : Black Ink) (x2)


* = New

Mira shrugged as Feevi apologized. She really didn't seem to know, and Mira didn't really have anything left to hide, so it really was of no consequence. Still, Mira welcomed the opportunity to remain quiet, and didn't speak up as the Sylph changed the target of conversation over to the Alchemist. Before the girl could mount a proper response, however...

"Why hello fellow Travelers! Have you all gathered the necessary supplies needed to begin our journey? Are you ready to soak your blades in the blood of adventure!? AHA!"

Feevi wasn't the only one to sigh at that display, with Mira making a semi-visible expression of shock combined with exasperation before recovering herself to her usual glare and leaning against the stone wall of the Eastern Gate. For the next several minutes, she remained in that posture, listening in on the conversations of her fellow Travelers, but never interjecting. She kept that stance until the subject of the Bandit extermination arose (again), which she participated in shortly using the ideas she had already presented prior.

Once the discussion concluded with the objective of 'Attempt to persuade the Bandits to surrender' and 'Return the goods to Invarion via the Guards', Mira moved alongside the rest of the group to the outside of the city... Only to see a star falling from the sky. Mira subconsciously hid herself behind the object (Eldrich) that would offer the most buffering room between what she expected would become a catastrophe and herself, only to scowl slightly when it turned out that it was all simply the dramatic entrance of an impregnable-looking fortress of a carriage and a dark-skinned angel.

Breathing a short sigh to reduce her irritation, Mira settled into a small balcony on the second floor, breathing in the cold wind as it blew past her.

When the group arrived at the location marked by the Merchants, Mira took her time looking over the scenery, eventually finding the trail of smoke -- undoubtedly from a campfire of some sort. When Feevi announced the smoke as evidence of a campfire, and therefor a likely marker for the Bandits, Mira nodded. She repeated her action once Eldrich mentioned sending scouts. She would, of course, be one of the 'scouts' mentioned, so she only needed to wait and see who else (if anyone) would be joining her.

@Throne Trinity
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no slide
Gregor's Inventory


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer Pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- 11X Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

Feevi Inventory


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- x3 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her father’s wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Feevi Hadish
At the mention of sending scouts, Feevi of course stepped forward. The woman took pride in her craft, and rightfully so. She was an excellent hunter and was good at sticking to the shadows of the woodlands, making her one of the best candidates for the job.

As the Sylph made a move closer to the woods surrounding the road, she nodded to Eldritch as if to say she was nominating herself to go before motioning for Mira to join her. Knowing that the lycanthrope was a thief, or at least had been one in the past, she figured the girl would also be adept in sneaking around. She the begins to walk into the woods.


Gregor Hartway
As Eldrich made mention of Gregor needing to be more patient and sending scouts, Gregor smiled at the living armor. "Of course! A brilliant idea Sir Morrow! I see you are not only a strong individual but a wise one to! I would have never known you to be a master tactician!" Gregor turns to say something to Mira and Feevi but then, upon noticing that the two seemed to have already made the decision for themselves says nothing, a very rare occurrence for the loud mouthed individual. In stead Gregor sits upon the ground indian style with his Glaive splayed across he legs.

It seems for a time that while he waits for the scouts to comeback Gregor will be meditating, but the promise of silence is broken when he opens his eyes and exclaims once again. "Aha! Erin! I just realized that you are a magic man! What kind of magic can you do my friend?" The Paladin sits on the ground looking at Erin expectantly.

From the carriage Kern sits upon the cabbies seat with one arm placed on the bracers and his head resting in his hand. He looks at Erin lazily and and in his ver effeminate tone agrees with Gregor. "Oh yes, please do tell Ears. What kind of magic can you do?" Both Paladin and Angle watch the half elf with eager anticipation.​

@Void Elemental @Ensig

no slide
Gregor's Inventory


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer Pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- 11X Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

Feevi Inventory


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- x3 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her father’s wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Feevi Hadish
After only a fifteen minute travel through the woods, Feevi finally found herself at the destination she was seeking. From the start Feevi darted from the shadows, tracking footprints and making sure not to leave ones of her own, doing her best to stealth to her destination. She had finally arrived at the skirts of what she assumed was the bandit encampment and began her search for senturies. She could hear calls and hollers, cheer and laughter.

Taking a brief peek from behind a tree Feevi was able to get a better look of the camp. There were several tents laid about around the edges, some of which were home to stacks of crates. In the center was a large bonfire with a group of men and woman surrounding it. All of them seemed to be celebrating something and were drinking large amounts of ale, some of them even dancing and playing music. The group of bandits seemed to be enjoying themselves quite a bit. All of them except for one figure. On one side of the campfire sat a large, hulking humanoid covered in a red cloak, obscuring all of his features. By his side was a large beast with the head of an owl and the body of a bear, both of them seemed to be staring off into space, not really caring to participate in the merry making. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_19-22-31.png.41668130d25c683c7d697ff40e384dd2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_19-22-31.png.41668130d25c683c7d697ff40e384dd2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Feevi continued to stalk around the camp before coming across a tent containing a cage with someone imprisoned. Making sure there were no guards stationed Feevi approached and called out to the occupants. "Hello?"

@Elizabeth Yuki



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