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Fantasy Travelers of Eucla

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Mira Fanghearth

- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief

- Crescent Moon Necklace

- Leather Wrappings

- Bladed Piercing Knuckles (x2)

- Throwing Knives (x10)

- Smoke Bombs (x3)

- Tattered Thieves Coat

- Ring of Bargaining

- Tattered Leather Shorts

- Arcane Chains of Binding (x5)

- Flash Bombs (x2)

Bag of Holding
- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various types and amounts)

- Bandage Strips (x10)

- Water Skin (Filled) (x2)

- Flash Bombs (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

- Rations (x5)

Mira returned to inspecting the restoratives in her hands as the Alchemist paced back and forth with what could only be called 'eccentric behavior', and simply replied with "Don't mind it." yet again when the girl apologized, and then simply waved off her thanks.

"Do you know of any ways in which I could go to Ras Dothore? Also, were you looking to buy anything?"

Turning her eyes back to the Alchemist, Mira simply stares for a moment before placing the two potions held in her hands onto the counter, followed by four others. In total, there were three Lesser Healing Potions and three Average Healing Potions -- all of which were of higher quality than the others at the Alchemist's stand.

"I do know... But information isn't cheap." Mira simply motioned to the potions on the counter before standing straight and crossing her arms. "So, how much?"

Revealing her desire in front of a customer was a grave mistake. Because of that, Mira had gained easy ground in the price negotiation; she had sealed the Alchemist's ability to recommend different Potions (one of lesser quality) by offering information, while at the same time forcing the price to be lower than normal if the Alchemist wanted her hands on said information.

Keeping her face calm and emotionless, Mira waited for the Alchemist's response.


Eldrich Morrow

- None

Bag of Holding (Large)
- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

As the woman expressed her surprise and embarrassment, Eldrich simply nodded while smiling wryly inside. Not every Deity decides to live among the Mortals, so it was nothing to be ashamed about. While thinking so, the woman continued.

"Oh! As for your my reason, well, I guess I'm looking for a better way to practice my craft, plus..."

Watching as the woman's facial features become visibly sharper, Eldrich shifts slightly under her gaze. He had felt this gaze before innumerable times... It was the gaze of a--

"I've heard she's got some armor enhancing expertise up her sleeve...Which! Reminds me, you have certainly got an incredible set right here sir. It's quite magnificent even from far away. Mind if I take a closer peek at it?"

-- Blacksmith. Letting out a short "Hoohh..." in admiration for the craftswoman who ventured out in order to hone her smithing, Eldrich chuckled softly before giving his reply.

"My, my. I'm receiving flattery left and right today... Please, go right ahead. But don't hit me without warning if you wish to test its defensive prowess." Eldrich gave a side glance to Gregor after saying so, and awaited the Blacksmith's appraisal.

@Throne Trinity @Tunioga
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After leaving one of the market stalls Erin had been browsing, he noticed many judging and fierce stares from people, a woman taking hold of her child to lead away from a group of people, shielding his curious eyes. Erin walked closer, with a piece of bread in his mouth. His smile grew as he saw this was his new adventuring buddies.

He quickly ripped the bread out of his mouth, and pushed his way into the outskirts of the group. He saw that they were in the middle of a conversation so he just kept his ridiculously excited grin and stood behind a strong looking girl, he assumed was a new part of the group. Erin ended up facing The giant armored man, with the small boy on his shoulders. *OH NO!* He thought to himself. *It must be a disability he has. How could I be so rude.* He looked intensely at the boy sized man, then slammed his fist into his hand. "Hmm that must be it." His face became immediately red as he realized he said it aloud. He quickly closed his eyes and rubbed the back of his head, in an embarrassed manor. Then squinted an eye open to see if anyone noticed his embarrassed outburst..

@Throne Trinity @Ensig @TheFlyingWriter @Tunioga
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no slide


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

GP: 982


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- 3X 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her fathers wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Gregor Hartway
Gregor laughed as Eldrich spoke about his armor, being modest by the Paladin's understanding. "HAHA! Nonsense, the armor you wear has the blessing of Amalthia upon it, I can sme-" Gregor was about to partake on a rant comparing the two armor sets and then comparing ones stature and soul to the armor they adorned, when a particularly sturdy woman cut in asking about Amalthia.

The Paladin found himself only half listening as he was incredibly focused on the woman's figure. Ninety percent tough stuff and 10 percent fluff and smiles. Just like him. Incredible! In fact he was so caught up in her build he didn't even notice Eldrich's comment referring to the hitting of his armor. Gregor was just to busy trying to figure out what this blacksmiths workout routine was. She said she was a blacksmith but could all of that raw muscle be due to hours spent over a forge? If so Gregor needed to get himself some smithing tools!

At that point he snaps back to reality, if only a little. From what Gregor had picked up on in the conversation, this woman had wanted to join the travelers but was late. And from what the Paladin had assessed from this girl she could make weapons, and she was ninety percent tough stuff. The perfect fit for an ally and a potential friend! Before giving her the chance to continue admiring his co-traveler's (and in Gregor's mind, new pal's) physique, the Paladin's hand shot into the bag of holding he carried, and pulled out the contract he had received from the Lady Amalthia herself.
"AHA! The contract! Tell me blacksmith, do you still wish to be part of the Travelers?" Gregor leans in with his last sentence, speaking in a hushed tone, before going back to shouting. "Of course you do! I can see it in your eyes! The spark of desire and the build of an adventurer, you nothing short of a perfect fit for the position. I can feel the heat radiating off of you, the fire inside your very soul rages like the forges of Nobur, ready to be released onto Eucla. I feel the world is to be your ore and it's up to you to smelt it and discover the gold bar underneath! Fit the mold, break it and then build an even better one and strive for that!" The Paladin gets down on one knee and bows his head in respect to the woman he has only met for a total of five minutes. His loud speech and peculiar performance had drawn a few eyes but not for long. "Tell me blacksmith, do wish to travel the world?" Gregor stares at Lan intently, his hazel eyes boring holes into the woman before him. He may not be the smartest person but in his own mind he knew an adventurer from a commoner. And Lan was no commoner. @Ensig @Kenji Jensai @TheFlyingWriter @Tunioga

Feevi Hadish
Watching as Mira tried to gain an upper-hand in bargaining with this poor shop keep, Feevi couldn't help but snicker a little, which for the most part sounded like a gust of wind when she was in mist form. She was half tempted to break up the current exchange and half tempted to just let it all unfold, but after several moments of careful consideration, decided on a third option.

See, Mira had decided to go for a short con. A simple one and done interaction. But what Feevi's fellow traveler hadn't considered was a possible long con. A higher risk higher reward type of game. Sure a discount on a few potions and remedies would be nice but, what if they could make some steady income on this prospect?

A strange translucent figure shimmered from nonexistence to material beingness behind Ayola and in a few seconds Feevi was visible behind the booth leaning up against a counter. Her general presence seemed to perk the plants up just a little as the close proximity to a relative of nature was restoring their energies. The Sylph wore a calm expression and the slightest hint's of a smirk on her face, her clothes and hair seemed to be tasseled by a nonexistent air as she stood there. "Oh cut it out Mira, no need to hassle the young lass." Feevi turned her attention from the rogue to the alchemist and extended a hand. "The name's Feevi Hadish, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Looking at Ayola expectantly, Feevi gives the alchemist a bright smile.

@Ensig @Anaxileah

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Mira Fanghearth

- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief

- Crescent Moon Necklace

- Leather Wrappings

- Bladed Piercing Knuckles (x2)

- Throwing Knives (x10)

- Smoke Bombs (x3)

- Tattered Thieves Coat

- Ring of Bargaining

- Tattered Leather Shorts

- Arcane Chains of Binding (x5)

- Flash Bombs (x2)

Bag of Holding
- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various types and amounts)

- Bandage Strips (x10)

- Water Skin (Filled) (x2)

- Flash Bombs (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

- Rations (x5)


Mira rubbed the bridge of her nose to keep her temper under control. The cause of her sudden anger was none other than the Sylph in front of her -- but it didn't have to do with her sudden appearance. Rather, it was the smug look on her face that pissed Mira off. It was a face she had seen fellow Thieves make many times before when they had "outwitted" someone... And in this case, that would mean Mira was "outwitted".

Mira could only place a guess as to why her "companion" had such an expression. Due to the fact that the Sylph had likely been watching the interaction (if she wasn't, then she was simply nosy which Mira hoped wasn't the case), it might have been something along the lines of "I want in on this", but that wouldn't explain her expression. No... Instead, she must have been thinking she could muscle in on the transaction and push it further.

Which would mean that the Sylph was simply oblivious, thus making Mira's anger escalate even further as her cold eyes settled on the wispy woman.

At face value, Mira's actions would make one believe she was cornering the Alchemist into giving a simple deal on Potions and nothing less... But it wasn't so. Mira would have no need for so many potions, given the fact that she'd simply be able to make do with one or two, then simply wait for night to pass for Lunar Regeneration to take effect. Discounts, too, weren't necessary, seeing as Mira was currently holding onto enough GP to live in the lap of luxary if she played her cards right.

Mira's actual plan was along the lines of:

Obtain Potions > Say she'll "Show" not "Tell" the information > Lead the Alchemist to the group (supposedly grouping up out of the Eastern Gate) > Obtain a new companion that could make Potions

The extra potions placed on the counter were to judge how much the Alchemist wanted to leave her business behind. If she readily gave them up, then it would mean she was prepared to put her current livelihood at stake for the chance to adventure -- which would make her ideal for the Travelers.

The purity of the potions were to test the Alchemist's skill, as not every Alchemist makes the wares they sell. The woman in front of her could be a simple shopkeeper with eccentric habits, after all. If she was an Alchemist, she'd know that the potions put in front of her were higher quality, and it would show on her reaction.

Thus, it could be said that when Mira said 'So, how much?' she was not only referring to the price of the Potions... She was also meaning how much resolve the Alchemist had to travel with the group.

But now...

"The name's Feevi Hadish, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"..." Mira breathed out a short, near-silent sigh as she watched the smiling woman in front of her. If anyone in the surroundings could read minds, they'd surely hear 'Damn Sylph...' being muttered from the humanoid Lycanthrope.

@Throne Trinity @Anaxileah
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Ayola blinked a couple times at the mysterious female standing in front of her. The redhead didn't have much experience when it came to people, nor negotiations for information - her customers were quick, in and out, taking the potions they needed and paying just what was on the bottle. Ayola raised an eyebrow at the female, then opened her mouth to speak. "Since I don't do negotiations, the price is always on the bottle. The potions you've chosen are quite valuable, if I do say so myself, since I'm the one who makes everything in my shop. But if you're willing to give me information, I'd give them to you for free, as well as from now on, if you'll have me." Ayola grinned innocently at the other woman, proud of her skill in making fine potions. She wanted the other female to allow Ayola to be her company wherever she was headed, and she had been thinking about leaving for a while.

Of course, everything was fine until a woman materialized out of nowhere, startling the hell out of the redheaded female Alchemist.
"Oh cut it out Mira, no need to hassle the young lass. The name's Feevi Hadish, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Ayola nearly jumped to the other side of the shop, shock clearly written on her face. She looked in between the two females, noticing that they knew one another. Except her mouth didn't seem to register that. "Y-you two...know each other...? Pleased to meet you, as well..." Ayola looked at the two, her heart rate much faster than it should have been. With a calming breath, Ayola composed herself and straightened her posture, then pursed her lips as she looked between the two of them.

"I'm assuming you two are traveling with one another. All I'm asking for is to go with you. I know how to make potions under most circumstances, and I understand the properties of plants, flowers, and fruits to a large extent. My mother claims I'm the best, but..." Ayola ran a hand through her red hair, lowering the hood to fix the red tangled mess. "I can treat wounds, fight at a distance, and create anything, if given the right ingredients. The potions that...Mira? Picked out were quite difficult to procure purely, but I'm capable of repeating the process with the right tools." Ayola looked between the two females, uncomfortable with the tense air.


@Ensig @Throne Trinity Character's Mood: Surprised/Confused User's Mood: READY TO RP Location: Shop Alchemist Place Thing Inventory: Same As Beforeeeee

OOC Note
I've been forgetting to put the Map of the Cave of Light in Mira's Bag og Holding up until now. Woops.

Mira Fanghearth

- Brown Bandanna of the Master Thief

- Crescent Moon Necklace

- Leather Wrappings

- Bladed Piercing Knuckles (x2)

- Throwing Knives (x10)

- Smoke Bombs (x3)

- Tattered Thieves Coat

- Ring of Bargaining

- Tattered Leather Shorts

- Arcane Chains of Binding (x5)

- Flash Bombs (x2)

Bag of Holding
- Smoke Bombs (x5)

- Paralysis Poison Med. (x5)

- Lock Picking Tools (Various Types and Amounts)

- Bandage Strips (x10)

- Water Skin (Filled) (x2)

- Bed Roll*

- Ember Stones (x10)*

- Deconstructing Knife (x3)*

- Trap Disarming Tools (Various Types and Amounts)*

- Basic Quill Pen (New)

- Flash Bombs (x5)

- Sleep Poison Med. (x5)

- Throwing Knives (x50)

- Map of the Cave of Light (F1, F2, B1, B2)

- Rations (x5)

- Average Healing Potions (High Quality) (x2)*

- Rope (60m)*

- Purifier Stones (Water) (x10)*

- Simple Parchment (x10)*

- Ink Bottle (Filled) (x2)*

2,134 → 1,785GP​

* = New

After breathing out a slight sigh once again, Mira released the bridge of her nose and faced the Alchemist with a neutral expression.

"Yeah. We've been dispatched by the Goddess." Mira pointed back to the cathedral in the distance with her thumb before continuing. "If you still want to come, then come. But you'll need to prepare quick."

Taking only two of the potions on the counter -- both Average Grade ones -- Mira took out what she estimated to be 100GP (and as a Thief, her estimation with money would be accurate) and placed them onto the counter before turning around and placing the potions into her Bag of Holding: a dark grey burlap sack with a string connecting both ends as a partial-backpack. Technically, 100GP was a higher price than necessary for the two potions... But the Alchemist would need to spend some GP of her own to prepare in case she really wanted to come. And she changed her mind, then it could simply be seen as a tip, and recognition of the Alchemist's skills.

After taking a couple of steps, Mira turned her head slightly and spoke again. "Gather near the Eastern Gate when you're done." Mira left towards the crowded portion of the Bazaar after relaying that message to both the Alchemist and the Sylph.

A Short Time Later

Once she was back into the thick of things, Mira decided to pick up the pace in her preparations, and honed in on anything else that she thought would be convenient, Ember Stones (a good substitute for Flint, although they're worn down faster), Purifier Stones (specialized for Water Purification), knives to use for dismantling any prey she finds along the journey, tools for writing notes (which were quite expensive), etc. She even found a shady-looking merchant selling tools used for thievery, making her wonder whether the man wanted to be arrested. The tools he was selling for trap-disarming worked well enough, however, so she purchased them from the man.

After slipping through the crowd, she even saw the rest of the Travelers talking in front of an increasingly-displeased looking Carpenter, whose items weren't properly being displayed with the huge knight blocking them from sight. She simply approached the group to hear one of the Travelers -- Erin, she thought his name was -- making a *pon* sound with his hand and muttering "Hmm that must be it." to himself off to the side of the group, before becoming as red as a tomato.

From behind she tapped him on the shoulder and, making sure she had his attention, spoke close enough to his ear that he'd feel her breath touch his cheek so she wouldn't be drowned out by the noise.

"Tell the group to meet up at the East Gate once they've finished their preparations." Mira spoke calmly, undisturbed by the surrounding chatter, her husky voice resounding without pause. "Also... Try to keep your thoughts in your head."

After patting him on the shoulder once again, Mira disappeared back into the crowd before hearing his response.
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Erin quickly realized someone HAD heard him as he felt a hand on his back, before a voice in his ear started to talk.

"Tell the group to meet up at the east gate once they've finished their preparations." "Also... try to keep your thoughts in your head."

Normally someone randomly coming up behind him would've scared the hell out of him, but the gentle hand that tapped his shoulder and the calm, almost entrancing voice she used quickly calmed his suspicions, although not his nerves as he jumped back slightly.

Erin turned to face the woman, thinking to find Mira, recognizing her voice from orientation (if you can call it that.) Although all he caught was the back of her, as she patted him on the back again, before quickly dispersing into the crowded bazaar. Her last words caught him off guard, but he quickly realized that she had brought no further attention to his accidental thought slip, so he was also relieved.

Erin turned back to the group, given that he now had an assignment, given to him by a VERR intimidating lady, so he was going to do it (or face her wrath). Erin wasn't used to speaking out, but assumed he would need to again in the future, so he gave his cheeks soft taps, to calm his nerves, then turned to the Paladin, Gregor, he believed it to be the leader of their little party. He tapped the paladin on the shoulder, and waited for his attention before speaking.

"Uhm, Gregor? Mira.. the.. acquirer of other people's items, told me that she will be waiting for us at the East gate when we're finished here." After finishing talking, Erin grabbed onto his scarf (like he usually does when he's nervous. It calms his unstable emotions to think of his parents out there somewhere.)
no slide


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

GP: 982


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- 3X 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her fathers wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Gregor Hartway
Hearing Erin speak up Gregor turned his head just a little, not bothering to get up from his kneeling position. He hadn't noticed the half elf until now but immediately recognized him from the ceremony from earlier. "Ah of course! The carriage! We'll head of as soon as we are ready! Aha!" Gregor shouts enthusiastically, not being able to hold in his excitement. He draws a few more sideways glances from the shoppers and merchants but pays no mind the their watchful gazes.

@Ensig @Kenji Jensai @TheFlyingWriter @Void Elemental @Tunioga

Feevi Hadish
Feevi found herself frowning a little. Mira had seen right through her and quickly diffused her plan. Oh well. She was hoping to make some steady coin flow off this alchemist but she guessed having someone with her... particular set of skills would be useful too. Although she still liked her own plan better.

Seeing the Lycanthrope wander off, leaving The Sylph with the red head, a slight grin crossed Feevi's face. Turning to face the girl, the ranger's eyes twinkled a little. "Tell me, you say you have experience at long distance fighting, what do you use? Composite bow? Or maybe a short bow? You look like a short bow type of gal." As she spoke, Feevi absentmindedly picked up a one of the potted plants and blew some air onto it. The plants stem seemed to thicken, if only a little, while the leaves turned a brighter shade of green. Breathing in the Sylph's air, her being a creature of nature, the plant seemed to gain an empowering essence. Putting down the plant again, Feevi took a sharp inhale. Being part elemental, being around nature was rather invigorating. Living in this city for most of her life, Feevi was particular fond of the Grand Bazaar because of all the exotic plants. Plus she didn't mind showing off her heritage a little.

@Ensig @Anaxileah

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Lan clasped her hands together excitedly, practically glowing from excitement "Oho, I'll be careful not to try anything too risky here." She swiftly pulled off her right glove and carefully placed her hand on one of the torso plates. Her hand was thick and calloused from many years of work, and yet her fingers skated across the armor with a precise delicacy. The carvings were very worn, sometimes indecipherable, yet in their prime must have been strikingly intricate. The armor itself seemed to have seen many years, yet she felt an intense energy thrumming underneath it that seemed much younger. "A heartbeat within the armor.." she said to herself in a trance. It was as if the metal itself had a life, something she had never felt before. "I had my inclinations, but they were nothing compared what I'm feeling now....You sir, are something incredible" She turned her face up to smile fiercely at the armored giant, her eyes steady and intense.

"Oh!" She snapped back, trance broken. "I totally forgot to introduce myself, I'm Lan! Blacksmith if you haven't noticed already. I've also been neglecting your partners here as well!" She nodded at the group who had gathered around Eldrich, particularly the armored turquoise man with the pleasant face "Don't think I didn't notice that magnificent set you have there."

@Ensig @Throne Trinity
OOC Note
Sorry for limited posting; school isn't out for me yet =P Soon though!! ^^;
Weathered Knapsack

-Blood Filled Vial (x2)

-Empty Vial (x1)

-Bound Journal (x1)

-Dagger (x2)

GP: 2,000

Edwin watched the event unfolding before him with little interest, though he noted the approach of several persons and their conversation(s). He pretended not to hear the one person... Gil, or something, he recalled. Instead, he shrunk down, pretending to be shy of all the newcomers. He even pulled his legs close (well, as close as he could get them), flinching away when the blacksmith woman touched Eldrich's armor.

Keeping one ear on the conversations surrounding him, he decided actually scanning the shops wouldn't be a bad idea. Granted, it wasn't like he was going to be able to buy blood from anyone for feeding, or something else to sustain himself, but that was beside the point. He figured he'd make do with something; animal's blood was subpar, and didn't sustain him long, but it was still something. And any other blood he gathered he would simply ration. He'd done it before, and while it wasn't the ideal situation, he could live with it.

The apparent boy rubbed his cheek, and flinched subtly as he was reminded of his metaphorically on fire skin. Reaching back, he pulled a hood over his head, and let the cool embrace of shade fall across his profile. He silently reveled in the relief, then tried to refocus on his current task.

He contemplated buying something simple, like a toy or something else to let himself look occupied while people were discussing things. He'd found that people often ignored an occupied child, and that gave him all the more opportunity to eavesdrop on conversations. Unfortunately, his last toy, a stuffed horse or something, had been taken when he'd been brought here.

Edwin tapped on the back of Eldrich's helmet, and spoke, making sure to keep it at a quiet, nervous whisper. "Um... can I go over and look for something?" he asked, pointing vaguely at one of the shops. "I'll be really fast, I promise!" He fidgeted atop the living armor, like he was anxiously waiting for a response.

OOC Note
I couldn't help myself. With what, you ask? You'll see.

Eldrich Morrow

- None

Bag of Holding (Large)
- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

2,000GP → 1,900GP

It had been a while since Eldrich had entered the town, around 4 years or so, with the last visit only being to return a lost child. That being the case, naturally, it had been just as long since he had seen a Blacksmith. It couldn't be helped given the populace's perspective of him, but still, he missed the way Blacksmiths treated him. Rather than a wild beast, they looked upon him as something... More. They were the only ones (other than the Goddess he served or rarities) who treated him human without exception -- even after knowing the truth behind his curse.

Relishing the moments the woman in front of him slid her hand across his chestplate, he watched as she glided over the carvings as though they were fine pieces of art, mumbling something to herself as she did so. After a small while she rested her hand and looked up at Eldrich. "I had my inclinations, but they were nothing compared what I'm feeling now....You sir, are something incredible." To that, Eldrich could only raise a hand to his chest over where his heart would be, and bowed slightly to the woman.

"Thank you."

Although the emotion within his words weren't transferred well as it reflected against his empty shell of a body, the emotions -- the sadness, fear, and loneliness that had gathered within him throughout the years slightly chipped away as his words left his helmet.

To Eldrich, Blacksmiths were wonderful people indeed.

Brushing away the melancholic feelings reverberating within his chest, Eldrich nodded his head towards Lan's introduction before giving his own with a slightly-less emotion filled bow. "I am Eldrich Morrow. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

After doing so, Eldrich felt a slight tapping on his helmet and turned slightly towards Edwin, who had been sitting up there all along. The child pointed towards one of the stalls nearby and, with a quiet voice, spoke. "Um... can I go over and look for something?"

Eldrich tilted his head in confusion to why a child would need to go to a stall filled with a jewelry shop... Or perhaps he was pointing to the salesman who had nut-like objects lined up in a row? There were big ones, small ones, and some as big as his head-- "I'll be really fast, I promise!" Edwin interrupted Eldrich's thoughts with a slightly pleading voice, forcing Eldrich to make his answer.

"Father Gasperi." Eldrich reached behind his head and scooped up the child, placing him next to the Priest gently. "Escort young Edwin, will you? He found something that caught his eye, and I have yet to buy my supplies."

Edwin had sounded like he wanted to move to the stalls alone, but... In the Bazaar at this hour, that was unacceptable. Therefor, the best action would be to have an escort, which Eldrich would be, but time was of the essence. Besides, who better to guide a young child than a Priest? Most Priests were good with children, after all.

Thinking so, Eldrich turned to the carpenter and quickly asked "Do you have any spare lumber, by chance?" which the salesman responded to by eagerly throwing wood in his direction. Eldrich wasn't daft enough to think that he was simply being generous, so he quickly picked up the still-increasing pile of wood and placed them within his armor (where his Bag of Holding was located) before turning to Lan, Gregor, and Erin.

"Shall we continue our conversation on the move?" Eldrich felt a small *pan* on his head as another piece of firewood was flung at him, which leaded in him reaching into his armor and withdrawing 100GP for the man, which seemed to pacify the Carpenter, as nothing else was thrown afterwards.

@Tunioga @Throne Trinity @Void Elemental @Kenji Jensai @TheFlyingWriter
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Erin's attention was taken by the small.. Edwin, climbing off of Eldrich, looking excited about something, but before he could run off, got picked up by Eldrich, and placed by the priest. The scene was adorable, making Erin smile underneath his scarf. Then as his new giant companion walked off to the carpenter's and asked politely for wood, the carpenter threw some at him, in a un-conventional and honestly rude manor, then as he turned around to leave, he threw one at the back of his head. The scene made Erin's heart drop painfully, at the sight.

Erin got mad at the Carpenter for being so rude, *I mean who is he-* then calmed himself, feeling heat in his fingertips. He knew that if he allowed himself to get worked up he'd end up setting fire to the man's stand, and even if he WAS a jerk.. So instead Erin decided the best thing was to just move on, but not before trying to comfort him, if he even needed it.

Erin looked sympathetic, towards his new companion Eldrich. He walked up to him, and softly touched him on the arm.. plate, and said softly. "I'm ready to go, but are you alright? I mean that looked painful.. you know.. if you feel pain.. NOT THAT YOU SHOULDN'T!" Erin began to panic, realizing that he could be unintentionally saying rude things. "B-but, you know, with all that armor.. sorry..." Erin covered his reddened face with his scarf once again, and looked at the ground, then looked back at the large man, ready to follow him onward.

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Eldrich Morrow

- None

Bag of Holding (Large)
- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

- Packs of Lumber (x9)


"I'm ready to go, but are you alright? I mean that looked painful.. you know.. if you feel pain.. NOT THAT YOU SHOULDN'T! B-but, you know, with all that armor.. sorry..."

Eldrich watched the Half-Elf in front of him redden and hide his face for a couple of seconds before he mentally closed his eyes and gave out a short chuckle. He then proceeded to offer a slight head nod and speak in a calm, sturdy voice. "It's quite alright, Sir Erin. Things like chunks of wood are of no harm to me. Besides..." Pausing for a moment, Eldrich let out a dry laugh. "I am the one at fault, obscuring the civilians' views of this man's works, big as I am."

@Void Elemental
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Erin smiled at the Metal man. Knowing that he was okay with what had transpired was enough for him.

Then he quickly realized what he had said..wait.. Sir Erin? Did he think I was? No.. that's silly... Erin's mind raced with images of himself in a suit, riding a horse, wielding a lance. He quickly shook it off at the ridiculous notion, he just assumed it was some nicety on Eldrich's part.

Erin started shuffling around in his bag, making sure he had everything he needed before they went forward. He was both excited and nervous, this being his very first "real" quest, and with others. He wanted to make a good impression, to show them that he could be an asset, and a good ally. After he finished taking stock of his bag, he quickly re fixed his gaze onto Eldrich, and the rest of his companions, ready to head out alongside them whenever they decided to move out.




Ayola let out the breath she had been holding and grinned sheepishly at the two females, nodding in thanks to Mira. "Thank you for presenting this opportunity to me." She spoke softly, then watched as the white-haired female nodded and grabbed two potions, paying the appropriate amount for the healing tonics. Ayola smiled at her and thanked her once more, before taking the GP and putting them in her satchel. She then turned toward the one who identified herself as Feevi after nodding to Mira's command, "Gather near the Eastern Gate when you're done."

Feevi began speaking with the Alchemist shortly after Mira left, startling Ayola slightly.
"Tell me, you say you have experience at long distance fighting, what do you use? Composite bow? Or maybe a short bow? You look like a short bow type of gal." Ayola blinked a couple times, trying to formulate her response. She wasn't too comfortable with a stranger standing behind her counter, but she couldn't really do anything about it. Ayola pulled the bow out from where it rested along her back. "This is my bow." Ayola displayed the bow to the second mysterious female she had met that day, an eyebrow raised slightly. As Ayola spoke to Feevi, the female did something strange.

Feevi blew onto one of Ayola's plants, strengthening it and causing it to thicken, straighten, and look better than it had before. The female was as pale as Ayola, and had light hair similar to Mira's, along with some light blue swirls along her back. Her effect on the plant caused both of Ayola's red-orange eyebrows to go up, and she couldn't help but ask,
"Are you an elemental of some sort?" She questioned, letting her curiosity get the best of her. Once she realized she had asked something not too polite, she clapped a hand to her mouth and muttered through it, "Sorry..." After apologizing, Ayola placed her bow down and looked back at her home, which was a couple feet away. "I need to go grab some things before leaving, so...I'll see you at the Eastern Gate?" Ayola asked Feevi, giving the woman whom she still did not trust a worried look.


@Throne Trinity Character's Mood: Grateful/Nervous User's Mood: Tired Now Location: Shop Thingamajigger Inventory: Same shit as beforeeee

no slide


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

GP: 982


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- 3X 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her fathers wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Feevi Hadish
Feevi found herself chuckling a little as the alchemist, Ayola, displayed her bow. The Sylph had been right on the money. Indeed it had been a short bow, and a well crafted one at that. But her chuckling only escalated when Ayola seemed to think of herself as rude after asking Feevi if she were an elemental. After the girl had apologized, Feevi waved a hand in the air as if she could dispel the word. "No need to be sorry, it was a perfectly fine question. But no I am not an elemental... or at least not completely. I'm a Sylph, half human half wind elemental." She smiled warmly at the girl, hoping she would think nothing of it, before nodding in response to her last question. The Sylph gave a sly wink to the girl before vaulting the counter and wandering off in the same direction after Mira.

@Ensig @Anaxileah

Weathered Knapsack

-Blood Filled Vial (x2)

-Empty Vial (x1)

-Bound Journal (x1)

-Dagger (x2)

GP: 2,000

Eldrich gently retrieved the vampire boy from his shoulders, and much to the latter's chagrin, placed him beside the priest-looking man, who had called Edwin out earlier (albeit subtly). Granted, Eldrich either hadn't heard, was an idiot, or had had something distract him immediately afterwards. As much as Edwin wanted to say Eldrich was an idiot, that hadn't proved to be the case just yet, so he settled on the last possibility.

Nevertheless, regardless of his earlier luck, Edwin now found himself accompanied by the current holder of his least liked person. Not that he really liked anyone, to be perfectly honest, but even still this priest guy, 'Gil', or whatever, was somehow the least liked anyway.

Without a word to his new bodyguard, the small form moved into the crowds towards one of the shops. Ideally, he would have liked to lose Gil in the mob, but he somehow had a feeling that plan wouldn't work out so easily. It was obvious that Gil wasn't a normal person, whether that was because of his priest-iness (which, as you could guess, Edwin had no experience or knowledge of) or race. He had seen right through his innocent kid ruse, or so he seemed to. Then again, it could have been referring to his eleven-year-old form. Perhaps it was odd to carry a child so old on one's shoulders?

Edwin had no idea.

Either way, whether the priest knew or not, he decided to keep his distance, and if he did at least have an inkling (Edwin had a feeling he had more than that, but to keep to the point), the supposed boy could always... have a talk with him. If this... talk... were to happen, however, Edwin wanted to at least see how the preacher fared in battle, and perhaps get a grasp on his fighting style (if he had one).

Regardless off all these thoughts, Edwin pressed on into the crowd, with slight hope that he'd somehow lose the discerning reverend.

@Kenji Jensai



Moving calmly through the crowded Bazaar, Gil had seemed to have lost the "boy". 'Damn' he thought to himself he wanted to have a real talk with him and to see what he was scheming.Gil wondered why the boy had been put in his care without being asked if he wanted to,"Hmm seems I'll have to give him a stern lecture about being kind to others". As he was about to just give up the search and go find a certain alchemist he had heard about, he remembered that her name was Evelyn.... or Ayala, he snapped out his personal thoughts when he spotted the back of the "boy's" head.

Gil looked sympathetic, towards his new nuisance.He walked up to him, and roughly grabbed him on the arm and said softly. "Are you ready to go yet,but are you alright? I mean this looks painful.. you know.. if your feeling pain.. shouldn't you say something" Gil saw a twinge of panic in the "boy's" face, realizing that he could be unintentionally crushing his right arm. "You know, some would say that all naughty brats deserve at least some punishment don't ya know".


- None

Bag of Holding (Large):

- Katana

- Wakizashi

GP: 2,000

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"No need to be sorry, it was a perfectly fine question. But no I am not an elemental... or at least not completely. I'm a Sylph, half human half wind elemental." Ayola nodded as Feevi explained herself, chuckling all the while. Ayola's cheeks reddened slightly in embarrassment, but she listened intently to the hybrid female, who smiled warmly at Ayola. I think we will get along. Ayola smiled back at the woman, thinking nothing of her race, and grinned when she vaulted the shop counter and began walking in the direction Mira had departed in. As soon as Feevi left, Ayola bolted from the shop to the house, calling out to her parents as she did so. "Mother! Father! You'll never guess what just happened!"

Her parents' bewildered looks didn't last long as Ayola explained everything that had just happened in her interaction with the two exotic females who had been present a few moments ago. Both her mother and father smiled approvingly, then pulled out their coin bags and gave her some GP for the trip, about 750 total. Despite Ayola's resistance to taking her parents' money, they explained that they expected their daughter to bring home a bounty greater than any money they could possibly obtain - a life-saving potion, a reputation, or something of equal importance. With a nod, Ayola prepared to leave, accepting her parents' gifts as she packed her things in her father's bag of holding. Her mother gave her medical supplies in case her newfound allies became injured and needed their wounds to be treated, while her father reminded her of the things needed when going out, such as a bed roll and nonperishable foods.

  • 850 GP
  • Bed Roll
  • Water Skin - Filled
  • Jerky Meat Strips (x10)
  • Apples (x5)
  • Bandage Strips (x20)
  • Healing Ointment
  • Healing Potions (3 of each strength)
  • Empty Vials (x10)

After getting her bag prepared, Ayola returned to the shop, her mother following so that she could manage it for Ayola that day and every day until her daughter returned. Ayola made sure to grab some of the supplies she considered useful, but rather than placing them in her new bag of holding, she placed them in the satchel that rested on her hip so that they were accessible, just like the quiver of arrows (x20) and bow on her back, as well as the small dagger on her thigh sheath. She made sure to grab a vial's worth of Nightlock berries, as well as another vial's worth of the leaves, her mortar and pestle, and a couple empty vials (x10 total). When she felt she had everything she needed, Ayola bid her parents goodbye, reaching up on her tip toes to kiss her father's cheek and bending down to kiss her mother's forehead. As soon as she left, she felt something she hadn't felt in a while - fear.



Vials (x10):


Mortar & Pestle:


She was about to go traveling with strangers to explore and create new things.
What am I doing...? Is this really the right thing to do...? Ayola began to second guess herself, her eyebrows furrowing together as she approached the Eastern Gate, only stopping momentarily to spend around 100 GP for more iron arrows (x20), which she would poison-tip later on in her free time. After nodding in thanks to the merchant and waving goodbye, having given the man a little extra since she knew him personally, Ayola fixed her hood so that her face was obscured once more as she approached the two females who were already waiting by the Eastern Gate.

Tag: @Throne Trinity @Ensig Character's Mood: Excited User's Mood: *singing Disney music* Location: Her Shop -> Home -> Eastern Gate Inventory: (Explained in Post)

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When Lan turned around to get a proper look at the rest of the group she was shocked to find the turquoise man on one knee with a sheet...a contract? In his hand. Wait, how long had he been kneeling there?


Oh...right, she vaguely heard him talking earlier but she was too absorbed in the armor to really catch on...she had a habit of zoning out things when something really caught her attention. A little embarrasment colored her face as she tried to understand the context.

"Oh! Sir, there's no need to kneel for this...what is this for...again? Sorry, I got a little spaced out there."

@Throne Trinity
no slide


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

GP: 982


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- 3X 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her fathers wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Gregor Hartway
Seeming a bit saddened at the notion of Lan not hearing his glorious speech Gregor's sighed quietly, his constant smile faltering for only a second. But then, just as sure as the sun will set that night, Gregor was back to his normal warm and smiling self. The transition was so quick that it would have seemed he never had even stopped smiling.

Jumping back onto his feet ecstatically, the Paladin let out a loud
"AHA!" before pulling Lan into a side hug. With his free hand he gestured to the vast expanse of sky ahead of them as he spoke. "What I'm saying my dear Lan, is that you seek adventure! Wonder and whimsy are at you finger tips! You were so close and yet so far! You were seeking council with the holy lady herself and yet you were merely hours late. It seems fate has abandoned you! But luck, luck has favored you today! We are the chosen Travelers and we have received a command to gather more who seek adventure and I can see it in your eyes! Your soul screams to see the world! To be free and yet travel with those you can rely on, much like a goose! A goose with muscles and weapons! AHA!" Gregor finally lets go of Lan and whips out his glaive, moving himself into a wider stance he prepares for an imaginary fight. Many people walking by are startled by the sudden offensive movement and jump back. Ignoring the curses and dirty looks, Gregor puts his glaive back to it's proper place on his back before facing Lan again.

"You are more fit for adventure than most, I can sense it radiating off your body. So I ask you..." The Paladin moves back to his position on one knee, splaying the contract for Lan to read once more. "...are you ready for The lonely sunsets flare forlorn, to go down valleys dreadly desolate; to see the lordly mountains soar in scorn as still as death, as stern as fate? To watch the lonely sunsets flame and die; the giant valleys gulp the night; the monster mountains scrape the sky, where eager stars are diamond-bright?" Looking up to Lan a single, very manly, tear rolls down his cheek. A sparkle can be seen in his eye as he speaks. "Are you ready for adventure?" The paladin awaits Lan's answer, hoping he wouldn't have to repeat another one of his very poetic, very unnecessary and very eccentric speeches.


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Without realizing he was, or meaning to, Erin found himself clapping for Gregor's amazing speech. with an impressed expression, soon turning into shock/embarrassment as he realized that he was doing it, quickly stopping himself, and looking away, up at the sky, for a moment, before returning his glance back in anticipation for Lan's reaction, he couldn't hold back his excitement for the possibility for another friend to travel with.
Lan stands back for a moment as if dazed by the magnitude of the show he put on just now, she couldn't help but...


She laughed until tears came up in her eyes. She couldn't believe what she just heard. It was so unbelievably cheesy and adorable. She leaned over for a moment against a stall to regain her stature.

"Ahaha..!! Okay, okay, sorry...HAHAHA! Ha....whoo...okay," She wiped a stray tear and patted him (the best she could, his armor in consideration) on the shoulder a couple times.

"That was the cutest thing I've heard in a while. You must be quite the poet to come a response like that! But thank you, I'm flattered you think so highly of me. I'll be glad to join the group! Do I just sign here? Hmm, you have a pencil or quill on you by any chance?"

@Throne Trinity
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Eldrich Morrow

- None

Bag of Holding (Large)
- Tower Shield of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Weapon Repair Kit (x10)

- Whetstones (x15)

- Lance of the Iron Gatekeeper

- Portable Armor Repair Kit (x10)

- Packs of Lumber (x9)


Eldrich watched as the Paladin's theatrics unfolded in silence at the start, but it didn't last for long. Gregor's actions combined with his devotion soon made Eldrich's armor shudder slightly as he attempted to withhold his laughter -- starting when Gregor had said 'To be free and yet travel with those you can rely on, much like a goose!'. As the man continued, small "Pfhuh... Kuhaha..."'s could be heard occasionally. If his helmet had a face behind it, Eldrich might have lifted his visor to wipe off a tear, but instead he could only tremble in laughter. He meant no disrespect, of course, it's just that the speech was... A bit eccentric to say the least.

In the end, Eldrich managed to withhold his laughter out of respect for the Paladin's earnest request, and awaited Lan's response in silence as the half elf beside him applauded the performance. Thankfully, she didn't mind the outburst (unlike some of the surrounding civilians) and gave her approval before asking for something to write on. In response, Eldrich gave a short *Ahem* partially to rid himself of any leftover laughter, and partially to draw Lan's attention before responding to her query.

"As the contract was formed by Lady Amalthia's own hands, it requires no lead nor ink. If I'm not mistaken, only your name will be necessary Miss Lan."

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no slide


|Bag of Holding|

-Water skin

- Lute

- Climbing Kit

- Dugeoneer pack

- Bed Roll

- Blade repair kit

- 5x rations

- 2X Jyn Kebab

- Dragon's Ginger

-Greater healing potion

- Potion of swiftness

- Zyngala Paladin armor EQ

- Zyngala's Glaive EQ

GP: 982


|Medium Messenger Bag|

- x5 Thieves Kit

- Water Skin

- Potion of acid resistance - Potion of Invisibility

- Elemental Bestiary

- Bed Roll

- 3X 6'x6' of fine silks and cloth

- Basic Leather armor EQ

- Coat of Adaptation EQ

- x25 Sleep arrows EQ

- Bowblade EQ

- Her fathers wedding ring EQ

GP: 878

Gregor Hartway
At Lan's laughter it seemed Gregor's beaming smile somehow widened. He began to laugh with the blacksmith though he wasn't quiet sure what was so funny. "AHAHAHA! Indeed! Though I've never been called cute I appreciate the compliment!" Gregor slowly stands up and runs his hands over his armor dusting himself off. The small crowd that had gathered to watch his display had been slowly dissipating and were now all absent and going about their business. As he stands up, Gregor displays the contract a little better for the blacksmith before him to read. "As Eldrich has said, there is no need for pens or pencils! Just speak your name and your title and the contract signs for you! AHA! It's quite magical." The paladin strikes a proud pose once more as he speaks, the early morning sunlight gleaming of his armor brilliantly while the frills of shock white fur on the armor begin to crackle with electricity sending small sparks jumping across the metal plates. "Of course one would expect nothing less from the awesome power of the Lady Amalthia, daughter of Zyngala!" Gregor holds his pose for a few more moments before realizing that in his current position Lan wouldn't be able to read the paper very well. With a less than smooth transition Gregor faces Lan once more, contract extended for her to read.

@Tunioga @Ensig

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