
(A little before Nichole and Riko had reached their room)

"Meiko... I think Nichole and Riko are in trouble. Maybe if I focus..." Ciel thought. Maybe he could make an ice clone of himself, and transfer part of his soul into it so that he could control it. He made the clone, and tried. "If this clone is destroyed... Hopefully i'll just regain consciousness." He transfered his consciousness into the clone, and he fell onto the mattress, the clone started walking out of the room, and down the hall, until he saw Nichole being kicked by Aiden. After the two left, the clone spoke to Aiden,

"Hitting a girl? That's pretty pathetic." Then an ice spike replaced the clone's hand, and it slashed at Aiden.

(Im sorry for not posting sooner ive been busy)
"It's female's rights, I'm treating her just like I would a man no?" he said furtively as he jumped to from the ice spike, his breathes were getting deeper and his reflexes were getting worse, he had to finish this thing off quite quickly. Slowly he opened the lab coat in a grand opening that was fit for the stage.

"And so, I bring you my glorious weapon, I bring you, A CANDLE!" he pronounced putting it right next to the ice clones eyes, while his arms were totally still his legs were doing a dance, dodging punches and kicks, he kept it at the clones face but it was wierd, he made sure the face didn't melt, but that the eyes look at it, he was going to need fifteen minutes for the dance to work, then he could share his favorite little normal skill, his know how of hypnosis!

"Keep staring at the flame, keep staring at the flame," he started in a low monotone.
(Yay! :D Ceros! You're back!)

Meiko waited silently for the real Ciel to return to his original body. She was again wondering what the heck was going on.

(Does aiden know that Nichole is gone now?)
(Hehe yeah :P )

"..You know this clone doesn't have eyes, right? I only know where you are because I can sense your soul." Ciel said, acting as if this were a fact that were obvious. He made an ice spike appear from the wall, piercing the candle and holding it to the other wall. he then withdrew the large wall-spike, and the candle fell to the floor, destroyed. The clone's hands both shaped into huge, sharp weapons made out of ice. He slashed at Aiden again.

(I dont know if he knows.)
Meiko finally got tired of waiting. She went into Riko's room. "Hey Riko, I need a weapon." She simply said.

"What? " Riko asked, somewhat confused.

"I know you stole those knives and gun and bullets and stuff. I just need one knife or something. " Meiko held her hand out.

Riko rolled his eyes. He then reached under his bed, pulling out a couple throwing knives and small dagger. He placed them in her hand aand said, "Here."

"Thank you." Meiko said and ran out the room. She opened up her wings and flew down through the hallways.
(Don't worry he does, he's just really weird, such as his meh to people leaving after trying to break their legs,)

"Aww... dang it, myah, you're like a match made in Hell for me, fine, I'll get somebody who's better to kill you, do you like killing children?" he jibed jumping back from the spike and into the hall.

"Yeah, about five year olds, man they're cute, and they're awesome soldiers, but you could kill them! Right? I mean who couldn't? They're just weak kids," he joked walking back to the door into his room with a big smile on his face.

"I was told I'm insane, well if I'm insane you wouldn't be lashing at me, so I'm so sane that I could anger you and I'm in fact, above you, I'm angering you, so yeah, lash, I truly wish you to lash at me so eh... have fun," he finished kicking forward to the ice weapon aiming to rip off the arm.
The ice clone dodged the kick, and tried to retaliate by slashing at Aiden's leg. It grabbed Aiden's arm, transferring an extreme amount of cold to him. The ice clone kicked Aiden's foot, the foot of the ice clone came off, and started to freeze Aiden's feet, the cold traveling up his body from his foot, and spreading radially outward from his arm. "Did you think that was a good idea?" Ciel asked. "Just because you.. with your nasty soul... is 'above me' in rank... that doesn't mean anything."
"Eh... what's a soul? In my idea a soul isn't real, in fact I personally believe that a `soul` is your brain giving you an ego trip, I think you're on an ego trip, that's what I believe, and eh... how many more pieces of fire do I have here anyways? Here wait stop the choking blah blah blah I willed it, so wait, that's where the flame thrower was? Huh... so there's the radio, aww.... I didn't want to call an army of millions to do a coup d'etat and rule the entire world under my fist yet. So, oh wait, SHIT!" he paused as the radio turned on and a loud scream came from outside. The scream was made by a platoon of people, and they repeated the yell.

"Do you really want this to happen? I don't have time to do it now, it's no fun... not yet, put me down," he ordered after his ramblings. He looked over at an officer that got out of the bushes, "Un shigitsema," his drawl reached out and the man hid back.

"Put me down," he reverted back to English and waited for his release.
"...Are you okay there? Do you need some water, or.... Ice?" The clone "said". Was this guy insane? "Or maybe a glass of water with Ice in it?" The clone slowly backed away, about an inch every few seconds. This was getting weird.

(I dont know what happened sorry D:)
(Aiden looked around his pockets while being a jerk and found a radio, he accidently clicked the send button and a platoon of soldiers did a giant battle yell, then on dude got up, but no human could turn his head that far before a kick to the face happened so all you really know is that he's a guY, Aiden spoke a odd language and the man hid again, figure out the language, if you can... MWAHAHAH!)

"No I'm fine, be nice if you put me down though, so um yeah," he said jumping out of the arm like he could have any other second. He walked back into the room, turning on the radio and drawling, "Fal fue," He turned the radio off and went to bed, snoring as soon as his bed hit the pillow.
Meiko searched through the corridors, appearing to get lost as she searched. She felt kinda dizzy when she paused a second from flying. "W-What was I looking for again?" She asked herself. "What am I doing?" She decided to walk for a while.
"Well, i'm already in my room. So.. I really can't do anything." he said as Aiden started to go away. "Um... okay..." The clone fell over, and Ciel awoke again in his room. He noticed Meiko wasn't there. "oh, no..." "Meiko!" he called.

(im going to sleep)
Nichole hopped to her bed and sat down. she touched her lips and blushed. Nichole propped her leg on a pillow and looked at it. she glowed fixing it. she then walked to her door and walked out. she looked around and took a deep breath relaxing herself. she then jumped onto the wall jumping and flipped off. she landed perfectly and looked for Rikon. she hummed.
Riko gathered all his stolen weapons and laid them out across the floor. He slowly went through them all and sorted them out. After sorting, he quickly and carefully he hid the weapons in different parts of his room; some under the bed, some in the closet, some in the drawers. He sighed once he finally finished. He layed back down on his bed then slowly fell asleep.
Ciel could sense Meiko's soul somewhere down the corridors, near the ice clone that he had left there, and he hoped that she wouldn't run into Aiden.

He started going down the hallway, and after a while he saw her standing in the middle of one of the corridors. "Hey, what are you doing out here?" He asked.
Meiko heard Ciel's voice and slowly turned around; as she turned she slipped and almost fell over. Luckily she cauggt her balance just in time. "I think was looking for something..." she answered softly.

Riko was still asleep, so obviously he couldnt open the door. Apparently, he had forgotten to close the door all the way and left it unlocked.
Ciel paused. "Do you remember what it was you were looking for?" He was a bit confused. "Are you okay?"
Meiko shook her head "no". "No, I don't remember...I just got tired of waiting, so I decided to go and look for it..." She placed her hand against the wall next to her so she wouldnt fall over.
Nichole found the door unlocked and walked inside. she saw Riko asleep and didn't want to disturb him. so she leaned against the wall watching the door.
Riko woke up to find Nichole standing in his room. He didn't jump or scream, but it still surprised him. "Uh...hi Nichole," he said and sat up. He ruzzled with his hair then asked, "Need something?"
"Are you okay?" He asked. He wondered what was wrong. "Do you need some rest?" He tried to help her to keep her from falling over.
"I'm fine, I know what I'm doing." Meiko complained, thinking

that she was completely fine. "I have to go find it,"

she said and started wandering off again, tripping as she

went along.

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