
"Nah, its fine. You didn't wake me." Riko said and yawned. He noticed that her leg was fine. "Hey, you're leg's better. Wow, that was fast." He smiled.
Nichole blushed and said''i used my aura...'' siting down. she sighed sadly thinking back to her family. she really missed them. she felt tears go down her face and rubbed at them.
'Crap! Did I make her cry?!' Riko worried when he saw her tears. He walked over to Nichole and embraced her in a hug. "Are you ok?"
Nichole blushed and said''i-im ok i just miss my family....'' she tried to smile but just broke down crying. she was very broken at the moment. she said''i just wanna go h-home!''
"Wait, I'll come with you.." Ciel said to Meiko as she started down the hallway.
Riko stared down at the floor. He sighed, he didn't remeberr his his family for he had lived most of his life in an orphange. His parents had died only a bit after he was born.
Meiko wasnt sure if she should be glad or worried about Ciel tagging along with her. She didn't quite remember what she was trying to find, except that it was very important to her.

(She's trying go find memories, memories of her family)

Riko noticed Nichole had fallen asleep. "Woah, she'd fall asleep so quickly?" He asked himself. He didn't try to wake her up, he watched her sleep for a moment.
"How are we going to find whatever you're looking for anyway?" Ciel asked. "It's not like there's a map to where this thing is... and this building is really confusing." Ciel then asked her, "Do you at least have a weapon with you? In case we run into someone?..."
Meiko paused in her walking. "I just thought that if I look, I might find it....I dunno what I'm doing..."

she sighed then apoligized to Ciel. "Sorry, I'm just confused right now."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her weapons. "Riko gave me

these throwing knives and a dagger."
"Oh, nice..." Ciel said, referring to the weapons. "I'm confused, too. I don't even know what you're looking for... but I'll help you find it." He said.
Meiko smiled at Ciel's reply. It made her feel like hugging him. She stuffed her knives back into her pocket, then repled while blushing, "Thanks Ciel." She didn't really know what else to say.
Cytra moved down the corridors relatively quietly, her blade shone in the darkness of the halls and she could vaguely tell where she was going. She was maybe two more corridors from her room when she found Meiko.

"I wonder what you're doing here, is the night not quiet enough for you?" she asked, her tone was not angry, but rather tired.

"Mind if you go back?" her tone was a little more elevated but she was calm enough to notice Ciel.

"And you can go too, we've got work to do tomorrow," she finished walking past them yawning.
Ciel smiled at Meiko, and then he heard Cytra start speaking.

"Um... Meiko lost something, and we were just looking for it. We can head back, but it would be nice if we found it first." Ciel said. "What work do you have planned anyways?"
"Just tests, don't worry we have anesthetics, I'm more worried about that mad man I have for a student, what he does is anyone's guess," she said nonchalantly walking off through the corner.
"Okay..." Ciel said as Cytra walked down the hallway. "That was strange. Should we continue looking or go back?" He asked. He didn't care what they did.
"I guess we should go. It's kinda late...ontop of that we're searching for something that I can't remember." Meiko giggled slightly. She looked down at the ground and yawned. "Yeah, we should go back....hey Ciel. Do you...remember if you...had a girlfriend?" She mumbled almost silently.
Nichole whimpered in her sleep. this was the worst nightmare she had. she let out a silent scream. she bit her lip hard drawing some blood but she didn't care she wanted to wake up.
Riko heard Nichole wimpering slightly. He shook her by the shoulders. "Nichole. Hey, wake up. You're crying in your sleep."
Riko again wrapped his arms around her, trying to

calm her down. He leaned forward and

lightly kissed Nichole on the forehead.
Riko looked down at her face, he gently wiped the tears from her eyes. He smiled slightly from being glad that she started calming down.
"I don't remember anything.. but I don't think I did.." He said to Meiko.

(Sorry i've been gone ALL DAY)

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