
(Its ok, a lot of people have been busy too)

Meiko blushed bright red, embarrassed from

that question. She covered up her face with her

wing tips. "O-Oh...that's too bad,"

"She fell asleep again?" Riko chuckled slightly.

He carefully set her down on the floor, leaned up against

the wall. He sat down next to her with his arm still around her.

He yawned, tired from running around all crazy

that day. He closed his eyes and eventually fell fast asleep.
Nichole tilted her head looking at Riko. she saw her hand was bleeding from a small cut. her eyes dulled as she licked it. suddenly her canines started hurting her.
(Hey what's Nichole's power again?)

Riko slowly blinked his eyes opened. "...what're you doing? " he asked her.

(Gtg I probably will be back in a little bit)
Nichole said''my canine teeth are hurting....'' her eyes widdend in realization. she backed away from Riko. something that was never suppose to awaken woke.
(Is Nichole a vampire, or something like that?)

"Oh sh*t!" Riko shouted, then quickly shoved Nichole back off of him. "Ok...something is obviously wrong with you at the moment.." he stood up on his feet and put his hands out infront of him.
(well kinda now basically this side was sealed away and somehow she unlocked it) Nichole advanced on him her eyes dilated more. she smirked and said''blood...sniff sniff you seem nervous i can fix that....''
(ikr me too!) she said''don't worry it won't hurt a bit....'' sniffing his neck. she licked her lips and latched on. her blood affinity had taken over. she pinned him getting closer her eye were red. her blood affinity was shyness and a bit of nervousness.
(Hey, have you seen Chibi Vampire? I freaking love that anime!)

"Stop!" Riko shouted, grabbing her shoulders and trying to hold her back.
(omg i loved the last episode epic!) Nichole let go after she drank her fill. she licked the blood of her lips then blinked. she aid'what the....'' she saw blood on her shirt and looked at Riko. she gasped backing away. tears went down her face and she said''im sorry im so sorry!''
(Best episode!!)

Riko put a hand over the fresh holes in his neck, a bit of blood trinkled on his hand. "It-It's okay....its f-fine....." he stuttered with his speaking. He slowly sat down on the floor again, taking slow but deep breathes.
Nichole ran over to him worried. her medical kit came outta no where as she applied some proxide. she then dapped away the blood placing on a gauze over the holes. she said''i not ok...'' (ikr! ''this is the last episode?! thats SO embarrassing!'')
(lol me too anju is awesome! lol her blood affinity is jealousy. there is nothing chibi about Karin!) she said''part of me is..please don't kill me!'' shaking in fear. she was always hated for being a half vampire and because her vampire side was sealed.
(Anju! That's her name! I wasn't surprised that her blood type was jealously.)

"What? Why would I kill you?" Riko had a confused look on his face. "Nichole, I wouldn't do something like that to you."
Nichole said''back in my town everyone wanted to kill me for not being a pure vampire....''looking away. she said''ik you wouldnt but....'' (neither was i)
"Well, that's just stupid." Riko said, this time with a serious face. "There's nothing wrong with you. Besides, is it that bad to be a hhalf-breed?"
"Oh..." Riko felt sadness enter him too. "...did your family love you? Did you know them for long?" He asked. "You don't have to answer. I was just wondering."
Nichole nodded and said''yea my dad was super overprotective my mom kinda cared.....sigh i knew them til i ran away at 13...its been like 2 years since i ran... if the pure vampires found anything wrong with the others they want them to dispose of it or they'll take care of it themselves any means nessacery.... thats why i knew i could't stay longer the Lowe clan was the most powerful in the town...''
Riko sighed. "That must've been horrible...though I ran away from home too. Well, my 'home' was this crappy orphange. My parents had died before I wwas even one and my other family didn't care a thing about me. So they sent me there. I ran away when I turrned 11, tired of waiting for anyone to adopt me...but no one did. I lived alone in the woods until the stupid scientists found me.....but at least I ment our friends..and youu."

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