
Riko knew it was absolutely pointless to argue with Aiden. He sighed and got onto one of the beds. "What's the f***ing point of this anyway? " he asked calmly.
"I show mercy on you," he replied smiling, waiting for her response, "This should be your end," he said raising his leg. The scientists tried to hold him down saying, "If you mutilate her we can't get things done!".

"Alright, let's see what her boy friend has to say, will he side with her, or can I finally kick them?" he asked. Cytra finally responded, "Should they not be tested upon, I can't give you your upgrade, kick them once, and make sure they're knocked out if you do. Minimal damage," she ordered to which the scientists let go and he slowly raised his leg once more.

"Last night I kicked you once, and my lust made me took pity on you, why should I make the same mistake again?" he growled putting the leg a centimeter from her temples.

The scientists asked Riko a question, "Would you like local or exact anesthetics We'd like to make the testing part of being here less horrible than dealing with the domination complex person by your friend there," they seemed to not take hate on them, but not much pity either. The guy who made the remark was scared after a glare met his eyes, and for good reason, he heard that door.
Nichole ,being the stubborn person she is, still stood seeing how long it would take Aiden to crack. she's been through a whole lot worse(gtg at 10:30 not much time left i'll post more in the morning :bigsmile:) she said''if you dare lay a finger on Riko i'll make your life a living hell got it.''her voice dripping venom.
He looked at Nichole and his eyes were a mix of furious and pure, total, want to control.

"I did not want to kick you, I really did lust for you, but it seems people like you need to be taught a lesson, maybe I'll use you in my experiments," he commented solemnly finally kicking her straight through the head, he stared at Riko with his jealousy showing full and waited for her to fall on the ground. The scientists groaned, seeing as now they had more variables to deal with.
"So you've figured it out? Alright, good day," he didn't delay this time, now his kicks went in the hundreds, but all anyone say was one kick, and at most Nichole would feel about ten. At most.
Nichole dodged the kicks expertly. she then felt a pulse. she quickly covered her mouth as the pulses got stronger. she fell to her knees and hissed. she said''R-Riko i need you n-now.'' her eyes started to dilate.
"Right, um... what cliche trope do I have to deal with now? Vampirism? That's an old time low... how about regeneration auras? That nobody explained? Nice one," Aiden's rambling seemed omnipresent, how could he know about Nichole's vampirism? How did he know it was a healing aura? He put his palm on his face in annoyance.

"I swear to God, if I have to deal with one more cliche trope one more time I'm going to massacre everybody here!" he yelled kicking some scientists with sedatives back, "Give me the Icarus Update, now," he ordered as scientists put electrodes on his face and body, a surge of energy went up his spine and he seemed to be radiating pure heat.

"If I were to kill you from this point on, I would know everything about you, so you best watch yourself," he hissed as the electrodes fell off him and the scientists sedating Riko.

"Who wants to fight me? Who? I'll accept! I think a byproduct is increased reflexes, hmm this would be nice," he said, his voice was dropping pure fire over the world, as if he was tightening a noose around the world and he was orchestrating it's movements.
"Something of the sort, what do I have to do? Hold a bag of grains in my hands and wait for you to count them?" he asked as he kicked forward using the air as leverage, he twisted through until he was behind Nichole. Then he feinted a kick waiting for her to bite the leg in an idiotic way. If you could see his soul, on the off chance a soul even existed, it would be of a girl, with red eyes and black hair, a large control rod in her hand, raising nuclear fusion with a swish of that hand. Her walk would be slow, majestic even, but it would invoke pure fear.

"Who would win? A half vampire or the god of wind?" slowly his dialogue became more and more proud as it seemed the wind controlled his movement, like the wind took glory on him. He had good reason to call him self a god, why shouldn't he? If the wind literally seemed to love him. But in reality he was simply using everything around him as leverage, but the world, not even a vampire could see that he was using everything as leverage, they would submit to him as the god of wind, the only one who the wind could ever take light upon. His smile grew as he practically saw the teeth biting his `leg`.

(Please please please please please please PLEASE! Do not be totally op and see the air, unless you are the god of physics I highly doubt you could see him. Also, the not diaglougy part is actually an essence of what Aiden thinks of himself, [hint I'm a narcissistic person who loves himself, and um, Aiden is based off of my hopes and dreams, like the killing god part, that's a goal, like right now... Odd moment huh>)
Nichole smirked and said''i'm not stupid you know.'' wings made of blood came from her back. she hissed as her eyes went completely red. No emotion behind them.
"Ooh nice, did you get that from Hellsing?" he jibed as the air 'took' him behind Nichole only to use the wings as leverage again. He used the forced in his legs to kick up the wings into the air to send Nichole in to a hover, it was almost like he was helping her.
(Stopping Nichole at a crucial point. You'll see what Aiden's biggest plan is, let's just say, if you will beat him, you won't beat him. While you seemed omnipotent he was actually beating you...)
Nichole said''hmm so you have some moves? no mater you'll die after this...''smirking a cruel smirk. she flew at him and her nails were super sharp. she said'goodbye..'' then blinked. her eyes were still dilated. she said''huh?''looking at her wings.

She said''r-riko may i have a drink before i go nuts?''
Before she even flew he had muttered,"Checkmate, mate," as he flipped over kicking her over threw the wall. Cytra nodded off the whole wing thing. She was really afraid of the whole wind god thing. It was re assuring she would only have to deal with two more days of this.
"He's sedated, I think we just finished his tests while you were fighting," Cytra answered as the scientists added adrenaline to Riko's body.
Nichole's canines were hurting alot. she looked around for someone to bite but no one fitted her blood affinity. She hissed covering her mouth in pain.
Riko blinked and looked up at Nichole. "What do you want me to do? " he asked nerviously. He saw her fangs peeking out. "You can bite me."

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