
The scientists promptly picked her up and started work on her, while Riko was escorted to a new room. This one much more lavish, and he was given a choice.

"You can have one that the General prepared for people, or you can take the one the boy prepared," they told him, they hid the fact nobody has seen it but him before.
Riko shrugged, as if to say "I don't really care". He was just worried about Nichole. He wanted to know what they were doing to her and if she was okay.
Riko jumped when he heard the glass shatter. "What the-" he tried to head back to that room, but the scientists wouldn't let him he too tired and dizzy to fight them. "Nichole! Nichole are okay?!" He called out.
"Woah!" Riko was surprised by the misty-wolf-creature. He ignored it and ran passed the scientists and over to Nichole. "Nichole! Snap out of it!" He shook her by the shoulders, trying to get back to normal.(Could Nichole and Riko have already ment eachother? I mean like...kinda like with Karin and Winner, except they were like friends or something? Idk, I just though that could be a reason they were so close already..)
(hey we could so do that it'll be epic!) Nichole blinked and screamed holding her head. the wolf ran back and disappeared into her head. she fell forward.
(Yay! :D )

"OMG!" Riko said as the wolf leaped into her. He caught Nichole before she hit the ground. He was scared and worried, but had no idea what to do.
(What's wrong with Nichole?)

Riko almost began calling out for help, but stopped himself. It'd be pointless, the scientists were too selfish to care and their friends were still back in there rooms.
(Oh ok)

"Nichole...are you okay? Are you going all vampire again?" Riko begged for answers, though she probably couldntt hear him. "Do you need help?"
"Cold?" Riko repeated. 'How can she be cold?' He wondered. He remembered about his power, about controlling fire. He formed a fire inside of him which warmed him up, he continued to hug Nichole, hoping it would help at all.
Riko ran his hand through her hair and remained calm, believing that would calm her down. "...why do I feel like I've known you...forever? "
Riko paused a second to think. "Yeah, I remember going to one, I think it was the year I ran away. Why? Were you there too?"
Riko's eyes widened too. "I don't...remember that...I just remember seeing this girl, she seemed hurt or something..then I blacked out.....later that day I was really happy for some reason..was that little girl you?" He asked her.

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