
Riko smiled then leaned back against the wall, he felt relaxed and happy. 'I'm in love with a half-vampire,' he thought.
(Lol ok)

Riko blinked his eyes awake. He yawned then looked down at Nichole's face. He smiled, not wanting to wake her up.
The battle had finished, and trumpets blared 'the song'. The North Korean troops destroyed both Chinese and American troops, leaving quite a disaster, after an insane battle with Cytra, Aiden killed her and took ALL of her intelligence, such was the power of the Icarus Update, he walked to the room where Riko and Nichole were sleeping, to their right the room Aiden made was half blown, and all you could see were pictures of North Korean propoganda, speakers blaring, pictures of Kim Jong il, Sung, and Un.

"Hello! Well, you'll be happy to know I'm in charge of this facility!" he yelled as his arm threw Cytra's limp body up into the air, with no trouble at all, "So that's what it feels like to have strong arms, kinda cool," he commented as Cytra's carcass hit the floor.

"So, the Dear Leader is coming over for an inspection, and I need people to help me clean! No seriously, look at this place, it'll take a while, and if he's not pleased, we're kind of screwed, at least you are," he said while motioning for a squad of troops to put back the other half of the room.
(Hi komeko! :D hi yullen!)

Riko's eyes widened with a bit of fear when he saw Cytra's dead body. "Aiden had really...killed her? "
"Oh yep I did, dead as a dead person. So anyways, start helping out with the whole putting things together because, um, here wait," he said as an officer whispered into his ear.

"OK, so we have about, one day to fix up this place before the Great Leader comes over, so, let's get to work!" he ordered as what ever left of the scientists helped out with the whole rebuilding.
Nichole's eyes widdend at the body and she felt sick. she hid behind riko then said''HOW DAFUQ DO YOU EXPECT THEM TO GET THIS PLACE REBUILT IN A DAY?!"
The soldiers who knew English gave her a death glare, one even said, "Because it would make the Dear Leader proud!" his yell only got the soldiers more into the work.

"Now help them," Aiden ordered a smile on his face.

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