
Nichole nodded in agreement then got hit with another flashback. she felt a searing pain in her shoulder as it happened. she fell to her knees in pain.
"Who the hell do you think? Kim Jong Un," Aiden looked at them with puzzled eyes, he then proceeded to grab a bottle of sake, and threw it at Riko, and another at Nichole, "Catch!" he called, "Drink that, and try not to ask me for more, that's our new leadership party here, and news says... we've taken over South Korea, and... news says.... we've taken over Japan. Wow, that was quick," he was quite flabbergasted and then he answered the second question, "Anyways if you don't want to do it maybe you can look at the thing I used to kill Cytra, one leg, and see here, not a scratch sucker, ha! So much for one slash KO! It doesn't work if you can't slash!" he laughed it off jumping onto a table.

"Now mind you, I've gotta make preparations, and sadly I'd rather them fix up the facility then make preparations, so you can help me or them, your choice," he explained, then walked off in the other directions, he turned around and called, "Also 100 Spec Ops troops are coming over, they're notorious for being able to swim for thirty miles at winter and they make perfect headshots, they'll watch over defense," he left the hall with the exact same outfit as before.

(What's this flash back gonna be aboot)
(oh she and her family were getting hunted by hunters and she got shot in the shoulder)Nichole gritted her teeth and sipped the sake some. and quickly spit it out. she tried calming her nerves.
Riko looked down at the bottle of sake in his hand. He simply set it down on the ground, not trusting anything that had to do with Aiden. "Are you alright?" He asked as he kneeled down next to Nichole.
Nichole said''the flashbacks..AND SAKE DOES NOT HELP AIDEN IM A MINOR!" the alcohol burned her throat and a faint blush was on her cheeks. she giggled and swayed.
Nichole said''but i wanna have fun..hic..hey i know..'' she took of her shirt running. she said''YAY!!!!!!! I COMIN TWILIGHT!" (lol she's outta it)
A few soldiers saw Nichole and instead of Aiden's crazy lust, they were ashamed of her, and ignored her, contempt in their whole body.
Riko's face turned red and he covered up his eyes. "D*mn you Aiden..." he grumbled. "Nichole...please put your shirt back on.."
Nichole ran smack into a door and fell out cold.''zzzzzzzzzzzz'' then woke up and said''owwwww''rubbing her head. she looked down and screamed covering herself. she found her shirt and quickly put it on. she hid her face in shame.
Aiden finally finished the preparations, by himself, and walked down to the room.

"Oh... yeah... blame me, anyways come over when you're done being pestered by yourself and I can show you the Dear Leader's room, then you'll get a meal and go to sleep, since it's still party day, it's anything you want, other than poison," Aiden said sitting on a stool.
"Bathroom? Lucky for you it's finished, down the hall take a right, and don't look at the guards, they'll kill you quicker than physics allows," Aiden said gesturing at the hall, "Oh, and Riko stays,"he ordered, with three new arrivals glancing at him. They looked like the had memorized everything about him just by looking. They were purty scary, to say the least.
Nichole emptied the contents of her stomach and groaned. she walked back after she brushed her teeth and used mouth wash. she said''can i kill him riko?'' she had a splitting headache and was pissed.

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