
"Well then, be glad nobody here really likes porn," he sheepishly said, then laughed, "You thought that was true! I might be the one exception, but I'm into other stuff, it's fine, it's fine, so eh, hurry the hurrying up please?" it seemed to him like it was all a joke, his rampant celebration was quite morale raising and soon the soldiers and even the scientists were joking a little.

"Hey guys in thirty minutes we're gonna eat like there's no tomorrow!" he proclaimed, and the officers told unto their soldiers and they all cheered, and, if it was even possible, went into over clocked mode.
Nichole took some asprin and grabbed a little food. she sniffed it and ate a little. her throat constricted and she quickly spit it out coughing. she said''crap it has mint!'' quickly using her empipen.
"So you can't take mint? Darn, so anyways anything you want, other than poison," Aiden jibed and is served a darn good steak.
"Nichole! Why do you keep eating? You might end killing yourself." Riko told Nichole as he witnessed all of her problems. He made sure not ot eat anything himself.
"Don't worry yourself buddy, I've got tranquilizers and lots of stuff that'll help her, now back to the feasts boys!" Aiden yelled and everyone gargled food, but the spec ops soldiers were studying everything about Riko and Nichole, even the ground, the looked at how the wall looked when somebody touched them, they're basically sentinels.
(Holy crap! How do you punch through a wall?)

As she ran toward the wall one spec op agent shot his pistol, silenced, hitting Nichole's kneecap.

"Damn it, now we have to do more work, I was going to show you off. Now I have to wait, stupid stubborn people," he was a little angry if you couldn't tell and the soldiers brought Nichole to him.

"What do we do?" one asked, with a cruel smile Aiden said, "Give her morphine, three shots full of it, and ask the boy friend if he'll participate, I want to test this. Bring me the personality logs!" he shouted and one scientist, Chinese, brought him Nichole's little personality log.

"Ooh... this'll be fun! The expected outcome is totally unmotivated, mindless even!" he felt so gleeful he even jumped.

"Hey Riko! I'm gonna have to inject Nichole with morphine, do you want to go with her through it?" Aiden asked already pumping a shot full in Nichole.
(It's a pain killer drug, if you use it when you're fine, you'll basically be a dum dum, and if you try withdrawal symptoms, which were tried by the CIA, you could become some kind of mindless zombie, a drone to be precise)

"Second shot!" Aiden yelled ignoring her struggling, which was quite funny. He put the second the second dose of morphine, by now the painkiller should take effect, "Riko, one more chance, you wanna join?" Aiden asked laughing his ass off. He grabbed Nichole and told her "Well, you won't feel anything now, might be fun for you, but you'll probably have some cliche flashback thing, have fun!"
Nichole said''oh crap....'' she kicked at aiden struggling trying to get away. she said''NO STOP IT STOP IT!"tears going down her face.
(Oh, lovely)

"Yeah! There's no f***ing way that I'd ever let you pump some creepy drug into me. Not that I enjoy watching you do it to Nichole." Riko answered.

(And we posted at the exact same time......)
The one soldier who knew perfect English grabbed Riko and threw him to the ground, "You are a disgrace! How dare you not take the care for those you love!" he punched Riko square in the face.

"Wow, that was so anti-climactic, now it's time for the final shot, I'll see you, maybe in your dreams ha ha!" he chuckled finally shooting the third dose.

(I didn't expect Riko to not accept, that's why the NK soldier got pissed off)
"SHUT THE F*CK UP!!" Riko shouted and rubbed his face. "Of course I d*mn care! Besides if I agreed, we'd both become loopey idiots!"
"Make sure you throw hard, wouldn't want me to live right? And let's see, how long do you have till you stop the death threat, hmm... maybe five minutes? Wonder if I can go get a taco..." he didn't seem to care the he was near death, "Oh! You thought I was scared didn'tcha, well guess what, that ain't gonna work smart one!" he laughed and fell off, and he jumped off the side of the building, and into the other side, flipping around in and out between.

"Just because of such small reason you would not sacrifice you're life to be feeling what your loved one feels? That's cowardice," the man grabbed Riko by the collar and threw him onto the floor. "I can't stop people like you, I don't have the authority to inject you, and I would not be growing you if I did, make that decision by yourself," the man said helping him up.
(I would think morphine lasts for at least a day, that's how even Advil acts, and advil is nothing. Damn I love Advil)
'Nichole, its fine...don't bother, I'm just being selfish." Riko mumbled and tried to keep his balance. He felt really terrible and dizzy from getting slammed to the floor numberous times.
Aiden returned and the soldiers in turn, went to work again.

"Alright, well, they're gonna work for the night, I'm gonna stay up all night too, and you two go to sleep, the effects of morphine should last until next night, and soon you'll see me in public broadcasts, that's about it, have fun!" he exclamated walking them towards their rooms.
Riko nodded, not really paying attention. "Alright, I just have to ask; Why did you have some weirdos kidnap us and give us powers, when you can just summon your humungous army to take over the world or whatnot? Why are we here?" He asked Aiden.

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