
Nichole groaned and opened her eyes. she said''did we make it?'' she looked and saw a house. she pointed to it and said''go there....''
"Um, ok." Riko gently picked her up in his arms and walked to the front of the house. He knocked on the door, he entered though there was no reply.
Nichole let out a soft whistle and some animals and two people ran to them. she said''hey us please?''before going limp. james said''may we see the young mistress?''
James said''follow us...'' leading to a room. he gently placed Nichole in a transmutation circle. he and sebastian put their hands on the circle and it glowed.
A helicopter flew ahead, and one man, old and wrinkled stood outside the helicopter, as the helicopter slowly landed Aiden appeared, along with the man himself, and super sentinel guards, Kim Jong il.

His sunglasses shook on his eyes and he stood out.

"Aiden! This is not what I expected! Why are we in the outskirts of Quito?" his voice was firm and yet old, his accented English scaring the bejeezus out of Aiden.

"Yes, Dear Leader, she has too many powers to name, what shall I do?" Aiden was insanely scared, his carefree self was dissolved.

"NO! You have failed me once! I'll do your work, and you'll be severely punished! Good thing that place looked good, or you'd be skinned!" he seemed to teleport behind Sebastian and James, his eyes showing contempt.

(He can stop time! Yayzers! And Nichole has too many powers for my liking...)
Then he took of his sunglasses, and the time stopped at his will. He took Nichole by her neck, and brought her to the plane.

"You will stay still," his voice was so evilly completely controlling, no human could resist his orders, he threw Nichole next to Aiden.

"Oh hi! Why hasn't the morphine made you fell yet?" his voice was a little shaky and Un's glare wasn't helping much.

(No you won't know his name, you think he's an old man, I would hope)
He stopped time again, and this time he cut off one of Nichole's fingers, and brought her back to the plane.

"This is gonna be a while isn't it?" Aiden droned walking into the house some odd looking tennis-balls in hand.
Nichole bit her lip and said''this is not gonna stop me!'' puling out her arrows and bow. she ran inside and aimed at the old man. it glowed brightly as she shot.
Aaand, he stopped time again, and broke the arrow in half, he walked over to Nichole and chopped off another finger, and brought her back.

"You can stop now, I only need you," he said waiting again for her to run off.
"Morphine!" Aiden yelled popping up behind Nichole to inject her again with morphine.

"Finally, you do something right," was Kim Jong Un's response, Aiden sighed and time stopped to bring Nichole back into the plane.
Riko blinked, realizing his girlfriend just got kidnnapped. "Crap! How the heck did I not notice that?!" He jumped up and grabbed onto the rim of the helicopter.
Nichole started kicking at the door. cmon cmon the window cracked and she kept kicking that spot and broke it. she looked down from the now broken window.
"How? You're stuck in there. And even if you got out we'd both fall to our deaths." Riko said. He paused second, thinking. "Can you turn into a bat? You know, since you're a vampire?"
Nichole shook her head no. she said''let me try something...''concentrating. her one white and one black wing sprouted. she crawled out grabbing riko's hand. she flapped her wings.
Riko widened his eyes as Nichole began flying. "Whoa!" He found it strange and incredible. 'Well...that was absolutely pointless of me even climbing up there....*sigh* I can't do anything' he thought.

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