
"Would you go if Riko came? Would you join if he came with you, because to me, a couple should try not to be separated, mainly because I said so and willed it," Aiden chuckled a little and beckoned them to come closer.

"We don't have time to keep this game going on, if you can't choose then the General will come and you'll be stuck as a test subject, the mindless drones I was talking about. That or you would never remember who you are, you wouldn't be you, so hurry," his voice was much more urgent now.
"Well, let's hurry," Aiden jumped into the front and squished the two in the other seats.

"Blame me for the cramping, you can kill me later," he joked as they went up the surface and saw a sneer of cold command in front of them.

"What is the meaning of this? Why aren't they knocked out yet!?"the general's yell made Aiden flinch, but he kept his calm and answered.

"This is how I got them over here, they're coming on my will, so I do not recommend we waste this chance," he explained, to the general's contempt reply and careful watch of Nichole and Riko.

They got on the helicopter and were stuck with Aiden in his 'room' if you could call it that. It was a small compartment that was totally empty.

"I like the emptiness, so excuse me if you are not fond of such accommodation," Aiden apologized.
Riko didn't say anything, just stared at the ground. He glanced at Aiden with a glare then back at the floor of the helicopter. He was still holding onto Nichole's hand.

"We've arrived, time stopping and some such, now come on, we've got you two to settle in," Aiden said leading them out the train and into the huge capital research facility, he then took a right and went to an even nicer apartment complex looking thing.

"You two have a whole floor to yourselves, forty second to be precise, now come on, you can get situtated later, it's basically the same old, a few kids got injected, we're testing LSD tests on them right now, they're on their first day of LSD, in about two weeks we take them away and withdrawal will keep them loopey forever," he said as they went up the elevator. He dropped them off on their floor, and bid them farewell.

"Oh and a word of advice, if you look in the kitchen room, you'll see the pantry right? Go take out all the canned vegtables and then a button should appear, click on that and you'll be transported to my safe haven, but do it sparingly," he said as he in turn went down the elevator to the basement.
She nodded and forced herself to say thank you to aiden. she turned to riko and laid her head on his chest groaning. she was getting a migrane.
Riko smiled a tiny smile then picked Nichole up in his arms. He brought her over to the bedroom and carefully set her down on the bed.
She said''thanks riko....smooch''kissing him. she blushed then had a serious look''keep your guard up at all''handing him two pistols''you channel your energy like fire and such into them.they'll shoot bullets made from it....'' she had her bow and arrows close at hand.

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