
"That was awesome!" Riko smiled as he planted his feet on the ground. "You have wings!" (He obviously was asleep when she used them before)
She said''idk well we're free now lets see...'' concentrating. ''oh look theres a cottage'' pointing to it. ''i think no ones home...'' she knocked and went inside.
(This is my silent brooding moment where I break doors in anger of too many power syndrome... Too many powers? Like a lot? It's cool for good guys but... myah)
The general smiled as the pair went flying away.

"You were right, she has too many powers, what shall I do?" he asked Aiden as he yawned and picked up an old GameBoy.

"I dunno, we can chase them and just kill them, we've got the ingredients for the power thing, why don't we just fo-" he was interrupted by a hush.

"Let me think, why does she have so many powers? Tell me that, it seemed to me, that she get's powers as she needs them, it's quite annoying, any anti-power thing?" the general asked as Aiden picked up a journal.

"Well she's some sort of half vampire, so we can extract the genome from her, leave her human, and reverse all the stupid powers she has, it's no fair ain't it? She has all these random powers but we get stuck with about one or two things, it bites at me every minute of the day," Aiden was starting to ramble about how much he hated Nichole's metric ton's worth of powers.

"Do not whine, this is a challenge, bring me the net, yes that net, and it seems morphine won't work anymore, get me LSD injections, morphine is too weak," as Kim Jong Un was saying this Aiden was walking to and fro across the plane to get things screw around with them. It would take maybe an hour to reach the cottage at normal time, but with the general's time stopping ability, no time at all.
The helicopter flew from a height so high, not a sound was heard on the floor. Then paratroopers fell from the sky slowly, as to not alert anyone, and the general came slowly down with his time stop. Aiden practically jumped down.

They stood outside the door and surrounded it, and Aiden knocked the door lightly, so as to hold in a lot of laughter.
Nichole resisted the urge to face palm. she opened the back door it had a long staircase into a tunnel. she pulled riko in and closed the door locking it.
Riko felt like face palming himself too, now that he understood what was happening. He kept silent, incase they were searching through the cottage.
Riko followed her through the dark and quiet tunnel. 'How does she know about this place...?' He wondered, but decided not to ask.
she lead him to a room and opened the door. she quickly pulled him inside. it locked automatically. she said''this is where the awesomeness begins...'' she touched the wall and a square rose showing a scanner. she placed her hand on it and the floor opened from under them.
Then a drill appeared to break from the room they were about to enter.

"Holy crap, it's a room, funny thing, we already had scans of the ground, so eh yeah!" Aiden said jumping out of the drill to catch Nichole, and of course, he had LSD in hand, four shots this time.
"Well, how about this, the general isn't here so we can eh... make deals, I keep Nichole and give her test amounts of drugs, and let her live amazing conditions, and I take the blame when the general finds out, or eh... we can just make you mindless, your choice buddy," Aiden explained sitting on a portable chair.

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