
Nichole glared standing. the sparks came wildly and she looked down. she hid her hands and moved away. why is this happenin?she looked away.
"It's gonna be a long week isn't it?" he said, annoyance dripping from his face. He dragged Nichole out the room by her arms and lifted her up over his shoulders.

"So you've got about fifteen minutes to choke me, and you won't choke me, mainly because I willed it, and I'm just such a handsome devil that I can avoid being choked, but yeah, might wanna choke me about now," he sarcastically rambled walking off to his room.
He outstretched his leg to trip Nichole. Then he moved using his leg leverage to jump up, and he finished off his kick by smashing down on Nichole's leg. As the recoil shocked him he flew down and slowly got up, dusting off the dust on his coat.

"I'm going to say please, so just watch me be insane and say please, can you please just you know, um, stop fidgeting? Please?" he said putting Nichole on his back again.
Nichole glared at him and bit his neck. she fell off and landed on her bad leg. she winced and used the wall to stand. she said''you people are all the same you just want something in return.''
"Quid Pro Quo, learn it. Something for something, so you stop fidgeting and I stop using my crazy version of martial arts on you. I think it's pretty equal," he replied kicking forward and it almost hit Nichole in her neck, but it stopped an inch from her throat as his leg stood there.

"Come on now, before I actually kick you and snap your neck," he ordered slowly putting his foot down.
"Oh crap!" Riko said as he pulled the trigger, shooting a pretty decent hole in the wall. The blast from the gunfire echoed throughout the whole hallway. He quickly hid it under his shirt and ran out of that area.
He kicked this time, meaning to kill her, his foot didn't go at full power and it would most likely knock her out cold. even if it didn't. it would hurt her a lot. He expected her to fall quite quickly, and caught her.

"Let's go, I'd rather not have to hurry up the invasion,"he said lightly.
"Nichole?" Riko sounded surprised to see her.

"Aren't you suppoed to be back there with-" he paused

when he saw that she was limping. "Hey, are you alright?"

He asked and walked over to her.
Riko stood next to Nichole and let her put her arm around his neck; he also put his arm around her side so that she wouldn't fall. "Are you heading back to the freaks, or are you coming with us?" He asked, half-joking about it.

"Here we are," Riko said once they returned to their rooms.

He lead Nichole into her room and gently helped her sit

down on the bed. "D-Do you need help with anything else?"

He questioned with a stutter for some reason. "Are you

still feeling bad?"
(Aw, ok. Good night yullen.)

Riko's face turned bright red after that sudden kiss. He covered his cheek with his right hand and stood there like an idiot. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead was completely blank. "Uuhh..well uh...see you later!" He said nerviously and raced out into his own room. His plopped down face first onto his bed. He covered up his cheek again and smiled.

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