
"Thanks Nichole.... keep your guard up." "Let's head to our rooms I guess." Ciel let out a sigh
Riko found some more ammunition and reloaded the shotgun. He also stuffed a few knives into his pockets. He exited the room as if nothing had happened.

"Oh, there he is." Meiko said when she saw him. She eyes the shotgun. "What's that? "

"What's what?" Riko asked and hid it behind his back.
"It's probably nothing." Ciel said, eyeing Riko. He knew that if he had stole something, then they should keep quiet about it, especially in the presence of their 'wardens'.

"Should we head back now? That general cytra... thing seemed pretty... intimidating." He couldnt find the right word to describe her, but intimidating was close enough.
((I drew clothes for Ciel. I'll update my charrie with it))
(sorry for late reply, I've just been busy this weekend)

"Still broken...but feeling a little better." Riko replied and adjusted the splint.

Meiko flicked her bangs out of her face.
Nichole smiled and said''hold on i can help!''gently placing her hand on his arm. she glowed with her aura and said''there....'' she then fell to her knees weak.
"Nichole?! Are you okay?" Riko quickly knelt down and put his one good hand on her shoulder, worried about his friend. "You shouldn't push yourself too hard."
"Nichole?!" Riko repeated. He glanced around the room, searching for a bed or a cot or something. He let her lean against him, gently hugging her at the same time.
"Serves you right! Why do you try to heal people so much, you're better off fending them for themselves, that's what America does," Nixon commented only to see Cytra's face recoil a little, and a bead of sweat go down her forehead, "Oh, I forgot, we haven't done any tests, though nobody will let me do my tests...." Nixon pouted, and Cytra's face started sweating more, she nervously answered, "Um- you're tests are being confi-confirmed by the commit-committeemen upstairs," she nervously sat down in a chair after seeing Nixon's happy enough face.

"So I can re open the morphine withdrawal tests? That way we have mindless drones for an army! It'll be awesome!" Nixon ideologically said only to see Cytra bring up a cell phone.

"I'll be making a call up stairs to see if we can start tomorrow, please wait," she said gaining more composure and her smug face returned as she left the room for a little.

"You see, she's afraid, because she thinks that they got rid of my memory, that my ideas were eradicated, that nobody could continue the destruction, and re rise of humanity. They were afraid of me killing God! But you see, they can't destroy me, not even if they put me in a position close to my wants, it wouldn't work. So watch, the horns will sound in a week, then I'll kill her, and after a bit of sweet lipping, rule the world, well, it's destruction." Nixon explained as Cytra talked outside with some scientists up-stairs.

"Yes, that's right, there's a chance he still thinks, yes I do know the consequences if this is true, yes I know it took this position knowing that, yes, send me surgeons, yes, two weeks. That's to make sure you bring the best of the best, not just the shoddy equipment we had over in Ulaanbaatar," she argued and walked back in.

"They said your experiments would happen in two weeks, I couldn't get it any closer to now," Cytra said rushedly, she walked across the room and turned around, "It's tine to go to your rooms, you know where to go, you three bunker up at 3A, and the other two bunker up at 1K," Cytra ordered as she rushed across door.

"It seems we have to bunker up, Nichole is it? Well after you're done hurting yourself come outside the left door will you, I'd hate to have to kill you in the invasion, oh and by the way, we're somewhere in China, Manchuria to be as exact as legally possible," he commented ominously.
"What is wrong with these idiots?" Riko muttered loud enough for them to hear him. He walked over to Aiden and bumped his shoulder, trying to get his attention. "Hey, why does Nichole have to start down here?"

"Why is he telling us all this information?" Meiko wondered.
(I ment stay, sorry I suck at typing)

(hey, just to let you guys know, Im having little glitches so if it loud me out that's why)
"Because Brigadier General Ambrosia vi Cytra decided that I was going to sleep with Nichole, she's the security head of this facility," Aiden said, chuckling a little.

"Um... wow... how does that even work, you tried to heal somebody and then you said it hurt. What's weirder is that you resist my pain attacks which no human should be able to do, I'll have a respect for you," Aiden commented holding out his hand to help Nichole up.
"Well if you ever feel like accepting a sign of respect you might eh... just try to hold my hand?" Nixon replied.

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