
"What?! N-no. Well, maybe just a little." Her face turned more red. She sighed and covered her face with her hands.
Brady sat in his room looking around at all the plants as they flourished but almost all at one he clenched his fist. The grapes and vines starting to dry out turning to dust. He stared blankly at the floor "Who needs people...I have the plants they won't leave me...I don't need anyone."
"Wake up, it's been long enough since our last questionnaire, come on now, wake up, wake up or I'll jump rope on your entrails," he clapped his hands waiting for her to finally get back to her senses.

(Aiden has no conscience and he doesn't love, but he can feel other feelings, like anger... well...apathy, every 'emotion' he has is all bravado'd)
Brady stood up from his bed and walked back out into the hallway. He searched the area for food or the kitchen anyways. He was hungry after spending the entire night figuring out what his powers were and how to use them.
Meiko noticed Brady exited his room, she had nearly forgotten about him. "Hey uh, Brady!" She called over to him after remembering his name. "Whatchadoing?"
He looked back at her for only a moment almost immediately turning back. He continued walking "Dont know why you would's not like I apply to your life...but I'm looking for food."
Meiko frowned at his reply. "I was just asking. You don't have to act so down." She said bye to Harumi then waked over to him then asked, "Do you want me to show you the kitchen?" She crossed her arms.
"No...I'm sure ill find it..." He started tearing up as it dripped down his cheeks " myself...I...I don't need anyone's help" he started walking in the wrong direction completely unknowing "...Stuck here...i just have to struggle for myself...I don't need anyone...I don't need anyone...I...don't need your help."
"Hey, I was talking to you." Meiko continued to follow him. "You're not even going the right don't have to be alone. Me and everyone else can be your friends. You won't last very long here if you're all alone."
Harumi glared at Brady, she didn't really like him. She stood up and walked back to her own room. It was pretty plain, a few guns lying on the floor most of them with little to no ammo. Sheets of paper decorated with Japanese symbols were spread across the walls with a few blank pages scattered on the walls as well.
"Then I will die alone...why would I make friends a place where they could so easily be taken away." He continued walking not believing her. "I did not ask to be here...but now I have the plants...I don't need any of you." I asked you to kill me but you refused I will be stuck here forever."
"Plants are just plants you dummy!" Meiko glared at him. "I don't see why I even bothered talking to you. If you really think that being dead is better than being alive, then you're just a stupid *sshole!" She opened up her wings and flew off out of that hallway.
When she finally went away he stopped walking and looked at himself.'What am I?' He questioned himself and he ripped his arm upward as bamboo shoots made bars at the end of the hallway stopping her. He walked up to her slowly "What am I?!? He screamed at her closing off the other end of the hallway "Am I just some *sshole! Is this some messed up game!"
Meiko screamed, mostly from surprisement, when the vine bars suddenly appeared infront of her, blocking off her path. Her turned back to him and replied, "Incase you hadn't noticed, this is real life. You are still a human, just a human that controls plants. You don't have to yell at me." She tried to act calm buut he kinda scared her now that he was angry. She crossed her arms again and folded her wings back up.
Harumi heard Brady yelling form her room. She grabbed a gun and ran towards where they were. "We're all stuck here! That means we all have to try to get along! Don't act like your better than the rest of us!" She pointed the gun at his head, she only had one shot left, so if she did have to use it she didn't want to miss.
"See none of you even for acting like I'm better I haven't threatened to kill anyone." He looked at Harumi then back "I don't want anyone to act like they know what's happening." He then walked strait into the gun "Maybe your stronger then she take my life." The vines started closing in from both sides " it..."
Meiko walked straight up to Brady and punched him right across the face. "Stop acting so emo!" She growled. "And stop telling people to kill you! "
In his chair, the dictator watched Brady flailing, studying what he said and such, he laughed a little, stood up, and went for a speech.

Aiden grabbed Nichole by the chest and brought her straight back to the chair, he then ordered her to stop moving.

"Now then, I'm going to ask you to do two things, you do one or the other, or both. Kill your family or kill Riko," his voice was steady and cold and the drugs would make her choose, but how long the effect would last would be from a week to a year.
Her finger moved the the trigger, "I would be my pleasure to kill you but why would I waste a bullet on someone like you?" She didn't lower her gun, her hand was still on the trigger. "If you answer correctly and I'll shoot you."
Aiden was really having the time of his life watching her squirm, and he did think Riko was pointless to the experiment, so he pressed on.

"Kill Riko then, I know what he tried to do, what a pervert hmm?" he said devilishly.

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