
"I was still the one who did it! I almost-" Riko didn't finish his sentence, he was too busy crying and feeling disgusted with himself.
Everyone seemed to be ignoring her, she walked away and the only people she knew who wouldn't ignore her was Nichole and Riko. She figured they would be in Riko's room. She opened the door without knocking, "Are you having a good night?" She asked sitting down next to Nichole.
(I didn't see. I'm sorry. Forget my previous post!)

"I know he does." She smirked. "You know what I can do right?" She looked at her, all of her thoughts were mostly about Ciel right now.
Meiko shook her head no, she never actually talked to Harumi before. She didn't even know what her power was.

Riko wiped off his eyes, feeling wimpy now. He always seemed to cry easily. "I would say to punch me if it ever happened again, but you couldn't since I was holding you down..." he stared down at his socks.
Meiko frowned. "Wow, thanks....I really needed to hear that." She said sarcastically.

"I know...I'm sorry." Riko apologized again. He wanted to hug Nichole, but he was also trying to stay away from her.
Even though Riko was the older one, he always ended up acting like a child and crying the most. He pulled blanket over down over his face. He sighed deeply, he just wanted to go to sleep.
Riko closed his eyes, stopping the tears and also trying to calm down. He wiped the remaining tears off his face. "I'm such a loser..." he mumbled sleepily. He rested his head on Nichole's shoulder and quickly fell asleep.
Meiko shrugged. " you like Aiden? Like, do you like him or is he just a friend...or do you just work for him?" She asked curiously.
"I work for him, I'm not going to tell you if I like him as just a friend or more though." It would be easy to tell that she liked him as more than a friend from what she just said and the blush standing out on her pale skin.
"To be honest, I'm scared to read his mind so I don't know. What do you think?" She asked her sitting down on the floor.
Now this may sound like the opening to A Christmas Carol, but remember, Aiden can't really love, but nobody really knows that other than the dictator, Kim Jong Un, Aiden walked down to where Riko was, he grabbed Nichole slowly, and brought her into his 'study' and by study I mean a room filled with nothing but maps, papers, graphs, instruments, and in a corner, which you could only glance at very narrowly, was filled with what looked like a large paper that said "Reason why evolution actually makes sense,"it read. That was the only part large enough to see, and he shook Nichole awake, it was six in the morning, so he figured it was a good night's sleep.

"Wake up. It's time to talk again, I ask you something you answer alright?" his voice seemed oddly, faked, as if he faked being gentle with her, like it was all a bravado and in reality he could care less.

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