
Now, as a given fact, psychopaths have no conciens, and they can't love, but nobody really knows that, so Aiden dragged himself to listen to the whole arts and crafts plus the love room.

"Mind going to sleep? I mean if you don't I'll simply make sure you never feel emotion again but yeah, go to sleep, in two days we get to travel to Mexico!" he clapped his hands softly and left the room to sleep.
"Whatever!" Riko shouted at Aiden after pulling back from Nichole. "Stop eavesdropping btw!"

Meiko ate one of chocolates then ran quickly ran to her room. She didn't want to see Aiden upset, she was already afraid of him.
Riko looked back at Nichole. He blinked when he saw her face was a bit red. He smiled then asked, "You okay?" He took off his shirt again when they entered his bedroom; He couldn't stand sleeping in a shirt.
"Oh my gosh! Nichole are you okay?!" Riko kneeled down next to her. "Whoa...that's alot of blood..." he stood back up and brought back a box of tissues. He grabbed a wet towel and began cleaning the fresh blood off the floor. "Is it...normal to have a nosebleed...that big?" He asked.

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