
Meiko raised an eyebrow and a confused look appeared on her face as she watched Brady wandered back to his bedroom. 'Why'd he leave...?' She wondered. She was about to call out to him, but decided he probably wanted space right now or something.

"Your turn," Riko said and handed the bottle to Nichole.
'Big mistake!' Meiko thought to herself. Her face brightened up all red. "W-What? I-I don't know what y-you're talking about ..." she murmured awkwardly, she was a very bad liar. ".....yeah..." she muttered almostly silently a few seconds later. She looked down at the floor. She was really embarrassed, especially since Ciel was sitting right there, right next to her.

Riko gasped then a large amused grin grew on his face. "Ohhhhhhh!" He chuckled. "I didn't know that!"
"Liar." Harumi murmured. She sighed and followed Brady to his room, "So your name is Brady, right?" She said looking around the room, she felt a little bit uncomfortable with all of the plants and since she had never really talked to him before.
"Wait, what!? Noooooooo!" Meiko tried to escape, but Nichole had too strong of a grip for any possible escapes.

"I want chocolate," Riko commented as they left.
Meiko stared down at her bowl of chocolate, thinking. 'Ciel...I know I really like him him?' She blushed when she repeated the word 'love' in her head. She began copying Nichole on how to make the chocolate. "Can we add something to the chocolate?" She asked, noticing a bowl of strawberries.
Nichole nodded pouring hers into a mold and let it harden. she then put a strawberry slice on 3 and raspberries on the others before pouring on the rest. she let them harden and smiled.
Meiko waited for her chocolate to harden then added some whipped cream to the top of each chocolate. She placed a small candy heart ontop of that. "....why are we making chocolate again?" She asked.
"...h-he already heard me say it just now...he was s-sitting right next to me." Meiko said, she wanted help with this sort of thing. She's never loved someone before..
Meiko bit her lip before saying, "'s not as easy you say it is..." She looked up from staring down at the counter and asked, "Is that how you ended up with Riko?"

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