
"Oh fine..." he grumbled walking away. His walk resembled a sort of glide, as if the sky carried him.

(gonna go to sleep)
After crying quietly to herself, Harumi joined everyone else. "Can I play?" She said quietly with her head down, she didn't want anyone to know that she was crying.
(Poor harumi...why was she crying?)

Meiko watched Aidrn leave the room, she waited a few seconds before sitting back down in her spot. 'That guy gives me the creeps...' she thought with a shiver.

Riko didn't say anything when Harumi arrived. He wasn't sure she if she was trustworthy; Working along side Aiden yet still a test subject. He crossed his arms but kept a normal face.
(Its a secret)

Harumi found a place to sit only a little bit away from everyone else. "Why don't you trust me Riko?" She was a little offended.
"I just don't care for people who work with murderers, but I might just be being judgemental..." Riko replied. He had forgotten that she can read minds.
"I'm not like Aiden, Nichole and you would be dead if I was." Harumi moved a bit closer to Riko. "I might use my powers to my advantage but I'm not a murderer."
"I never said you were," Riko said simply, uncrossing his arms and looking away for a second. "Yeah, let's continue. Who's turn is it?" He asked Nichole. Riko wasn't exactly in the best mood at the moment. It was really late which made him tired and a bit cranky.
Meiko put a finger on her finger, trying to come up with a dare. "I dare you to get a piece of fruit from the kitchen, then kiss it passionately for a whole minute."
Riko's cheeks turned pink from Nichole's comment. "Ahh, you should have dared her to kiss me instead." He whined.

Meiko giggled. "It wouldn't have been funny then. Btw, are you really jealous of an apple?"
Meiko covered up her eyes, pretending to be disgusted. "Eww, not in public!"

Riko grinned through the kiss then pulled back. "All better," he said smiling.
Brady watched awkwardly then stood up and walked back into his room where he looked down at his hands. He flicked his hand and seeds popped out and started growing all over the wall. They were grape seeds and vines were growing up all up the walls and ceiling. The vines began bearing luscious fruit with a beautiful purple.

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