
Aiden laughed a rather high pitched laugh and brought her some towels.

"I'd rather you not mess everything up, also, he already did," Aiden said. He stood in front of her, a lot taller than she was and looked down on her.
Brady took the strike and when it hit it made a crack sound. When she removed her fist bark had grown on his cheek where he had been hit. He looked over at the other girl and sighed "Find we will play this game your way." He snapped his fingers and bamboo rods shot right before her head,stomach,back and crotch. "Now?"
"Incorrect." Harumi lowered the gun to her side and moved her finger away from the trigger. She carefully moved away from the bamboo and stood to Brady's right side. "A few bamboo rods won't stop me."
" don't care about yourself." He did the same thing to Meiko except he penetrated her with all of he bamboo rods for about three inches for each of the rods. "Did you know that the Sung Tsu used bamboo shoots for torture...he would tie them down to the ground on top of bamboo shoots allowing them to grow threw the body."
"Your more insane than Aiden." She looked at him and then to the gun. "If you're so brave, shoot yourself." She held out the gun for him to take, he could shoot Meiko or even her but it was a risk she wanted to take.
Aiden noticed the chance he had and abused it, he knelt down and slowly spoke, in a hypnotic sort of way, which it really wasn't, it was just some neuroscience and psychology quirks, all to make her follow his will.

"He did, he hurt your trust did he not? Tell me a moment he ever, ever helped you, tell me!" he yelled in a odd way, again fun neuroscience and psychology plus drugs would make her answer in the sad truthful way.
Meiko shivered from fright. Brady was really scaring her; A moment he's all quiet and innocent, another moment he's screaming, yelling, and even threatening them. She just wanted someone to come and stop him...and Harumi. She didn't want her to shoot him, but she also didn't want him to go on like this. Ciel, Nichole, Riko........she wished for someone to come and end this.
Brady grew poppy flowers on the ceiling as they released some of their pollen. They released just enough to put the bats to sleep but not enough to make the girls fall asleep. He made more bamboo rods grow to block the path so the holes were to small for the bats. He turned back to Meiko looking at the blood coming from the wounds made from the bamboo.
One bat still flew it sent out a screech. Nichole's eyes snapped open and she struggled franticly and flew up in bat form. she flew out following the sound and flew at brady trying to distract him.
"W-What are the heck is wrong with you?!" Meiko cried, her eyes were all watery because she was scared and the bamboo really pierced her skin. She tried to move but it only resulted in causing the bamboo to go in deeper, more blood dripped out. "I tried to be your friend and what you do in return is hurt me...!"
His eyes which were just dark green suddenly lightened. He shook his head looking around at the situation and then fell to his knees when he saw Meiko. Brady made the bamboo shoots go back into the ground and he caught her before she hit the ground. "I...I...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to." He grew some enhanced healing berries and crushed them letting the juice fall on the wounds.

(What happened to Nichole passing out.)
Tears fell down her cheeks. Meiko closed her eyes, trying not to cry but her wounds still hurt. She continued to shiver and shake, ignoring Brady's words.
Brady started crying as tears fell into one of her wounds but he didnt realize it. "I'm sorry...I don't want to hurt you." He continued crying. He didn't know what just happened "I wouldn't hurt you...that's not really me...I just want to help you." He grew a white rose where his heart was at "Please let me help you..."

(If its okay with you Brady likes you,again. Love triangle.)
(Back! Wow..I actually wasn't gone that long. Well, my phone is plugged in now.)

(@anonymous: sure :) a love triangle would be cool, plus it adds more drama)

Meiko glanced up at his face for a second then looked back down at the ground. She wiped her eyes then said, "Let's try to be friends." She smiled a faint smile, very faint, but still a smile.
He looked down at her "I wanted to be your friend...honestly I did." He coughed from crying to hard "I didn't want to hurt you...I'm so sorry."

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