
"It's alright, I believe you. You don't seem like that kind of person." Meiko said, her wounds were slowly healing. They would probably be completed healed in a few minutes but she'd have to be careful not to cut them open again. "W-We can start over..." she wiped her eyes again.
Out of two doors, two figures came in, one on each seperate door, one was the generalissimo himself, and in the other door Aiden showed up, with a proud smile on his face.

"Well, you actually did it! I never expected you to be able to make a mutation like this, better than you made him have a mental disorder, I give you much credit," the dictator said with a small clap. Aiden replied with a bow, albeit small, but a bow.

"Why it was quite simple really sir, it's just so funny, I didn't come in in time to be the hero, but alas, anyways, the trip to Mexico is in two days right, can't we do it now? Better to give the people a way of the land I suppose," he suggested, Aiden thought back on the last few days, while everybody used their powers like a madman, like Brady and Nichole, Meiko, Riko, and he didn't use them much if at all, Riko had been busy being a love bird, and Meiko just didn't do it, Aiden could've used his powers a multitude of times, but for some reason didn't, his theory was that these powers would drain on your life force, or to put it bluntly, life expectancy, so his use of them was limited, and other alternatives were available to him, Nichole didn't face this problem, she just got wearied out, so in the end she did have a weakness. His thinking was interrupted by a time stop and a switch to the day after tomorrow.

"Your flight is in fifteen minutes, get ready," said the dictator, walking out the door. Aiden turned back to the crowd and declared :"Everybody pack your things, we're traveling!" and so he left.
He wiped his eyes of the tears and he put out his hand hesitantly. "My names's nice to meet you. I'm a plant manipulator..." His voice was shaken and he sounded very shy.
"Meiko, I'm Meiko." She introduced herself and shook his hand. She turned her head to look at Nichole. "..yeah, I'm fine. Are you alright?" She asked, Nichole looked rather dizzy.

Riko appeared out of nowhere and caught Nichole, picking her up in his arms.
Brady shook her hand until the one guy came and told them to get up. He stood up helping her up as well, and he ripped the flower from his chest. It started to glow and illuminate and he handed it to her "Please keep this with you wherever you go...and whenever you need me...this me...ill be there." He walked to his room and began packing his things.
Meiko stared down at the lovely white flower in her hands. It was very pretty, yet also familiar in a ways. It reminded her of the sapphire necklace that Ciel had given her in the dream; Both glowed and both appeared to have a way of helping her. She smiled at the flower. She then sighed, she still wasn't sure where Ciel had gone. She missed him.
Brady was in his room slowly packing what few things he had here at a slow pace. He was thinking about what he had just given her 'I really hope she doesn't lose that or destroys it...I don't even want to think about what might happen.' He looked at the floor beneath his legs.
(Riko was between the age of 8 and 9)

Meiko put the flower in her hair carefully, making sure not to damage the petals or anything'. She walked into her room to start gathering her belongings. She flopped down on her bed, stopping to think for a minute.
(kk) FLASHBACK:​Nichole had just got off the bus to Camp Cod. She was nervous and her father sent some bats to watch her.She looked around after grabbing her bags. she was not normal at all. she was a vampire she just hadnt awoken yet. her big brother did. She walked into her cabin then sat by herself near a tree. a bat hung overhead.
(Oh cool! Are we gonna rp the flashback? That's so cool! I thought she was just gonna have a flashback then wake up.)

FLASHBACK: Little Riko hummed quietly to himself, smiling as he entered the campground. He dragged his bags along the ground as he hopped off another bus. He looked exactly the same as he did now, just shorter, no tattoo, and his hair was a bit shorter.
(ikr we are so doing the flashbacks!! XDXD)flashback continues:Nichole looked at the other kids as they played. she had no friends. Not even One! she sighed sadly and a tear went down her face.
FLASHBACK: Riko noticed a little girl sitting all alone under a small tree. He sat his backpack down then wandered over to her. He peeked around the tree, "Hello!" He greeted her with a smile.
FLASHBACK: Riko walked out from behind the tree. "Why are you all alone? Don't you play too?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. All the other kids were running around, laughing, giggling, and rolling in the grass.

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