
"My dream... it's fading, but it seemed so real. I remember... it felt like it lasted for a year or maybe less. after what felt like two months in the dream, i remember... someone dying, and then someone new arrived, but this place burned down shortly after. I woke up when I died in my dream. I died because I was enclosed in a room that was on fire completely, and I couldn't escape. I don't know. it seems odd that I woke up in a random room and dont remember how I got there."
Meiko shivered at the thought of his dream. " you think it was a vision? Maybe a glimpsee of the future...or maybe I'm just being weird..." she asked curiously and looked down at the floor.
Harumi smiled, "Everyone's together again!" She sighed, "I'm leaving." She started walking in a random direction holding her hands over her ears. "Why does there have to be so many thoughts!" She yelled angrily.
Ciel's eyes widen as he notices the new people. "Not to be rude, but... I don't believe I've met you..."

"I don't know if it was a vision, but.. it was certainly odd. Here, I found this in the room I woke up in.." He hands the paper with the weird notes to Meiko.
Meiko took the notes and read over them a couple times. A confused look appeared on her face. "...I don't understand you?"
"No, seems kind of strange." Ciel suddenly felt strange. "Something's... not right.." He swayed, using his right hand on the wall to hold himself up. "Wha- what's going on here?" He looked into Meiko's eyes, and suddenly his view shifted as though he was no longer in his body. He saw himself fall down, and he realized he was looking through Meiko's eyes. He thought "What's happening?!" He couldn't control Meiko, but he wondered if he could talk to her somehow.
Meiko gasped when Ciel collapsed. She kneeled down and lightly shook his shoulders. "Ciel? Ciel are you okay?" She looked up and glanced aroussn the room when she heard Ciel's seemed to come from inside her head. "C-Ciel? Where are you?"
Suddenly, Everyone faded from the hallway. He was in some sort of alternate world, he guessed. He then realized that he wasn't even himself. He was still looking from Meiko's point of view. This was really strange. He called out to her in his mind "This is weird... It's like im you but in some sort of other world.." Alternate Meiko was running down the hallway, calling Ciel's name. Suddenly, his view shifted again. He was himself, but he was in a small room. He realized something strange. It looked a lot like the room he woke up in earlier. Suddenly, he smelled.. smoke. Ciel called out in his mind Meiko... if you concentrate... maybe you can see what i'm seeing. i'm looking from some version of me's point of view. this is so weird.
Meiko closed her eyes and emptied her mind so she could concentrate easier. She blinked when she suddenly "appeared" in the alternate view. "W-What?" She was confused and looked all around.
Alternate Ciel called out, "Meiko!" I didnt say that. It's like I'm watching a play or something. Ciel said to Meiko in his mind. Alternate Ciel ran up to the door and started struggling with the knob, but it burns his hand. He yelled from the pain, and looked around the burning room. He felt the heat closing in on him, and he couldn't produce enough ice to stop it. The ice would just melt. Soon, alternate Ciel fell down and passed out. A supporting beam fell from the ceiling and fell on top of alternate Ciel, pinning him.

(Btw this is supposed to be the future they're seeing. But they still have the choice to change the future if Ciel chooses not to go into that room.)
Meiko gasped again when she saw the beam fall straight down onto alternate Ciel. "Oh my gosh....." she muttered.

(Oh, interesting. I like that idea.)
He looked towards Meiko standing in the hall. His arm extended towards her. There was something in his hand. "Meiko..." He dropped it. It was a necklace made of sapphire, as blue as the sea. There was a note attatched. "Meiko... use this to call my power to help you.. I hope it saves you one day." This necklace, when worn, would allow Meiko to gain the same powers as Ciel. The beam started burning more towards Ciel, and Ciel slowly faded away, and after a while he went limp. The last thing he whispered was "Goodbye, I'll miss you."
(Omg...I literally started crying when I read that, I dunno why)

Meiko felt tears form in her eyes too as she watched. "Ciel!" She cried out, forgetting that it wasn't actually him. A tear rolled down her cheek when alternate Ciel turned cold dead.
(-Hugs- cx it's alright)

The necklace shone with a bright blue radiance, as if containing a fragment of Ciel's soul. Ciel, in the present, opened his eyes and sat up, holding Meiko. He called out in his mind, "Meiko?"
(-hugs back- Ciel, don't you dare die!)

Meiko blinked back to reality when he called her. She wiped her eyes, they were still full of tears from almost crying.
Ciel wiped her tears and assured her that everything is alright.

He reached into his pocket and grabbed the necklace from the vision. "This... I didn't even know I had this. It must have gotten there somehow while I was dreaming." He looked at it as if it was a specimen from another planet. "It's really strange... and this note." Ciel reads the note out loud. "Meiko, use this to call my power to help you, I hope it saves you one day." He pauses. "D-did I write that? When did I write that?" Ciel didn't know what to think anymore. "Everything is confusing me today." Ciel frowns. "I wonder if what we saw... I wonder if it meant anything."

(Im going to bed. Good night.
(Ahhh...ok, goodnight Ceros)

Meiko glanced a quick peek at the note, it looked exactly like the one the dream or vision or whatever just happened. 'Does that mean it's really gonna happen? Is Ciel...Is Ciel gonna die? He can't die!' She thought with worry in her eyes. She quickly wiped another tear before it fell. The necklace looked exactly the same too.
Harumi could still hear the thoughts of everyone. "Why won't it stop?!" She banged her head against the wall a few times. Usually they didn't effect her but they had been torturing her lately, a few drops of blood came from her head. She held a hand to her head to stop any more blood. Harumi hated her current position in life, being able to read minds isn't as great as it sounds and her she already had a headache. A few tears formed in her eyes, she wiped them away with the back of her hand.
Riko groaned and climbed out of bed. "What?" He asked, opening the door.

Meiko nodded yes. "Yeah, im fine." She said. Her tears were gone but her cheeks were still red.
"Its ok...I don't mind," Riko said, pausing to yawn. He was completely shirtless ehen she awoke him. He grabbed a random shirt off the floor and pulled it on.

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