
(Hey I was just kidding. Oh, maybe he could arrive as one of the new test subjects. They could find in surrounded by scientists for a test or maybe he just woke up in his room..I dunno)

"..." Riko bit his lip, not knowing what to say. "At least you don't hate them."

(Should I bring my other character Meiko back?)
Three of the scientist all met in the lab and over the intercom called "Brady come to the test lab now for body tests." It echoed through out the establishment. Brady stood from his bed and rubbed the back of his neck from the rough sleep. He walked out of the room compliantly and looked into a room at two people on the ground looking longingly. He was pushed forward and laid down on an operation table.
Riko leaned back against the wall and sighed. "I hate this place..." he grumbled to himself.

Meiko heard them call an unfamiliar name over the intercom. "Did they get someone new for a test subject? And when did they get an intercom?" She wondered aloud.
After they took some of his blood and a urine sample the sent him out where he sulked looking at the ground. He stopped and cocked his head to the side with a slight frown as he walked past them slowly stopping just out of their vision.
Meiko quietly exited her dark room and into the hallway. She walked silently through around, glancing in through the windows of the labs, trying to get a glimpse of the newcomer. She was curious.

Riko let out a big sigh and stood up. "Do you know what time it is? I'm kinda tired." He asked Nichole.
Brady looked back at the girl shyly and stopped walking away from her. He turned around and slowly looked up at her just meeting eyes for a meer second then returning to the ground but he didn't run off.
Meiko took a few steps back when the boy looked up at her. He seemed normal to her...the drug from the needle probably hadn't kicked in yet.

Riko yawned again then asked, "Are you tired?"
Brady frowned when she stepped away from him and turned around slowly to walk away. Suddenly like a surge of electricity something flowed through him exploding in his head. He fell to his knees covering his eyes that started to bleed as they turned completely green. His body was shaking having tremors all around and his hair started turning green as well. He let out a loud yell of pain arching his back and body backwards maintaining the position.
Riko picked Nichole up in his arms. His yawned and brought her up to her bedroom. He carefully layed her down on the bed and covered her with a blanket. "Goodnight Nichole," he whispered. He left and went to his bedroom.

Meiko watched the boy as he suddenly turned green and other random things. "...." she couldn't get a single word out, just sat there watching with her jaw hanging open.
Brady just stayed there occasionally twitching his head to one side or the other. Green blood started flowing out of the corners of his mouth. His entire body fell back wards as he laid out himself but brought his knees to his chest suddenly from pain. Bamboo rods suddenly erupted from his chest cavity and grew in a twisting pattern. He moaned in pain drifting in and out of consciousness when one of the last things he saw was a white thorned rose come from his hand then he lost sight.
Riko climbed into his bed, making sure to fluff his pillow. His plopped his head down and cosed his eyes. He let out his last yawn then fell deep asleep.

Meiko slowly walked back over to the boy. 'What...what just happened?' She wondered as she kneeled down next to him. She lightly shook his shoulder. Nothing happened. "Hey, um...hey. Are you okay?" She asked, though he probably didn't even hear her.
The bamboo rods slowly went back into his body and the flower wilted until it was dust. He opened his eyes slightly adjusting to the strange sensation. He saw the girl standing above him and he freaked out standing quickly and looking down from her gaze. He nodded to answer her question but kept his mouth shut tight.
Meiko blinked when he suddenly stood up. "What just happened? Are you sure you're okay?" She asked with concern. It looked like it had been pretty painful.
Brady nodded his head that he was okay and gave a shy smile. When he turned around to walk away there was a hole ripped in the back of his shirt and it was drenched in green blood. He shyly smiled to himself as green dripped from both corners of his mouth. He continued walking to his room seemingly unfazed by the wound. He laid down in bed not locking the door and started crying. He wanted to know what was wrong and master over it.
"Hey, wait!" Meiko said and followed him. "You need help. You're bleeding blood. Do you want me to help you?" She suggested, she stayed a few feet away, giving him some personal space. She knew he needed help. Newcomers were always confused and upset.
All he did was smile at her with tears running down his face and he rose a hand up infront of his face to see it shaking. He laid in bed his eyes looking up at her longingly but his face saying no.
Meiko saw the look on his face. He looked just awful and in distress. She wasn't sure to stay and help or leave and let him calm down. He looked really confused, scared too.

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