
Harumi saw her hair change into a hot pink. She hated that colour more than any colour in the universe. Harumi heard the loud hiccups, she followed the sound. Harumi opened the door only to see Riko aiming a pistol at her neck. She sighed, "Aim it at her head next time, it'll scare her more." She hoped no one would notice her hair.
(Let's get this started!)

'Four and a half months... four and a half months...' Aiden kept thinking. It had been four months since he entered his room. No windows where in his room, and he never had come out. He would not stop working and then go to sleep for 23 hours and continue the work week. In this time he had gone through bouts of overwork, and even an inkling of scizophrenia, all of this because of his workweek. His hair was cut, but it was horribly messy. All he had been doing was designing more war machines for the machine, but he finally got a break today, in fact now he had to take the hands of being a general. Never his best task. Slowly opened the door to where Nichole and Riko probably were. His eyes were a full green, and while he was to be pitied, to anyone who saw him, he was to be rightly feared, but he wasn't angry, he was smiling. He ran towards Riko and Nichole and exclaimed, "Good times friends, good times! I've a vacation and by vacation I mean I get to be a general! Fun times everyone!" his voice was normal yet in a way oddly loony. He even picked up Harumi and threw her up, only to catch her.

"Did you know how much I missed you? I've been working so long and now... fun times!" he yelled once more, then he whispered softly into Harumi's ear, "Sorry, it seems I might be a workaholic."
Aiden paused a little and looked back at Nichole, a frown apparent."Why are you trying to jump out the window? There's a lock to your right, I'll push you off if you'd like," he said with a monotone. He walked over to Nichole and opened the lock, he then grabbed her and let her drag across the air.
Riko sighed and looked down at the floor. 'It's been four months, yet they still continue with the constant near-death-attacks...' he thought and looked back up.
Riko's eyes widened when Nichole suddenly dropped Aiden out the window, though he was surprised that he hadn't seen that one coming. "Wha-.....-at...what are you doing?!"
Normally Aiden would've returned with a nonchalant face, but this time when he came back up his eyes shone that green colour, and Aiden trudged slowly down the hall again.

"I personally thought that you would love to fall, no need to toss me down, but we all have our vices," he said as Aiden dragged Nichole to another room.
( lol ikr xD ) nichole eeped. her eyes were wide. "aiden if you wanted me you couldve used the date drug trick it worked alot...NEVERMIND DONT USE THAT!"
"I'm flattered you think it would be possible, but I have to do one last test with you, then well... anything goes," he explained as he put her on a table, and proceded to inject stuff, leave, inject stuff, leave, and write things down. He finally finished after a few hours and dragged her in front of Aiden.

"I'm going to tell you something, and I want you to answer truthfully," he said, secretly she's been injected with drugs in her sleep, but it stopped two weeks ago, so no matter what she would answer, "Tell me, where is your cloven," he began with a simple but tough question.

(Cloven means vampire clan)
Aiden waited until Nichle went back to normal.

"Do you know what you've done? You horrible selfish rat?" he teased.

"You've told me where exactly your clan is!" he exclaimed and threw her near Riko.

"Next week, same thing," he ordered and walked back to Harumi.

"We're gonna get to go to Mexico, funny thing, the U.S.A is now a part of Korea, and South America is controlled by Saudi Arabia, but Mexico's withstood all attacks," he mumbled.
"How wonderful." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Can't I just stay here?" She asked almost pleading.
Aiden looked puzzled by her pleading, "What's wrong with Mexico? It only has eighty different poisonous species and ... hmm, you may have a point, but I'd like to do my work, come on it'll be fun, we can go see all the monuments and schtuff, it'll be cool," he reassured her, he hid the fact that he thought Mexico's national anthem might just be the coolest national anthem he's heard.
"And because you think the natinal anthem is the best one ever." She added. She thought about it for a few seconds, "if you tell me why you want to go there and why you asked Nichole where her family was; I'll go." Harumi sighed in defeat.

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