
"A: I need to do a job there. B: I know the place inside and out. C:Because, I don't want the three military forces ripping her family to shreds, yet, there's another psychological experiment for that," he finished his relatively small speech and waited eagerly for her response.
Nichole punched the wall. HOW COULD I BE SO WEAK?! She stood up shakily and tried a message onto an arrow. she said''i hope this works..'' aimed it and shot it. she closed her eyes tight and it teleported to her family.
Aiden thought about this a little more, there wasn't any specified time to leave, just that he had to.

"I'm putting my life between a day and a week, why not three days to get all set up?" he suggested sitting leisurly on a chair, he took notice of her sighing.

"Why are you sighing so much? Do you not like Latin America, oh that reminds me, if anyone asks you what ethnicity are you, say you're from one of the small countries, like Cambodia or Laos, don't say you're from Japan, I wouldn't want you to be barraged with insults, they think it's funny that the Japanese and Chinese fell to wimpy Korea, I can say I'm from Britain and Nichole, she can figure it out herself," he joked. He wasn't kidding though, Harumi probably wouldn't like to hear people making fun of her and probably making fun of her in a language she can't understand. He always knew that if you know the insult, you can insult the insult, if you don't know it, well you're done goofed.
Harumi sighed again, realizing what she had just done. "I'm sorry, and I can look after myself, I'm not Japanese either." She murmured.
"I would think so by the name, Chinese names are much shorter, names are usually one syllable, I know enough about Korean names, and I know Indo-Chinese names, just don't mention your name, trust me, it makes things that much worse, otherwise I would tell you to go flip people off if that's what you want, but let's not do it there," Aiden understood what he said sounded annoying, but it was true, business prices go up, everyone suspects you of being a spy or they just laugh at you.
nichole groaned and sat up. she rubbed her head it was pounding. she was SO gonna kill Aiden when she got the chance. she got a letter. it was from her family. she read it and sighed in relief they were safe now.
Aiden seemed pretty 'meh' to the comment and replied, "It's organized chaos."

He called and informed the Foreign Affairs Minister about the trip, being careful not to describe too much, as the guy hated him with a burning passion, "No Lee, I'm not telling you my plane number, I don't necessarily care, oh please just shut up, it kat szhia," he fumed through the phone and hung up.

(He said shut up in Korean)
(@anoymous: Omg! Hi anoymous! You're character is accepted. You can begin rping whenever)

([MENTION=3471]Komeko[/MENTION]: Lol, he said shut up in korean? That's awesome)

"Another dimension? Wow." Riko said and his eyes widened a little.
(Wow thanks you really know how to crush a guy. Also, how would you like me to pop in because I've read from about page sixty and have no clue.)

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