
"Blood..." Harumi said disgusted at the smell. She wanted to find out what the cause was, she followed the sent of blood. Harumi found a boy bleeding with green blood, "so your the horrible stench..." she pinched her nose to cover the smell and turned her head so she couldn't see the blood.

(I love your avatar anonymous! Altair from assassins creed! Right?)
((OMG i am sooo sorry guys. I was grounded for a few weeks. mind filling me in?"))

Ciel awoke with a start.

He looked around, and accidentally said aloud,

"The fire... is it gone?"

But then, he realized that it had been a dream. It was so realistic, and it seemed to drag on for months. He stood up, and tried to think of what happened... And then he remembered. He was in a small room. It had a single door. the bed he awoke on didn't seem like a normal bed. There was a desk with paper and pens. He walked over to it, and saw notes. Strange notes.

" The day they awoke

the chosen few

the day they awoke

born anew

the day it changed

they became estranged

the day the ice melted

the day the flame was extinguished

wings ripped off

arrow to the chest

the warden's pain inflicted back

the day they are born anew"

Ciel folded up the paper and put it in his pocket. He tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge. He decided to yell.
(Omg! Omg Ceros! You're back! *tackle hug*)

(Also Aiden took over the whole mad operation, destroyed a bunch of countries with his super planes, and also is now in control of most of the world. Riko and Nichole are dating! :D )

Meiko heard someone shout for help. "I'll be right back..." she said to the mysterious plant-guy and ran off to help. "Hello?" She called out and waited for a response.
(Haha yes i felt horrible leaving the rp without saying anything but i didnt get a chance sorry.)

"Meiko?" Ciel called out. He pounded on the door. "This thing won't budge. I'm in some sort of... operation room." He looked around. "Theres a desk in here though along with some sort of bed."
Meiko ran through the hallway, peeking in the door windows. She stopped when she saw Ciel trapped inside. She tried to open the door.. "It's stuck from this side too. Is there any sort of key lying around inside?" She asked and looked around her too. "How'd you get in there anyways?" She asked him.

(No problem. I hate when that happens)
"Umm, I don't exactly know. I just remember... Well i dont know. I had this dream.. it seemed to drag on forever, and i thought it was real. When I woke up I realized it wasn't. I remember the ice clones, and then... it gets fuzzy." Ciel looked around the room and had no luck finding a key. "There's no key, but there are some sort of sharp tools or something. Maybe i could try to freeze the handle off."
(@yullen: nichole can change into a bat? Cool!)

"You've ...been asleep that long?" Meiko muttered, her eyes widened a bit. She went through her memories and suddenly recalled the ice clones. That had happened at LEAST a whole month ago. "Have you been asleep this whole time?" She asked.
Aiden wrinkled at the green blood and walked up the both Ciel and Brady.

"Oh there you are, I welcome you, to the great institute of the Great Leader: Kim il Sung Institute of Biological Sciences, I really hate the name by the way, I'd prefer the name : The Institute of Mutation and Biological Sciences for the Benifit and Service of War," he commented, he walked over to Meiko and poked her.

"Hey um... we need to catch up on some things, like a lot of things," he hadn't even noticed his new white hair. He stopped a little and noticed it, at first he was silent, then he grabbed Nichole and yelled, "Give me my ordinary hair back!" he shook the bat around with a hard grip.

(His new awesomeness face of awesomeness:
Aiden looked like he was about to rip the thing in half, but then stopped, although not after twisting the wings. He dropped Nichole on the floor and went back to Meiko.

(So sorry for the short post)
Brady stood up as all the blood suddenly absorbed into his body and he suddenly understood what his mutation was. He walked out and saw the bat laying on the ground. The guy with white hair was complaining "We'll...I suppose...if you really want...I could make it green." He looked down shyly and looked back at the girl from earlier.
"I haven't missed THAT many tests..." Meiko complained and crossed her arms. She really hated the tests, they always pulled on her wings.
Brady shyly walked in front of her still looking at the ground but standing between the girl and the white haired guy. "She...she doesn't want to go with you...just leave her alone...please."
Meiko blinked in surprisement when he stood up for her. 'Thank you!' She thought and also noticed somthing about him...his wounds were completely gone. 'How'd he heel so fast? Was I seeing things before?' She wondered but didn't ask.
Aiden stared at her a little, then he spoke again.

"It's been four and a half months, you've missed too many tests for the other ministers to even let you live, how bout this, we can have a day for you to rest, then we can do some tests, deal?" he bargained, she may have missed a few hundred tests, morphine shots, indoctrination thingies and other things. Then Aiden looked at Brady, his eyes glowered of contempt.

"You? I could care less about you, you're so compliant, I hate that, it makes me have to think of a whole reversation process and then reverse it, jerk," he mumbled walking off to his room again.
Brady's eyes went completely green "So now your just going to walk away from me you rude worthless piece of $&!*. I thought this was a military station I'm surprised their ?$!&*s weren't taught better manners." He stood smiling with his head cocked to the side and giving a slight laugh.
Meiko was surprised again when the mysterious boy went from shy and silent to cursing and telling off Aiden. 'Please don't let Aiden get again!' She thought, Aiden was scary when he was truely angry.
Ciel was sort of confused, hearing Aiden's voice. "Hey, what's up with this room? And what about these weird notes?" He grabbed the handle on the door and started forming the ice around and inside of it so that it broke off from the door. He pushed the door open, and ran out of the room to meet Meiko. He looked at Aiden. "What's going on? Why was I in that room? And.. how long has it been?" Ciel was confused.
Meiko turned around and sighed in relief, glad to see that Ciel had escaped. "I think it's been a couple months...nobody's seen you for a while." She told him.

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