
Harumi left as soon as she turned into the cute chibi. She hated children. She wandered to Aiden, he was still sleeping. She could easily just read him mind and he would never know, it was to tempting and she read only a little bit. Harumi smirked at the information she had just gained.

(I don't know much about Aiden that know one else knows already so I don't know what she learned :P )
Inside his mind his memories re appeared. He never really had friends as a kid, in fact funny thing, he was actually a cute kind of chubby once, but his depression and angst of divorce and general cynicism got to him and made him become bone thin, he had become much more athletic, and in turn, smarter. He pulled himself with stride and everyone would shy away, when he was thirteen for his birthday he convinced his parents to take him to Pyongyang, an encounter which let him live to this day. On that trip he had taught his family on how to get things done there, so much that he was allowed to talk the the leader of North Korea at that time: the late Kim Jong Il, his family though were really afraid, and in a way, proud, proud that their son got to meet a recluse of a dictator, and they had a debate, which ended in a stalemate, and he left the room, and continued the tour. When he became fourteen he visited war zones like Somalia and with a planning maneuver quelled the violence, albeit bloodily, this was a secret thing. His parents never saw him after that, he'd travel to dictatorships and meet the dictators, enlightening them, teaching them, learning the way of the land, he had known a ton about chemistry, terrorism, politics, all by the age of fifteen. In the middle of this year the government saw him as a terrorist and a treasonous The U.S and Chinese governments teamed up to take him down, but while the U.S wanted him dead, China wanted him alive, so a procedure to rid him of his memory was latched, and it had failed miserably, because he was right in front of her, with a lab coat, and a war jacket. Then Aiden woke up groggily and sat up.

"So how are you this I don't know... night? That's about right, what has the girl done now?" he asked, and for a second, you could see huge bags underneath his eyes, even a dash of gray hair underneath all of the covering hair. He hadn't slept for about 2 weeks, and the times he broke this it happened with six hours of rest. Not enough to compliment two weeks of pure wakeness.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Harumi asked. She sighed, "you were cute, as a kid I mean." She said quietly.
"That's nice to know, I wanted to ask you, what have I missed while I was asleep? Anything stupid that she did again?" Aiden asked getting up and slowly turning the light on.
"Nichole turned into a toddler." Harumi said un-amused. "That's why I came here." She continued. She stood up to face Aiden, "We always end up split into two groups, we're never in the same room for more than 5 minutes. It's always Nichole and Riko together and then you and me."
"What caused such a thing, I wonder," Aiden thought outloud, he walked out the door and saw the chibi Nichole.

"You've got to be ******* kidding me..." he muttered and picked up the toddler right from where she was. His grip wasn't horrendous, it was firm though.
Harumi followed him to Nichole "Yes, Aiden you shouldn't say bad words, tsk tsk tsk." She giggled. "How do you think we can get her back to normal, as much as I hate her, I had children more." She sighed, again.
Aiden moved over to Riko, "Hey, how did she get like this?" he questioned, he put the toddler down and stood up again. He hated toddlers, a ton, even though he was one, he couldn't help but being angered at one.
Harumi noticed the gold arrow, "do you think this could have anything to do with it?" She picked it up and examined it, the blood from the arrow was gone by now.
Aiden examined the arrow, noticing it's features the prickled Nichole's back with the arrow.

"This'll either make her smaller or she'll grow back again," he muttered waiting for a response to his action.
"How could an arrow make her shrink?" Riko asked curiously, wondering if he knew why. He picked Nichole back off the floor again.
"I'm leaving." Harumi said bluntly walking out of the room. She leaned on a wall clearing her mind, she usually always had headache due to the fact that she could read minds. She sat down leaning her back against the wall and closed her eyes.
"Tell me when you two are done, Riko, get the she-devil back to being a she-devil," he ordered and walked across from Harumi.

"So... it's been about two days, we've still got twelve more days to wait for it," he muttered.
"How am I supposed to change her back?" Riko asked, though they already left without an answer. He sighed. "Hey," he said when Nichole called him "pudgy". "Just because you're a midget now doesn't mean you can me fat." He poked her nose. He stood up off the floor.

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