
Ciel hugs Meiko, feeling sorry that he couldn't stop the bullet. "I'm sorry. I don't want this to happen to you again. If anyone ever hurts you again, i'll kill them." He examined the wound. "How are we going to get this healed?"
Meiko blushed when Ciel hugged her. She smiled slightly then said, "Thanks. Oh my dunno. Do you have a washcloth or a pad or something?" She didn't want anyone to worry about her, especially Ciel.

Riko grinned. "Cool, now you're one of us. Well unless you were crazy and wanted to stay here instead, for some reason." He looked down at Ciel and Meiko. His grin was erased. "Hey, are you guys okay?"
Nichole saw the girl's wound and got out her medical kit. she said''m-move please'' siting on her knees looking at the wound. she carefully cleaned,and wrapped up. she said''i'll need to change it and make sure there won't be an infection...''
"Oh, ok. Thanks." Meiko said to the girl. She looked at her shoulder and covered it again. 'Well that helped....but it still stings...and I'm still bleeding a lot...' she thought.
Nichole looked through her bag and pulled out a bowl and herbs an some berries. she crushed them making a paste and gently unwrapped the wound. she said''this'll sting''rubbing the paste/medicene on the wound. she wrapped it back up and said''they have healing properties and will stop the pain and bleeding''smiling.
Ciel said to Nichole, "Thanks for your help..."

And then to Riko "Yeah, I'm fine, but Meiko here got shot by one of the guards.."
His name was Aiden Nixon, and he was given the power of pain. He slowly walked across the dark halls. He listened to the sound of gunfire among other things.

"Hello? Anyone out there!" he asked in a fake tone of cowardice. He skipped through a corridor and into the gang's sights.

"Well. This is awkward. So anyways, I heard from General Cytpra that some kittens were running away, and I found you all! Oh look!" he exclaimed looking at the bodies, "Wow, you killed them before I got here, man I need some excercise, so um... mind just going back to your rooms? I'd love it! But then again, this is coming from the people who made this mess.... so why don't you just go back, yeah, back" he was rambling along as he skipped closer to Riko.
"A bow? Arrows? Why would the old man even.... also, you might want to stop tilting your head, it makes for an easy decapitation, that and if I were to shoot at your right area I would always hit. Smart people keep there heads down or straight, and smart dogs go to their cages, that is to say, go back," Aiden was now behind Riko with his hand on his forehead.
"What's your problem?" Riko raised an eyebrow.

"And why are you so close to me?!" He asked as he shoved

the guy away from him.
"It's an order," Aiden said shifting the pain of a full clip of a machine gun into Riko.

"I wonder, would you like to know what I did to the kid? He got shot thirty times, though you can't see it! So, go back, or I make him wish he was dead," Aiden ordered at Nichole. His face was beaming with a smile and a proud look, matched equally well with his open lab coat.
Riko let out a huge shriek of pain as he collapsed to the ground, covering his head and wincing in pain. He cursed under his breath.
"Yes girl, that's an order, Now back!" he finally replied picking Riko back up. He positioned him in a head grab so he could snap Riko's head at no notice.

"Come now doggy, I've got to take one of you to see if it worked, and I can't do it anywhere, so no cliche comeback for you," he whispered maliciously in Riko's ear as he slowly withdrew from the scene.
His arm failed to snap Riko's neck, but that's not to say he didn't do damage, he used his arm as leverage to kick Nichole off her feet, while breaking Riko's arm.

He pinned Nichole to the ground and he started to send the pain again, this time he sent the pain of being stabbed twenty three times in the chest.

"Be a docile kitty cat, it saves me time," he commented.

(Who knows that Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times in the chest by the Senate?)
Nichole bit her lip she wasn't going to give an inch. she headbutted him and kicked him off. she pulled back an arrow having perfect aim and let it fly. it glowed with her aura going faster and faster. (i do!)
(I didn't know that)

Riko shouted painfully again when his arm was broken. His eyes widened, seeing that he was now attacking Nichole. With his arm dangling limp and useless, he clenched his other fist in anger. A ball of fire seemed to surrond his hand. "GET THE F*** AWAY!!!" He demanded and sent Aiden flying clear across the room, while setting him on fire.
"Don't mess with someone if you don't know their abilities." Ciel said, mocking the strangers earlier tone. "Smart people would know better." When Ciel feels his friends are threatened he can get like this.

"Now's my chance." Ciel raised his arm, and an ice wall appeared between the group and the stranger.
"And I was being nice to you.... unlike you I have backup plans," Aiden growled as he flipped a switch and flew down a hole, into HQ.

As he landed a large woman, with purple hair and a truly scary look on her face growled at Aiden.

"So you've failed Nixon. You do know what this means right?" the woman asked with her omnipresent glare simply scaring Aiden

"My excuses General Cytpra, I was outma-" he was interrupted as her yell tore through the room and up the chute, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU WERE OUTMATCHED, HOW COULDN'T YOU BRING ONE DOCILE KITTEN OVER TO ME!" she roared.

"They figured out their powers, I was burning but the chute helped me... and they tore my coat... meanies," Aiden now notice the burn and cut through the coat and frowned.

"You mean it worked? Get me up there Nixon, lest I slash you with my weapon now," General Cytpra ordered as he readied the chute to be sent upwards.

"YOU BROUGHT THIS ON YOURSELVES SMART ONES!" Aiden yelled as General Cytpra went up the chute.

This is what the general looks like

Nichole had three arrows ready in her bow. she said''are you ok rikon?''voice full of concern (sorry it took me o long i was looking up dresses for my military ball)
Meiko covered her mouth, not really sure what to say after all of that. She looked at Ciel, then the others...still processing what happened.

Riko groaned and sat down on the floor, holding onto his broken arm. He nodded, even though it wasn't at all true , then asked her "Are you ok?"
Nichole nodded and ran over to him inspecting his arm. she got some casts and stuff. she gently wrapped it after placing a splint on his arm. she finished and smiled at her work. she said''im fine and you're gonna be off that arm for a few weeks.''
(So did Aiden go up the chute too? Or is he still behind the ice wall?)

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