
Pendleton turned around and moved her head as if looking for someone, though her eyes were closed. "Yes. I believe this boy, Riko, is stuck. Well, I don't want to assume. Riko, are you trapped?" Pendleton turned her face back to the wall.
Meiko couldn't help but turn a bit red when Ciel grabbed ahold of her hand. 'Not now you idiot!' She thought at herself. 'This could be a life-or-death situation!!'

"Yeah," Riko replied and glanced around the room again. "I can't find any door or opening."
"Um, hi... I'm Ciel. " Ciel tried speaking through the wall. "I can feel your soul... hang on. We need to break this wall somehow." "Does either of you know what your powers are?" Ciel asked the two girls.
"How are we going to do that? Are you the world's strongest man?" Pendleton nearly scowled, but sighed instead. "Maybe if we all kicked it.... Or something."
Meiko looked all around, what do you use when want to break through a wall? She felt a tingle as something appeared on her back. She quickly looked back to see..."What?! W-Wings?" She fell back with the sudden weight added to her back. As she fell, her powerful wings ripped right through the stone wall, creating a large opening. "Well...there's an opening..." she giggled and tried to stand back up. "What's with me and falling today?"

Riko climbed out of the hole. "Thanks...but still..where are we? What just happened?"
Pendleton stayed in the same spot as Meiko's wings destroyed the stone wall. "Perhaps we should worry more with how to get out of here." She said quietly, fiddling with the hem of her striped hoodie.
Pendleton raised a hand, searching for his face. Instead she found his hand that was on his forehead. "Do not strain yourself," she spoke softly; it was as if the wind had spoken. She let her hand drop as soon as the words left her mouth. "We should probably just explore."
Ciel looked at Riko. "Your soul. It's.. warm." maybe a little too warm Ciel thought.

Ciel was still confused about what was happening. "Look around. Where do we go from here?" He looked at the many corridors. "This is too confusing." Ciel sighs.
"My soul is...warm? What does that mean?" Riko asked Ciel curiously.

Meiko eyed Pendleton, why her eyes were closed. 'Is she blind?' She wondered. "I'm gonna go look over here," she muttered and walked off into a different hallway, trying to get used to her wings along the way.
"I can't explain. It's like.. it emits this heat. I can feel it. Please, I need to get away from you, I'm not feeling so well." Ciel started feeling light headed as he walked the opposite direction down the corridor.
"I suppose you and I should explore together, then." Pendleton said to Riko. She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Lead the way."
Meiko looked back. "Ciel? Ciel are okay?" She walked over to him and set a hand on his shoulder.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Riko asked Pendleton with a slight frown.
"No, not that I notice. If he can sense your soul, and it's warm, but he didn't feel well because of it, then you're probably just to kind or whatever." Pendleton shrugged and gave him a tiny encouraging smile.
"Maybe...I have a power and a weakness?" He asked Meiko. "I... It was warm. And I mean literally warm as in it felt like I was by a fireplace." "The heat isn't working out for me, I don't think. I almost passed out. It's a good thing I got away from him."
Riko only shrugged. "Alright..." he said started walking, Pendleton's hand still on his shoulder. "I guess we can look over here."

(I have to log off now. Night guys!)
"Great, though I don't really know where 'over here is'." She gave a light-hearted laugh. "I hope you don't mind me holding onto your shoulder; I can't see so I'll need you to lead me."

(T.T Sadness.)
"...maybe that means he's working with the scientists," Meiko suggested and sheugged. She paused a moment tyen added, "Or maybe it has to do with whatever power he has.....I'm not really sure. I don't think it's that you have a weakness.

A small smile appeared on Riko's face. "Um, sure." He said and led her through the hallway.

(Hello! :D )

(I had an idea for the story that they get attacked by some scientists or guards and have to fight them...)
"Hehe, you might be right." Ciel said. "What should we do? It's not like we know the layout of this place very well." Ciel paused again. "Let's look for a way out..."

(Sounds good :D )

"Right. How about we try going this way." Meiko started walking to the right. Suddenly two large guards walked out into the hallway. "Hey! You two!" They shouted angerly and raced towards them.

"Ok..never mind!" Meiko grabbed Ciel's hand, then ran back the way they came.
Ciel followed Meiko, and noticed that the guards were still chasing them. They almost caught up to the two, but then Ciel put his hand on one of the guards's arm, and the guard froze, and fell to the ground. "Cool.." Ciel said softly, making an unintended pun. The other guard stood gazing at his frozen comrade in astonishment. This gave Ceros the chance to swipe the frozen guard's sword, and continue running away with Meiko.
Meiko looked back just in time to see Ciel freeze both guards just by lightly touching them. "Woah!" She said in shock and awe. "You can freeze stuff? Oh, that must be your power." A smile appeared.

"Hear what?" Riko asked and stopped. "I didn't hear anything...what did it sound like?"

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