
Riko blinked a couple times before he began walking again. "Well...I think it was nothing."

Almost instantly, a group of five scientists stepped around the corner. The were too busy chatting with eachother so they hadn't noticed the two yet.

"Oh crap!" Riko grumbled under his breath. He quickly stopped in his tracks. "They're right ahead of us. We need to hide." He whispered to Pendleton.
"Hehe, I guess it is." Ciel smiled back. "And now I have a weapon. Nice." Suddenly, he hears distant voices. "Meiko, do you hear that?" Ciel tries to sense their souls. "The two people we met before.. Their down that way with five other people.." Ciel said, confused.
"Five others? Like, one of us?" Meiko asked Ciel as he concentrated

on their souls. She was confused too and a little worried

for her new friends.
"R-right... Do you see any doors? If not we need to turn back," Pendleton's heart began ramming against her rub cage. She quickly felt along the wall for a door
Riko quickly and silently looked around. "Closet," he whispered, then slowly and cautiously opened the door. He went into the closet with Pendleton. Without thinking and also because he was scared, he gripped her hand. He crossed his fingers with his other hand and held his breath. 'Please walk past! Please just walk past!' He practically begged outloud.
"I don't think so. They don't feel like they have powers, they feel more evil." "I think the two have managed to escape, or at least hide, but would you like to go and save them anyways?"
"Yeah! Let's go kick their butts!" Meiko cheered. "I might figure out if these wings of mine are good for anything besides crushing walls." She giggled.
Ciel laughed. "Crushing walls can be pretty useful though"

"Let's go" He said, grabbing her hand again so she wouldn't be left behind.

When they arrived, Ciel saw the five people he sensed. "They definitely don't look like they're 'good guys'". And then, they noticed the two looking at them, and surrounded them.

"Looks like.. we have to fight them." Ciel unsheathed his sword, and cooled down the blade so that it would hurt extra when he slashed through his opponents. He stabbed one of the guards through the chest, and they fell on the ground, only a trace amount of blood made it to the floor because it had frozen. Four more to go.
"Uh... Riko." Pendleton whispered. "You're.. You're holding my hand.." She didn't try to remove her hand even though she said something about it."

(Sorry if this looks like poo or something like that I'm posting this from my phone and it's being difficult)
"S-Sorry," Riko whispered and released her hand. His cheeks turned a little red again, but he didn't say anything else. He listened carefully to the outside noises.

Meiko squealed when of the guards grabbed her arm. Her wing seemed to move on its on as it slammed the guard right into the ground. Her eyes widened in shock, but was soon attacked again by two other guards. They both reached into their pockets and pulled out a pistol. She blocked with her wings as they started firing. "Ciel, apparently they have guns!" She shouted over the gunfire, then tried to attack them. She flung one of the guards clear across the entire hallway. The remaining guard (besides the other two that ciel is fighting) quickly reloaded his weapon and fired; she screamed when the bullet went right through her shoulder.
"Meiko!" Ciel yelled as he heard his friend's shriek. He quickly froze one of the guard's hands before he could shoot, and slashed at the other one. He stabbed through the one with the frozen hands' chest, and they both died. He made an ice pillar appear, crushing the remaining guard against the ceiling.

"Meiko, are you alright?" What should I do? he thought. He froze the blood surrounding the wound to stop the bleeding. "Help!" he called.
Riko heard the sound of fighting stop; he felt really stupid and cowardly for just hiding instead of trying to defend himself. He suddenly heard some shout out "help!" "Hey that sounded like Ciel..." Riko said to Pendleton and stepped out into the hallway. He ran over to them then asked, "What the heck happened?!"

Meiko covered up her wound. "...I might have gotten shot."

"What? They have guns!?" Riko gasped. 'They must REALLY not want us to leave...' he thought.
(um may i join?)username: yullen-chan




looks:afr. american light skin, short black hair with long bangs, hazel eyes,wears glasses,5'4 1/2

personality:shy,yet hyper and fun when you get to know her,protective of friends


crush bf/gf:none

other:uses bow and arrows yet this are sacred,when she uses them she lows with a magenta aura, she loves singing drawing reading and animals (um can you catch me up on what all has happened please?)
(Yeah, of course. I'll add ur character now)

(The story so far: they escaped from their but are still trapped in the huge building. They were searching for others or possibly a way out when the guards jumped out. They justt got rid of a group of them.)

Name: Aiden Nixon

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Looks: Aiden Nixon is a caucasian, skinny guy. His hair is black and he usually wears a lab coat. He also wears really thick glasses and black pants.

Personality: He's arrogant and haughty, but avoids hubris and knows when to back down

Power: He has the ability to inflict pain upon an individual (Such as you would feel like if someone shot you, but if somebody looked at you, you would just be rocking your head in pain.

Other: He's actually just the scientist's lap dogs to make sure everything stays in line, and if something goes a wrong, well, it'll be nice knowin you.

Crush/Bf/Gf: He's a pervert all around in general.



In case I could still join
(Is the bullet still in her shoulder or did it graze her?)
(I finished adding your character, begin rping whenever.)

(The bullet went right through her, its not in her shoulder anymore.)
Riko quickly turned his head towards the girl when he heard her voice. He sighed in relief, realizing it wasn't an enemy. "Um, hi." He replied.
"We're just like you...trying to figure out what the heck is going. My name's Riko." Riko introduced himself. He then continued and asked her, "Are you one of the teens being tested on?"

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