
Aiden opened the door with a smile on his face. He had still donned his lab coat, but if you looked closely underneath this collar some medals could be seen.

"Well, it seems you two have finally gotten up, I'd like to show you my greatest invention yet, the Avalon!" Aiden threw open the window and showed him the humongous air ship that flew the sky and then he turned on a TV, to show them something insane. Korean people were speaking and some English subtitles went under, they were showing that same ship that Aiden had shown them.

'The US Imperialists have attempted to launch a powerful nuclear warhead to hurt the people of Korea, the Great Leader has used an airship dubbed as the Avalon to destroy the bomb at a high range. This is the recording of it.'

The TV showed a missile being launched and suddenly a huge missile going at insane speeds, with a high pitch it broke the missile, nuking all of the land.

"That was Los Angeles bring destroyed by my creation, and I have tons of other airships and tanks in store, the destruction will be awesome!" his jumped up and then a new message came under.

'Our Saudi Arabian allies have invaded Europe and have taken down many nations of varying stature, one of which being France. They plan to attack Germany next, but aren't going to attack the United Kingdom until all of Europe is taken'. The subtitles read.

"Yup, this is it, Korea and Saudi Arabia have teamed up to take over the world! Two world powers seemingly living in peace but in reality we're gonna blow them up once they finish the painstakingly slow task of taking Europe. They're still using their rudimentary technology, so I think we'll destroy them, you?" he asked turning the TV off as it was starting to show more military marches. He than grabbed two boxes.

"Since it's our one week anniversary of having you two in my captivity, I thought I'd give you a present!" he teased giving them a present box, almost like if it was Christmas, in an odd way.

That's the avalon
However, Riko stared at the screen with horrified eyes. His jaw even dropped a little. " just killed hundreds of people...." he muttered.
"Not hundreds, millions!" he exclaimed as the Avalon flew past and he beckoned for them to open what he called a present.

"Now I know that you know that I know presents are good, in about every case, so open it come on..." he said, then he added, "Oh right, now, the next plan of action is to make 'peace' with America,"

(Sorry such a small post, I usually write paragraphs)
"Millions...?" Riko repeated quietly. He looked down at the gift he was given. He waited a second before slowly opening it, not sure what to think of it.
Inside the box was a huge amount of manuscripts, charred diaries and other papers, including fomulae to poisons, and other really not safe stuff.

"You're gonna love reading those pages, I wrote them when I was just a young boy, wait a second... I technically still am, that's a conundrum for you to think about right there," he said and walked out, to let Nichole open her present, and he walked back into his empty room. On one of the edges of the room a small charred diary was on the corner, the same one in front of Riko.

'Sometimes, I'd stare at the world, with problems that no human could care about, with desires that reeked of worthlessness, as I think about this it gives me the sense that I am better, and figure out I am no better than they are, I've made it in my head, I am simply just as mediocre as they are. Then I look at myself in a different light, what exactly have I just written, Have I admitted the last truth and told myself that I am just as mediocre as the world in which people fall at the thought of not being luxurious? Have I really broken from the bond that ties the world to itself? No, I have not, in reality though, there is no actual way of not being different scientifically and metaphorically. By reading this, and or writing this, you mirror the thoughts that I have written and you are human, just like the rest of us. Truth be told, what you are reading and or writing on this page will get you absolutely nowhere in this world, in which I write this piece of paper in. That could be my goal, to make a world where this knowledge will get you somewhere, will let you live, and how do you suppose that this be done? Well, getting rid of the people who threaten such a horrific existence' the passage ended with a date at the bottom, January 1st 2008, next to it was the formula for Sarin, used in a Tokyo subway attack hurting 208 people, with how to synthesize it, and where to get the materials.

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