
Riko sighed, still covering his wound. "I'm sorry I can't protect you..I'm just a wimp." He muttered softly, forcing a small smile.
Nichole said''this'll help sorry bout this..''drinking some of her potion. she kissed him getting it down his throat. she broke the kiss. ''you'll feel better..''blushing.
Riko stared up at the ceiling, ignoring her comment. He slowly closed his eyes again. He sighed and put a hand over his wound again.
Nichole twitched some in her sleep. She woke up feeling something bad was coming. ''Crap how did they find me?!'' ducking as a rock was thrown through the window. outside was a group of vampire's from her town.
Nichole said''stay down!'' one of them jumped in. ''hello you sorry excuse. time to die!''his eyes blood red. Nichole whimpered and quickly looked for her weapon.
Nichole screamed when he tossed her against the wall. she struggled to stand and saw her weapon. she ran for it. the vampire tackled her and she cried out. she reached for it and another vampire stepped on her arm. she smirked and applied more pressure.
Riko glared at the vampire and aimed his pistol at his brain, a killing shot. His hand was kind of shakey though, causing him to miss and only shoot the vampire's ear. "D*mnit," he cursed under his breath.
Nichole let out a blood curdling scream hearing and feeling a snap. The vampire said''your boyfriend's a terrible shot.'' they picked her up and slammed her into the wall. the girl said''i wonder what would happen if i smash her arrows and bow?'' smirking. she broke one and Nichole screamed.
Riko forced himself to stand up, groaning in pain. He pulled a large dagger out and raced forward. He plunged the knife through the vampire's back and into his heart. "GET THE F*** AWAY FROM HER!!" he demanded.
That vampire turned around and said''LEARN YOUR PLACE!"punching Riko. Nichole eyes went blood red. The other vamp snapped another arrow. Nichole screamed again. the vamp said''its sad really you shouldn't have put your life force into this stuff...'' the male vamp said''want me to kill her bf?'' Nichole said''DONT YOU DARE LAY A HAND ON HIM!"grabbing him by his throat.
Riko cursed again when the vampire punched him. He killed up in a ball on the ground. 'WHY AM I SO D*** PATHETIC?! D*MNIT!!' He was screaming in his head and tried to get back up, but failed at that.

The vampire said''get your hands off me!'' Nichole said''LEARN YOUR PLACE!"round house kicking him out the window.(Rashiro vampire reference)the girl vamp picked up Riko. ''do you want him to die?!'' Nichole blinked her eyes back to normal. ''NO PLEASE DONT HURT HIM!"crying. the vampire said''your're not a real vampire! you need to be eliminated!! YOU ARE FORBIDDEN TO FALL FOR A HUMAN!"
(ikr its like their romance is like the vampire version of romeo and juliet) Nichole said''JUST LET HIM GO!" The vampire said''will you break up and kill him?'' Nichole said''NEVER I"LL NEVER HURT HIM! I LOVE HIM!" She said''you will not!''

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