
He picked up his gun and shot again, this time to Riko's kneecap.

"You can keep trying to heal him, I'll just make his pain continue, don't make him suffer," Aiden commented waiting for him to heal only to shoot him again.
"Can you just get in the god damn jet?" he asked and held his gun pointing to Riko's hand ready to shoot another bullet.
"Break the barrier," he ordered shooting a bullet near Riko. He then drank from a portable cup of green tea.

"You have no clue how much this helps with sleep issues, ten times better than coffee," he remarked sipping the tea slowly.
Harumi walked up to Riko and Nichole. "You might not want to help him or Aiden will shoot him. Just slow down the bleeding." She suggested handing her some bandages.
"Much better, thanks Harumi," he said walking over to the bundle, "You have about fifteen minutes to heal as much as possible, then we'll do the rest," he explained, then sat on a tree stump that had been charred.
Harumi moved over to Aiden, "sometimes violence won't solve anything." She said counting the seconds as they went by in her head.
"I'll emphasize on the sometimes," he jibed opening up a old piece of paper, in it a speech lay there.

'The world lies! Thou shalt not commit murder, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not cheat, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife. All of these are lies! Mere illusions and nothing more! They don't want to be killed, they don't want to be robbed, using the twin lies of justice and morality, the weak are endeavouring to protect themselves. But the first truth is that the strong devour the weak, so let us feed upon people, upon wealth, upon riches and power!''

She read the paper, it seemed like something Aiden would say. She sighed and walked over to Nichole. "Nichole, you know we're the only girls in this place, I know we don't get along at all but can we try to get along even a little bit?" Harumi offered.
"We're leaving, come on," Aiden said walking towards the jet, and sat down.

"Heal him will you?" he asked one of the medics on the plane, who worked on him a lot better than Nichole, speedily scalping out the bullet and disinfecting it. In a few seconds they were back in Pyongyang. Then he recieved a cell call.

"Hello Aiden, I see you've brought them back, just to let you know, we've taken over China, and we're having a meeting on airships to stop nuclear warheads, you and your science department is needed, report to Un Square at once!" the voice ordered, and Aiden looked over at Harumi and gave her a hug.

"Take care of those two, don't let them do anything too stupid," he said then walked over and out.
"Don't worry about him so much, he'll be fine." She said before sighing. Harumi hated her power, Riko was weak so he couldn't control his thoughts which meant Harumi could hear everything he thought about, she sighed again.
"Today, we will commence our meeting, I will start by saying that the Korean Empire is at risk of nuclear bomb attacks, who here agrees with me?" the dictator asked, and all four generals, including Aiden shot their hand up.

"Science Brigadier General Aiden, mind telling us your thoughts and solutions?" the dictator asked him this time, and he eased up, he had the first talk.

"I think that a nuclear missile strike is going to be a sure thought of the Americans and Russians, we advance too quickly and they are afraid of our expansion, we do have ours and China's nuclear warheads, but India, Pakistan, and a huge amount of countries also have nuclear warheads. I've come up with a design brief on a airship that could potentially wipe warheads out before they even fly, this is, the Avalon," he said showing them the design brief, it was a huge warship, with cannons that could wipe out islands of the map, and a long range cannon, his idea got a huge applause, even a small one from the Foreign General.

"Well Aiden, I think we can commence building that, we'll get to work right away, good job, you are excused from this meeting," the dictator let him go and he walked back to the complex.
Nichole looked back at riko. she wanted to be by him but she was afraid he'd get hurt even more. she banged her head on the wall.''ugh! get a hold of yourself!''slapping her self. she shook her head and said''ok''
(Well he's not old, he's just really young, and he's chubby, so that can change your view point and dialogue on him, also he's the one in charge of NK,)

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