
Riko shrugged, he was really confused. 'Is this supposed to happen...since I control fire? Maybe I should ask Aiden- wait, heck no I'm talking to that b*tch...' he thought.
Eventually one man decided to try to stab Aiden in the back with a rusted knife, as he raised it over his head Aiden drank his toast and told the man behind him, not even turning his head, "You can commence the excecution, that is, if you can," as he said this a secret police shot his knife out and into a wall.

"I thank you, Gim, I don't think any more idiots will try to stab me," his voice was not the whiny voice it was, but a mastered voice that sort of had calmness, aside from that, his eye had a tint of green. He then grabbed the lithium and passed a smoke of it to Harumi.

"You are exempt from all laws other than genocide of people above you while you're mine," he said as he lit the smoke, he didn't hoard the smoke but calmly smoked it in and out. He had had multiple instances where he injected drugs onto himself by pure accident, so lithium was more of a normal thing, but to Harumi, she might go a little out of it, and if he was unlucky, she'd be a total jack ass, but that's what happens when you're drunk.

(Is it? Thanks to black marketing the North Korean Won could be up to 4000 to a dollar, but legally it's 143 to a dollar.
Harumi kept quiet as she didn't know what to say. "I'm guessing this is normal for you." She finally said.

(How do you know so much about Korea? If you don't mind me asking)
(A ton of research for fun, and a VICE documentary)

Aiden looked over at Harumi with an almost apologetic look on his face, "Yes quite, now, would you like to actually smoke your smoke?" he asked, but then added quickly, "Mainly because if you don't want it, I'll gladly take it, and you'd miss an experience."

He then whiffed his smoke and drank a shot of rum, keeping his count smaller than 13, lest he had an overdose and died a rather anti-climatic death, so he passed the bottle to Harumi and in his weird way of ordering and yet asking or maybe even begging he asked Harumi,"Would you like to drink your shot? I'd rather you not drink a lot, but maybe one shot would do."
She passed him the smoke "You'd probably like it more than me anyway." She said while staring at the bottle. Harumi didn't want to feel left out or disappoint him so she drank a bit. "Happy now?" She asked turning to him.
Riko held her hand as he concetrated, closing his eyes for a second. He felt the ball of fire in his hand grow in size and power. It grew greater with the help of Nichole. He stared at the ball of fire as it began to get pretty big. He got distracted and kind of llst control it of it, sending it forward then lighting a tree on fire. "Oh s***!" He said and stood up.
Aiden started to smile for once, but you could see he retained that odd, polite form, something that reminded you of 1920's people, it's a smile of pure love, but something else irradiated from it, a sort of look in his smile that made you think, 'This guy'll either save my life, or more likely kill me.'

"I've no choice but to let you stay yourself, I'd rather you not get too drunk, so one little shot is enough; I think karaoke is starting, would you like to participate? I'm not one for singing, I'm more director slash composer slash euphonist thing," he commented, slowly the form disappeared and he went back to his normal, average self, and you could see, the bar also got rowdy, before he even started a door closed and a man left out, probably the secret police man.
Nichole said''i got it stay back i don't want the water to drain your energy!'' she ran to the water and a ball of aura was filled with water. she then tossed it at the tree putting out the fire. she looked at riko saying''you must keep focus never get distracted it can take everything in an instant no matter the power it will always bring pain and sadness if not used with great care....''
Harumi felt like giving him a big hug! She had never seen Aiden smile before. "I'm not one for singing either, at least not around people and especially not drunk people." She said refraining from hugging him and instead smile back.
Aiden slowly moved his face towards Harumi's ear and started to whisper, "You do know, this place is known as illegal, so I could just kill everyone here for fun, but eh... that doesn't seem fun, considering they're grown men and such," he smirked and yelled, "Free rum for everyone! That and who wants to play me, Texas Hold 'Em Poker!" as he finished his yell a ton of people cheered, and one handsome looking man came up to him and replied, "No rum for me thanks, but I do want to play a Brigadier General at Poker."

As they sat down he motioned for Harumi to come, the game started, and many a turn they would spend a few minutes staring at each other but finally Aiden won a huge sum of money, he then congratulated the man saying, "You know what they say, the only way to win at poker is to cheat without being caught, and you did cheat darn well," the man jovially replied, "Why, I've never found someone who beat me at poker, considering that I cheat very well, how did you pull off the royal flush so quickly?" they started talking in a conversation, but Aiden quickly remembered Harumi and brought her over, but not before asking the man, "So what's your name?", only for him to reply, "Well, funny thing, I'm not Korean at all, I'm actually Mongolian, name's Altan Kalmyk," he held out his hand and Aiden shaked it, and you could tell these two would constantly try to outwit each other at poker.
Nichole tried to push the thought away but it clouded her head. she heard nothing but screams and ''NICHOLE LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER! SHES DEAD ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" she whispered''im sorry im so sorry im sorry......''eyes dull and she covered her ears.
Nichole fell to her knees crying. ''IM SORRY OM SO SORRY IT IT JUST HAPPENED I DIDNT KILL HER IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!!" she was hunched over in pain at her bad memory.

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