
Harumi followed him, sighing in relief. "Why did you decide you wanted to do this? It's not like you gain anything from it." She asked when they had reached the room.
"It's quite simple really, I'm the Brigadier General of the DPRK, basically I'm the dictator of all science advancement, and we've recently taken over South Korea, Japan, extended to French Indo China, and Indonesia," he said was he injected general anesthetics. Then he grabbed an X-Ray, "Hold this for me," he ordered as he started to type on a computer, bringing an image of the cells in the bones, intestines, and even the brain. He then wrote some properties down a piece of paper, and opened another sheet.

(The DPRK is the `Democratic People's Republic of Korea` or North Korea, but now they're Korea)
"Oh, if you were wondering. I did it because I go to spend more time with you." She said in almost a whisper a blush came to her face, easily visible on her pale skin.
"Is it so? Well, that is quite a surprise, considering I'm usually fighting five people," he said jokingly as he stood up and turned the page over; he didn't see the blush as he was too busy writing more into another sheet, and did this so until he finished.

"I could take you outside this building, to the block and around, but Pyongyang isn't that pretty, that's in a little years," he said as he finished the writing and held Harumi's hand.
Harumi didn't know what to say or do so she just kept quiet as the blush on her face grew more visible.
He brought her outside to the sun outside, which seemed unusually bright for Pyongyang.

"Who do you think made the clouds move? The air or you?" he asked as she was brought towards a cross walk.

"Where shall I take you hmm? We could go to a bar, if you're feeling like moonlighting, or we could go to a restaurant, but the best option, I think, would be nicer if I took you where you want, where ever it is," he said seeming to throw her up in a waltz.
"I don't really mind where we go." She said shielding her eyes from the sunlight that she wasn't used to.
"I can't take the dreariness of a restaurant, maybe we should go to a bar?" he suggested and waited for her response, he looked through his coat and picked up a parasol.

(I need to go for about an hour)
She nodded her head enthusiastically, she was hoping he would say that.

(I've got to go as well.)
"Well then, why not we go now?" he said bringing her to a cheaper bar, where their presence was not appreciated.

"The hell is a couple doing here?" one drunk asked in his own language.

"You insult the brigadier general of the army?" he asked as he showed his badge and the guy recoiled and looked at his shoes in a new light.

"So, I wonder how much rum they have here, bartendy! Get us the strongest rum ya got, and I'm gonna put it bluntly, if you have lithium, I'd love to buy some too," he said as the bartender brought them insanely strong rum, and he snuck a little bit of the drug Lithium.

"You pay now, 7150 won, I don't care if you're a general or not," the man said as he paid the fee.

"A toast, to your wicked beauty," Aiden said raising his glass.

(143 Won is one dollar, so you can do the nerd math)
(I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting on here recently. I just got distracted by another rp and...kinda forgot. Did I miss anything?)
Riko wondered how his girlfriend was doing, mainly because he hadn't seen her a while. He looked in the bedroom and saw that she was asleep. He waited to see if she would start whimpering. He was worried that she might have another nightmare.

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