
He stumbled a little and picked up Harumi.

"Now look at you, you said you didn't need a baby sitter, any reconsideration?" he asked bringing her to her room.
"Shut up!" She got on to her own feet. "But thank you, I owe you." She said quietly, hoping he didn't hear.
Aiden smiled and walked out of her room but not before turning back and saying, "We wake up tomorrow at about six in the morning, so get some sleep will you?" he said before he left and turned out the lights.

As he returned he fell to sleep in his slumber once more.
Harumi woke up early and walked out of her room only to see Nichole, she turned around and walked back into her room.
Aiden walked down to meet Harumi, but couldn't find her. He looked towards the her room.

"Hello! Don't tell me you're still asleep!" he said, opening the doors, he then told her to get up and follow him.
Harumi decided she can't avoid Nichole forever and opened the door and sat next to her. "I would have shot you if I had a gun." She said.
she looked at the ceiling and rubbed her temples having a major headache. she looked at the girl then got up abruptly leaving. she wasn't usually mean and cold but she was pretty pissed at the moment.
"I've got a batch of people and it's time to inject them with the drug. First day, so expect some fighting to go out," he said walking to a sterile room.

"Hello test subject's number 5 6 7 8 and 9. We've got work to do so stay still will ya?" he said to a batch of scared children strapped onto a table.
[QUOTE="yullen-chan]Nichole walked out of her room. (same here not the same without him)

[/QUOTE](Wait wait wait, "Him"? Um....Imma GIRL)(Btw, what did I miss?)
She followed him and looked at the children with a sympathetic face, her face became neutral before Aiden noticed. "Kay, so what do you need me to do?"
(Its okay, it doesn't bother that much)

Riko had no idea where anyone was. He must've fell asleep asleep or something because when he awoke, everyone was gone. He stood up and brushed himself off.
Nichole twirled her necklace between her fingers then got up. she went to her room and turned on some music and danced doing her own moves and then put on some Beetoven and danced gracefully. dancing was one way she released her stress.
Inject the chemical in their right arm once, try to not let them bite you or anything, and I'll take care of the sterilization process and several chemicals used to hurry up the use of the drugs," he said injecting one shot in, only to hear a scream and fidgeting, the one he shot was strong enough to half get up and try to punch him, but he kicked the hand away.
"Okay." She said and choose a victim, she read the persons mind to hear their thoughts, she heard that the child liked chocolate ice-cream. "Just think about ice-cream." She said and the child instantly calmed down enough for her to quickly inject them.

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